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Bagnets House
Monday, 26 February 2007
New Job Today
Mood:  happy
Well i am now tech support. nice pay rise and new hours with no silly shifts and no going on call. Waiting for training now from sheila.. new colleague.

well dont know how its gonna go yet but heres hoping its cool! already know i like the company

Posted by blog2/bagnet at 11:32 AM GMT
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Friday, 1 September 2006
In honour of my Father in law
hey pops. u wanted me to make a new blog. well dont know what to write but here u go. a new paragraph of meaningless bullshit since i am bored at work :)

Posted by blog2/bagnet at 11:37 AM BST
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Sunday, 30 October 2005
Signatures Ahoy
Started making signatures now.. click Here to see

Posted by blog2/bagnet at 2:26 AM BST
Updated: Sunday, 30 October 2005 2:33 AM BST
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Thursday, 21 July 2005
thought i should post something
Well Kyles growing fast. 10Lb 4Oz now. wont be long till he's 16 and moves out. we live in a collic hell at the moment. no sleep at all and tired all the time but worth every second.

looks like work is going down the pan tho. i dont think i have a job much longer, serioulsy thinking of going home. dont wanna admit defeat though. what to do, hmmmmm.

Posted by blog2/bagnet at 2:49 AM BST
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Friday, 1 July 2005
Thats it. He's oficiall
img well thats it. we got him to the registrar and now he's officially human. Kyle Christopher Evans. Really nice lady registrar who's husband had just died that did the deed, she was doing ok for someone that lost their husband 6 weeks ago. guess u gotta carry on. Had a subway for dinner... still dont much like it and waaaaay overpriced, still special day. Might even have a beer tonite! :)

Posted by blog2/bagnet at 12:01 AM BST
Updated: Friday, 1 September 2006 11:50 AM BST
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Friday, 10 June 2005
Back to work Monday
The powers that be have deemed that since i have worked there for 4 weeks less than i need to have i am not entitled to Paternity. Ah well. its been a good week and Kyle has been great to be around. i still get him in the evenings and i think i will take up the offer made about part time hours. Can work 12 6 or 9 3 so i can still be about more often.

Posted by blog2/bagnet at 7:29 PM BST
Updated: Friday, 10 June 2005 7:30 PM BST
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Conquer 2 Screenshots here
Click the link for a look at the new interface and effects click here

Posted by blog2/bagnet at 12:04 AM BST
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Thursday, 9 June 2005
Well Work did it again
Mood:  irritated
They have said, after me telling all my team managers, that i should have informed them about the birth date and that i have not worked there long enough for paternity leave.

I dont mind if i dont get the pay, its the time. not gonna go there during the first 2 weeks. this is the birth of my son.

Will call them tomorrow to try to have a reasonable discussion with them about this, will have to see what happens.

Posted by blog2/bagnet at 7:12 PM BST
Updated: Thursday, 9 June 2005 8:41 PM BST
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Monday, 6 June 2005
All home and well
Mood:  happy
img well jules got home today. let the sleepless nights begin. 2 weeks off work tho so its ok lol

Posted by blog2/bagnet at 12:01 AM BST
Updated: Thursday, 9 June 2005 8:18 PM BST
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Sunday, 5 June 2005
Our day at the hospital
Mood:  bright
Well this was the day that Kyle came to see us. It was unexpectedly on his due date and a much shorter 10 hour labour this time with nothing but Gas and Air for help. Go Girl! born at 15:24 on the 5th June 2005. Welcome to the family Kyle Christopher Evans Click the link for the photos Kyles First Day

Posted by blog2/bagnet at 12:01 AM BST
Updated: Thursday, 9 June 2005 9:06 PM BST
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