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High School to Uni

High School; the last four years of a huge part of your life. You start off as a tiny freshman looking ahead and thinking that the blissful years of high school will never end. As you continue to bond and grow with those people that you've shared life with for the majority of your living years you begin to realize that the end of those four years is rapidly approaching. You've grown, gained responsibilities such as being able to drive and staying out later then you did in middle school. Then it happens, the four years comes to a close with a ceremony that marks the end of a chapter of life and the beginning of a new one. University; a new place filled with new faces. Some of those faces are friendly and others not so much. You start out again as the underdog, except with one big hitch; these other freshers aren't the people you grew up with (unless you all go to the same uni...highly unlikely.) It's almost like the first day of kindergarten. You have to make new friends and you're learning completely new things. There is no set number of years that you're in school because you might leave for all you know. Oh and once you turn 18 you can legally drink. The work load is different, you're held more responsible for things then you were before. Professors tell you information at the beginning of the term and then don't remind you again, after all it is your responsibility. Quizes are not a regular thing, you just get one big test at the end of the semester. Oh and those books you were assigned to read? You better have read them by the time that test comes around... This page allows you to look at our experiences with the transition from High School in America to University in England. For your viewing pleasure we have information we have gathered from surveys, interviews with other university students from america, some nifty pictures showing our big changes, a fun little video and a survey for you to take. Enjoy!! The song on the main page is the current #1 hit in the UK - Madonna's Hung Up (this was accurate as of 21/11/05)

Things to See and Things to Do

The Interviews and The Survey
Pictures of High School and Uni
Whats our story? The scoop on our HS to Uni experience
How do you rank? Take the HS to Uni quiz!