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Amanda Jane Sparks
Wednesday, 30 June 2004
Day 20 (3:01pm)
Hey guys I have been busy today. I updated my site.
here are the updates:
1 new Music Video

Updated Coming up and entertainment news.

5 new Lauren Wallpapers

More Links

I would like to think the people who have signed my guest book it means a lot Thanks.

I am working on act 14 of the Fan Fiction it should be up sometime tomorrow.

I am going to go now and watch Guiding Light. I hope you guys like what I have done on my site so far. Got to go Love ya.

Posted by blog2/javaaddic at 2:46 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 29 June 2004
Day 19 (12:55pm)
hey guys, Sorry agin for not posting. I really have had nothing to talk about. I plan on makeing a new video later on this week.

Don't forget to watch Gilmore Girls and Summerland tonight. And espically don't forget to watch the celeberty poker turnment on Brovo thursday.

Posted by blog2/javaaddic at 12:41 PM EDT
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Thursday, 24 June 2004
Day 18 (1:23pm)
Sorry I have not posted in so long. I have been busy. I made 2 new videos and several wallpapers.
Don't forget to watch tonights Celeb. Poker to see who will be playing with lauren in next weeks championship round. I really don't have that much to say. Like I have said before I have no Life lol. Well I am going to go now.

Day 18 (2:24pm)
I am bumed. I have worked for 3 years makeing graphics for websites. I was going to take a brake this summer. But then I got a offer from a website to join there graphics team. So I accepted. I applyed for the position. Which is a big mistake. I thought it was going to be professional. But it turns out all it is a buch of kids running the site. They had the gull so say my graphics where not good enough. They might not have been but they did not have to say that. I would under satand if they turned me down just because it was not the style they where looking for but to say there not good enough hurts really hurts. I make graphics everyday just about. I am certified in computer graphics. And they say not good enough, that is how I know is is run by children because real proffessionals would not say that I might say it was not exactly what there looking for. ok rant over. "I AM NOT GOING TO MAKE GRAPHICS FOR ANY BODY ELSE BUT MY SELF AND MY SITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Posted by blog2/javaaddic at 1:09 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 24 June 2004 2:15 PM EDT
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Sunday, 20 June 2004
Day 17 (6:37pm)
Hey Guys I made a new video today I hope you like it. It is on the site. I think I am going to watch a few more gg eppys and Celiberty poker agin then write more on the fan fiction I know your think it's about time. Well I am starting to get some Idea's of what to add next YAY.
I also went to the store and got my dad a fathers day gift and card and my best friend angie a card for her birthday. I will send it tommarow alon with a cd I plan on burning for her. Well I am going to go now talk to you later.

Posted by blog2/javaaddic at 6:24 PM EDT
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Saturday, 19 June 2004
Day 16 (5:29pm)
Hey Guys, I sleep too long today then I had to go to the store and to the dump. So that is why I am posting so late. I hope you guys like the new GG layout. Lauren Graham will be in the champion ships July 1st at 9:00pm on Brovo don't miss it. if you missed this weeks go to to down lad some clips of Lauren kicking butt.

It is almost 6:00pm and I am eating brekfast lol a Very nutrish one heheh Ice Cream and Cake yummy...
Well I am going to go now talk to you guys later.

Day 16 (10:27pm)
Hey guys I am back. I am downloading celeberty poker now. if you need to download it go here you will also need a torrent program such as Shareaza. I have watched the game about 6 times now and I played Texas Holdem on a casino game I have and for the 1st time I knew what I was doing. So now I can say Lauren tought me how to play poker lol. My head hurts so I am going to go now talk to ya tommarow or later. Good Night Sleep Tight don't Let Bed Bugs Bite.

Posted by blog2/javaaddic at 5:19 PM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 19 June 2004 10:11 PM EDT
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Friday, 18 June 2004
Day 15 (1:49pm)
Hello all, I am still doing a happy dance for lauren. That is so cool. That she won. Here is some things I made that you can use. in Honnor of her Win.

I am going to go now talk to ya laters.


