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Thursday, February 17, 2005
well, on saturday night i went to laura's church thing. we saw rachel and nina there. me and laura were in charge of the chex mix!! and we gotta carry the dirty cups down and bring up clean ones! yay. then we visited rachel who was in the nursery. rachel broke her ear, laura broke her knee (but she used some long word 4 it) and i broke my hair. then me and laura bidded on stuff like candy and beanie babies. we had a fight with #54!! that son of a biscit!! and we won! yay...hmmmmm then on tuesday i think, our bus ride home was pretty funky. after the 1st two stops, she pulled over, came to the back of the bus screaming "i love my life!! do you understand me?!?!!?" it was so funny. she was soooOOOOOoooo mad cuz someone was throwing poptarts at her!! lol. then she drove us back to the school. we were waiting in the bus 4 about 5 minutes. the next thing ya know, ms hardings on the bus!! ahhhhh then it made us all stand outside of the skool and asked "who was throing that poptart at ms tony??" and then rashawn said it was him with this big smile on his face. at 1st she didnt believe him, but then she did. she let us all go back on the bus and then 5 min later, she brought rashawn back. she found out it wasnt him. lol
i'll write more laterrrrrr

Posteded by blog2/flamingo17o at 8:21 PM EST
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Tuesday, February 8, 2005
well on friday me and courtney went and got lauras funky bday presents. that was grand. we were running around like idiots. lol. then on saturday i went to lauras party. while everyone was still coming, we were standing at the edge of the street screaming and waving at cars. then we made a sign that said "HONK IF YOU LOVE US!" it was really scary though. nolan went pass and he reached over and started honking the horn!! LOL and then nick k. went past but didnt honk or anything. dumb moose. we thought we saw sum teachers like ms costas, mrs sherman, &mrs lykens. rarrrr we did a bunch of funkily stuff at her party. just about everything.
awwwwwww he's so cute!! he's adorable!!!
i woke up dead!! lol
fire drill!! everybody wake up!! LOL that was funny

Posteded by blog2/flamingo17o at 8:51 PM EST
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Thursday, February 3, 2005
*****************S*T*A*R*S******************** there was a dominion basketball game. we didnt exactly go. instead me mariah and alex p went to walgreens and bought some vday stufffs. the scariest part was that we saw mrs grohoske there!!! ahhhhhhhhhh that oompa loompa.
tomorrow we might go 2 screens again and seee another movie. and scare people there again!!! yay!!! thats really funnnnn

Posteded by blog2/flamingo17o at 9:35 PM EST
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Monday, January 31, 2005
Mood:  spacey
well...last tuesday, since we didnt have skoool the next day, i went 2 c Darkness at easton with laura and courtney. it was so funky. then after wards we were walkin around the mall talking 2 peopl and scaring them 2 death!! it was funnnnn....then we went DOWN the UP escalator, and UP the DOWN one. but we didnt realize til we got off that the security gard was staring at us the whole time. LOL and the first time this woman in a bar was laffing at us!! she was silly. we also went in stores like hot topic and stuff. and we stood outside the doors 2 the mall and asked these ppl "excuse me, do u kno where the entrance 2 the mall is?" nd the man said "huh??" and the woman said "its right behind u!! go on now!!" it was so funny. and we stopped 1 taxi and made the other roll its window down! yay!! and we told ppl they were SUCH a cute couple. then i walked up behind these 2 men and said that.....
then on friday we took kaylynn,courtney, and mariah to seeee the grudge. no kaylynns scared have 2 death!! lol she was sitting on the floor almost the whole time. and then she started climbing over the seats but when a scary part cameon she came running over and sat down and was holding on 2 my arm. and courtney was killing mariahs hand! LOL


Posteded by blog2/flamingo17o at 5:16 PM EST
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Saturday, January 22, 2005
silly gooses
Mood:  chillin'
yesterday i went 2 mariahs bday party. it was so funky. the people there were me, courtney, laura, alice, lexi, alex p, and shannon. we did a bunch of sillyness things!! yay we used this ouiji board and that was really weird. and we watched The Ring and now me, courtney, and laura r so paranoid that the little creepy girl is gonna get us!!!
i'll rite more later. dont feel like it now

Posteded by blog2/flamingo17o at 8:55 PM EST
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Thursday, January 20, 2005
lotsa hw to do!!! o mi G
Mood:  rushed
i gotta lot of hw to do tonite!!! crap. i gotta finish 3 paragraphs for rdg/la, finish 2 or 3 more journals 4 reading/la, add 1 or 2 more things to my social studies notebook (i actually have a lot of stuff 4 it this time!!!! thats AMAZING!! yay), ummm i already finished the spanish, i think thats all...oh yeah!! CRAP i gotta study 4 the crappy lil algebra mid term 2morro!!!! that SUCKS today i got back my math test and i got a 40% on it!! thats actually higher than i thought i would get!! i thought like at the most it would be like 35. oh well!!! (actually she graded one of them wrong, and she asked if she graded anyones wrong and i told kaylynn, well she graded mine wrong, but thats ok)
well gots to get bizzy... :(

