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Basic Web sites

HTML Web site


Here are some HTML stuff...

How To Save, Edit, Insert A Photo into a WebPage

To save:

  1. Click on File

  2. Click on Save as

  3. Click on your Folder you are saving it to

  4. File name_______.html

    Save as type: All Files

  5. Click on Save

To Edit:

  1. Left click on icon

  2. Click on open with

  3. Click on note pad

To Insert A Picture

  1. Save the picture to HTML Folder

  2. Go into HTML Folder

  3. Left click on icon

  4. Click on propertys

  5. Click on Change

  6. Click on paint

  7. Know save picture to a gif file

When you insert a photo do as shone below:

  1. Type this in <img src=" filename.filetype">

    where filename is the name of your picture file and filetype is the type of your file like .jpg, .gif, .png, etc.

  2. On the line type the name of wich you saved your picture EXACTLY


    To see this website were the photo above came from Click Here it is a machining and sheet metal site

    I Tried And Tried



    Oh what am I going to write about? Will it be about the African Savanah or Australia? Rocks, Soccer, Salt, or Azusa? How about something historical, perhaps WWII, the Middle Ages, or Issac Newton?

    Here are some details about what you should do.

    1. Use View Source to see the HTML used to create this page.
    2. Note that HTML elements begin and end with angle brackets.
    3. Save this page to a new folder on your computer; be sure to save it with a html suffix, not txt.
    4. Make some changes, such as the title and background color.
    5. Start up the browser on your newly saved html file.
    6. Make some more changes to your file using the editor of your choice.
    7. Refresh the browser page to see your changes.

    How to Build A Web Site

    Home. How to build a web site. First you need to click on Sourse. Then copy the sourse and try to create your one web page.
    <head><title>The title of my web page</title></head>
    The content of my web page

    Dynamic HTML

    Use the ID attribute to identify different objects.

    For example, this sentence has an id equal to XYZ.

    Kinds of Actions

    Now, what can we do to XYZ?

    Type Something


    After typing some more stuff, press the button and see it formatted.

    What's your name?
