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SJU. Spring 2006

Links to grab!

Class schedule

Grading Scheme

Spring 2005 SJU Calandar

Calmodulin rasmol

Gel electrophoresis

Lecture Notes

Intro & Measurments


Sample preparation

Buffer movie


Enzyme Kinetics


Protein & Amino Acid Analysis

Size Exclusion Chromatography

Thin Layer Chromatography

Polymerase Chain Reaction

Lab Protocols

Bradford's Protein Assay

Fatty acid news

TLC movie



Beatrice mid-term

ANNOUNCEMENT for 2006 Please submit your presentations for Spring 2006 ASAP

Things to remember for the semester:
  1. You are responsible for the course material. Due to time restraint it is not always possible to cover all aspects of the subject.
  2. You will have to obtain special permission from the Chair to attend a class if you come in later than 10 minutes from the time the quiz starts.
  3. You are expected to be decorous and respectful in class.
  4. Your grades are calculated according to your performance in class. There is no curve for this course!
  5. There are no make up exams! Only in very rare cases will a make-up be considered.
  6. You are expected to wear lab coats at all times in the lab.
  7. You must read the experiment once over before coming in to the lab. All indications for hazardous substance handling are clearly outlined in your manual. You are required to follow all safety procedures.


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    The section below can be used to submit questions, comments or homework assignments as directed. Please add text to the comment box.The form below will submit your query as an email.

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