Day 15 (5:57pm)
Hey guys it's me agin. how do you like the new layout for the blog. I decided to make it match my site alittle better. lol I am board. Well I am going to go now talk to ya laters.

Posted by blog2/javaaddic at 1:37 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, 18 June 2004 5:43 PM EDT
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Thursday, 17 June 2004
Day 14 (7:57pm)
Today has been a long hot day. have been gonet most of the day but I d manag to create a ew video called best and it is about the Friendship between Lorelai and Sookie. Don't Forget to watch Celeberity Poker tonight on Brovo Laurn Graham will be on. I hope she kicks there asses and leaves them th crying like little girls. LOl I am Evil. I also made a new wallpaper but I have not posted it on the site yet. well sweets I have to go talk back at you later or tommarow. bye bye.

Day 14 (11:22pm)
I am so Happy. Lauren won in Celiberty Poker. *I am doing a little Dance* From now on she will be queen of the bluffs lol. And she was saying she couldn't play poker lol. I want her to win the champion ship also. YAYAYAYAY Congrats Lauren.

Ok I am finished now I will talk back at you tommarow Good Night.

Posted by blog2/javaaddic at 7:46 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 17 June 2004 11:09 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 16 June 2004
Day 13 (12:41pm)
Hey Guys, Sorry I did not post yesterday I was takeing a brake from the site. So today I updated alot of stuff on the site. The fanfiction, the videos, the side pannels on all the pages, and wallpapers, and banners ect...

Yesterday I watched GG and Some movies and Summerland.

My dog is laying beside me snoring lol. he is lazy today. I am home by my self right now takeing care of him but later after my parents and brother get back I am going to go out probly to get supper and my friend Angie a Birthday Card. Whom I still have not heard from.

Well that is all I got to say for now. I will try to talk back at you laters.

Day 13 (9:12pm)
Hey I am back. I updated my profile on here. Now for all of you who are reading thins and wandering what I look like you can check out my pic. Warning it may cause night mares. LOL. You will also be able to see more info about me.

I am stuffed I ate almost a hole pizza. From Papa John's Yummy.. Well Ia m going to take off now talk to ya tommarow. Good Night.

Posted by blog2/javaaddic at 12:32 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 16 June 2004 9:01 PM EDT
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Monday, 14 June 2004
Day 11 (8:38pm)
Hey I have done alot of updates to the site today and made a new video. So I have been busy. I also had a allgerie attack today and for a few hours I really could not do too much. And My arm hurts so you know know why I have not posted today I am sorry your probly think I am abonding you but I aint but been doing alot.

Some cool news Cortney Cox had her baby. I wish to congradulate her.

Angie I hope everything is ok I still have not heard from you.

Well I am going to go for now I will chat back at you laters.

Posted by blog2/javaaddic at 8:26 PM EDT
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Sunday, 13 June 2004
Day 10 (10:28pm)
Well I can't belive it I have had this up for 10 days. Well sorry I have not posted today. It has been pretty much uneventful. I added the new video Lorelai and Christopher to the site. I am going to be remakeing the video section so it is easier to navagate. I found this amazing Lauren Picture site today so I made some more wallpaper. I keep meaning to update the fanfiction but i am experiencing server writers block. Also my arm is getting worse so it is hard for me to do as much. Right now I have been takeing lost of Aelieve to try to get the pain to go away. I think it is either authridis, carpol tunnel, or torn cartledge. I broke it when I was 11 in a horrible bike accident. I feel off my bike and my arm went into a ground hog hole and twisted all the way back and litlerly broke my elbow in half I had to have pins put in it and about 6 months later they took the pins out. So I am pretty sure it is Authridis. Well I am going to go now Talk back at you tommarow. Good Night.

PS. If Angie is reading this since you said you do everyday. I still have not recived a e-mail from you so untill I recive a reply I will not e-mail you. I am not trying to be mean but you always get mad when I don't e-mail you but you never e-mail me either.

Posted by blog2/javaaddic at 10:25 PM EDT
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