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Monday, February 14, 2005
...Well Somebody's Tenacious Today....!
Mood:  accident prone
I can be jealous. Veeeery jealous. It's really not good, but I think I like to be mad... Oops. Oh well, I'm not changing, though I don't know what been bothering me since Winterfest...Maybe even before..once I realized the effect Swing Dance could have on a person, even though you're not partaking in it...That could be it! Maybe it the humping part..and the spread legs part..and the contact part..and the fact the only skiiny hoochie people can do it and us fat sophisticated people can't!! ..Okay so I'm not EXTREMELY fat..and I'm not sophisticated. Haha.. If I swing danced with Travis I wonder what he would say..You see, he can be jealous and mad about me but he expects me to be all-right with everything he does. Maybe its not the whole "swing dancing" thing. Maybe it's the "Heidi" this, "Heidi" that...every 15 minutes..or the "which[hoochie dancer whore]girl am I going to ride with to Dance and Drill today..?" Ok..minus the whore! They're still my friends. Even though I almost KILLED Julie at Winterfest. Oops! (sorry Jewlz) (kind of)..I don't know. I just get mad at everything he does lately, every girl he talks to, every guy that gives him alchohal and posesses him to become a sex-craved monster like themselves. You know..I even got jealous of God. I'll explain next entry...
Stacy and I made up. We forgot the whole Ashley thing, and I talked to Travis today, even though most of it was fighting and an attempt to shove a Tuba up one's butt....sideways..! Don't try that anywhere but Cardinal! Ha ha that was funny. His mom sent him flowers at the school today. That's so cute. (yeah he told me)
Basketball's over tomorrow! YEAS!! Last practice 5:15pm TOMORROW!! (i hope) But then there's still weights..blahgg..
Well, I'm going to get out of here and maybe see if Aaron's still coming down. He might now because his mom wants to go to town. She's there every day and she doesn't have a job so why doesn't she go during the day? DUH! I really think shes crazy. Long story, but just go with it.


Posted by blog2/kate_str at 6:55 PM CST
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Thursday, February 10, 2005
When Life Hands you Lemons....
Mood:  a-ok
Ashley...Travis.. Two people I could definately live without in my life. Taken care of!
..Let me guess...You're confused?? Let me clear that up.
Ashley jumped me yesterday by saying "Katie, Darling, how are you..?" Which lead to the interrogation about a flaming rumor about her and Travis making out in the Band Room. Whoa, that got blown out... Ha ha! Oh! About Ashley: She's crazy. Not like ordinary crazy, but crazy! She's "suicidal" though she can't seem to do away with herself.. How hard is it? She's really a bitch, too. She's trying to break me and Aaron up. Psssh. Yeah, right. Maybe later....darling. :)
So Ashley attacked Sheldon today (ex boyfriend of hers..) She ripped off his very nice necklace that his girlfriend got for him and, of course, it broke. Then stretched out his shirt neck trying to strangle him or something gay. We really can't figure out how she would ever kill someone else when she can't kill herself.. She's probably just so amazing like that.. Well, Sheldon has scratches all over his neck and she has given him one to many problems, so hes pressing charges. Good call, but aparently she is going to press them back because of him grabbing her arms to KEEP HER FROM KILLING HIM! Good luck, I say!
So, One down, I'm happy with Sheldon!
Travis Lynn Hudson: Where do I begin.
Travis was.. one of my greatest guy friends. I told him secrets, I trusted him. He told me I could never be embarassed to say anything to him and he said he wouldn't be embarassed to talk with me. You know. Hopefully.. So, I fell for this guy. He was sweet to me, like no one has ever been. Everyone said without knowing about my little "crush" that it would be so cute.. blah..blah. Well he told Aaron the other day that I asked him out! Yeah, I didn't. We're friends. Friends don't go out. Well I cried for what Travis did to me and then last night he kept me up texting me and chewing at ME for this rumor!! I don't want to go into the rumor. Way too long. I lost him as a friend because he totally stabbed me in the back. But I'm ok now. I am happy with Aaron and I'm still killing myself over why I would ever like someone like Travis. Oh well. When life hands you lemons..make screwdrivers! Wait...thats oranges isn't it? Yeah..darn..This story is way longer but my fingers are tired, so I'm going to go read Ashley's diary and maybe see if she put any dirt on there about me ;).
I'm so happy that they are out of my life now. And I'm almost excited for Winterfest tomorrow!!

I have nothing against suicidal people. Only ones with mental problems who take it out on people I love or try to bring them into it.

Posted by blog2/kate_str at 6:08 PM CST
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Sunday, January 23, 2005

Mood:  spacey
Today was a bummer.I went to church, that was ok, but then I was supposed to go out to the school to work at the Little Comet Wrestling Invitational. I got there at about 11:10 or something like that. I called Tara to see where she was and she told me to come over to the ICN room, so I did and I asked her what to do and she started having this retarded attitude problem so I stayed for a little bit and eventually went to find Mr. Loerzel and I didn't have anything to do so I just went home. On top of that Tara "accidently" left my hair straightener at her dads so I will not be getting that for another 2 weeks so I am exuberantly pissed off! (notice the big words)
On top of that Aaron is mad at me for not asking my parents if he can come down today. But I'm grounded, and I would like to keep myself out of being more grounded than I already am!
I have LOADS of Algebra to do today. Applications. Due tomorrow. There's about 79-83 problems to do. Maybe more, I'm not sure. I haven't really looked at them.
Today hasn't been good, I feel like being alone now, because of everyone thats been on my butt all day. Thats great. I do want to talk to Aaron though..He is supposed to call later. That will seem like forever!

Posted by blog2/kate_str at 1:29 PM CST
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