Posteded by blog2/flamingo17o at 8:53 PM EST
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Tuesday, January 18, 2005
Mood:  spacey
today i had 2 go 2 skool!!! bleh... nothing really happend today i don thinks. u silly goose
..............................yay!!! ..............
................dots!! ......................
............ well today in math we had 2 move tables cuz there had 2 be 2 girls and 2 boys at each table. hahaha my table is just me and kaylynn. poor Mia is the only girl at her table. with Ian and chris b. and POOR courtney has 2 sit with wade and thomas!!! ewwwwwww but she sits next 2 natasha.
but ive got these funky lil mothra tattoo thingys!! oh yah! me and courtney are gonna where them 2morro. i have 2 give one 2 mariah and alice 2!!! lol mrs sherman doesnt get one hahahahahaha!! that lil goosey.

ummmmmm...oh on friday last week these jazz ppl came 2 our skool and it was so scary!!! ahhhhh ppl were dancing and beebopping. pringle went up there and was beebopping. it was sooooo funkily. ahhhhhh
more dots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posteded by blog2/flamingo17o at 6:03 PM EST
Updated: Saturday, January 22, 2005 8:06 PM EST
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Monday, January 10, 2005
today i didnt really do much but mrs sherman is so funkily!! it keeps calling me Mothra!!! ahhhhhh cuz last week i was punching out butterflies on my math homework and other papers and she calls them moths. lil goosey. and so today, me and courtney went up to her with this piece of paper that we put through a crimper and it was all butterflyish!! yay!! and i punched lil clouds on it too!! woohoo!!! and in big letters we wrote MOTHRA! mrs sherman got scareded! lalalalalalaalalalalalaallalalalalala...llama!! oh yah i'm soooo boreded.....bleh...blah...

i remember something scary that happened today. me and courtney went in the restroom and mrs harding followed us in there!!!!!!!! ahhhhhhhhhh lil midget. also she had on this skirt that went like to her ankles, and i decided that it was a mini skirt for normal sized people. nlksnglksnglksdnglkdsgndkslngkldsnsngklndgkldsgnksldndlksnglksdgnlksdnlksdnklsd SHALANGALANG!!

r u a shalangalang?!?! or an oogala boogala?!?! or maybe even a carbuncle!!
today laura found thid paper at our table during lunch and had these funky lil creatures on i. like a carbuncle, ifrit, moomba, and a moogle. they were awesome!!!! then SOMEONE ripped up the paper!!! the carbuncle's head got ripped off, the ifrit didnt suffer many injuries-his nose got ripped off, and i think his tail did,, and the moogle and moomba were a-ok!!

Posteded by blog2/flamingo17o at 6:55 PM EST
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Thursday, January 6, 2005
Mood:  accident prone
omgarsh!! omgoose!!! i forgot 2 sign me name at the bottom...

| ~._,.;:*'`"yelyah"`'*:;._.~ |

Posteded by blog2/flamingo17o at 10:17 PM EST
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Mood:  silly
lemme see here...right now NO ONE is on excpet 4 like...people that r away. its so sad. i'm sposed to be finding info on my topic for reading &language arts for mrs sullivIT. i hate that thing. it got mad at me today cuz i didnt finish the topic sentance thingy for my paragraph! but i didnt no what to write bcuz every1 was on the computers. so it was like, i want yuo to give it to me 1st thing tomorro then. ugh. bleh. hmph. lil goosie. dumb purple headed flamingp with a broken toe!! i dunno what my topic even is. i'm prolly gon do cancer or somethin like that. even thoug its kinda boring. bleck!

oh yah! i got a new sween nombre! yelyah557511! oh yah. its like... me name spelled backwards!! go yelyah!!
wht happend today??|??|??|??...oh..we had group pics like for band and choir & other stuffs. and the lil camera man thing dropped the big flashy thing. and he caught it and laura was like ,"omg!! he's my hero!!" and while we were getting the band pic taken me &laura were singing the thing 4 the clapper commercial!! *clap*on* (clap clap) *clap*off* (clap clap) i luv that commercial!! and the very end theres this old lady who claps of the lights and she has these gungamo hands!! its funky!!

Posteded by blog2/flamingo17o at 10:12 PM EST
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