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This is Aprille Ray
Friday, 22 April 2005
Me and Aaron
This is Aaron
Aaron and Blossom (aka Blossy)
Raynbeaux aka Bo

Posted by blog2/aprilleray at 3:43 PM EDT
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My Poetry
Mood:  lyrical
Real women have curves

Why do I have to be classified by my shape of my size?
"You've got a pretty face, but what size are your thighs?" That’s always the reply.

And my response to the entire men nation, what wrong with my curves, my body and my size?
Why do I have to fit a perfect size? I'm comfortable in my skin..... So why should I grant your wish and be thin?
If I have a pretty face cant you find the beauty with in?
Apparently I'm not good enough to be an arm piece. They cant walk with a female who's got more then one butt check. They cant figure out that my hips are more then a 36 and my waist is way more then a 28.
My thighs are big, and so are my hips, my legs are no were close to thin. I don’t have a camel toe, or a gap, and I don’t have itty bitty titties to prance around and show.

I'm a full figured beauty. And I love my curves, they're full like the ocean. When I walk my hips sway and talk. My ass is one of the best features I have, got niggahs screaming " in those jeans..!"
My breasts are of ample size, I'm not too small or too big.... I'm just right. I may not have a flat stomach, or a belly ring.
But I think I'm perfect in every way. I have intellect to match my curves. I'm just right don’t you think?
I may not be an arm piece or a dime piece in their eyes, cause all they see is the size of my ass, my hips and my thighs. I cant seem to be acknowledge past my smile.
Real women have curves and I embrace my womanhood. I like to wear form fitting jeans and tight t shirts.
I flaunt what I have and I do it proudly. I love my size and my shape. I'm a woman, don’t you see, I don’t want to be mistaken for a little boy, with a belly ring. I'm full and that’s what god gave me. I love it, I cant see my self with out it.
I'm not 5'7 and 110 lbs.
Sometimes I wish I could be. But then reality sets in and I'm glad I am the way I am.

Detachment skills

I”ll love you today; but tomorrow I wont know you.
Do me wrong, and I'll show you.

I loved you for more then a year.
I thought I made myself pretty clear.
But you choose to cheat, and play me like I was naive,
now you ask me if I still have love for thee.
No baby,
I told you form the beginning,
I my love runs deep when I'm willing.
But the day you mistreat me, and lie and play games, that’s the day my love goes away.
Ill act like I don’t know you, Ill act like we were never involved,
You will call me a thousand times and feed me your bullshit lines.
That will just entertain me, and make me laugh, cause you’re the one who will feel the wrath.
My detachment skills are flawless,
Ill love you today, but when you lie I'll believe nothing you say.
I've had my heart broken,
so I know the game.
So don’t play me like I'm Blondie,
I'll shame you and be gone.
I change my number like I change my panties,
so don’t front or I'll up your anti.
My detachment skills are truly remarkable,
you think you clowned me but I've already had two on you.
Love me today I'll always be on your mind,
as the bitch you loved you, and easily dropped that line.
No need to repeat myself,
you should have listened its not my fault if you missed it.

Broken Promises
When I found out I was with child, he made a promise to me.
He said he would never leave, even if we would never be.

He said he wanted to be there for our child, 'cause his dad was never there for him.
For the first two weeks, he came by, and cried over him. The last 6 years I have been doing it with out him.
Promises said, but they stay broken. Had I known his ass wasn't’t gonna be around, I would have changed my choices.
But God wanted me to keep his seed. He had bigger and better plans for me. I'm struggling to survive, all I have is my mom, my dad, and my best friends by my side.
I was meant to be this mother, even if there’s no father.
I gotta be mom and dad, show him as much as I can to be a man.
To respect others, treat others how you would want to be treated
. Don’t lie, and be respectful, and most of all be strong don’t ever doubt yourself.
But his daddy cant see, what a great child he turned out to be.
So honest, and a so sweet His daddy cant see his paintings he brought home. He cant witness his child learning, playing and leaning to play on his own.
He promised us the day this child was born, he would be there till the end. He didn't’t want his child to be like him.
Yet till this day his daddy hasn't’t been around the way. Broken promises said and true, this is why your child resents you.
Now he doesn't’t even want to hear your voice over the phone. He doesn't’t care if you come to see him. He smarter then what you think he is.
I never bad mouthed you to his face. I never said anything to disrespect your grace. I never told him about your promise to him....
But a child knows when he been abandoned.
This is your fault, please don’t blame me. Your suffering the truth to your consequences. I love this child more then life its self, I know you do to, but it hasn't’t shown.
But I cant fault you either its not your fault, you didn't’t have that guidance from a man, not even your dad. That’s all you know, That’s your M.O.
Your promise to me was broken, and time cant reverse in this universe. I'll just tell you one thing I regret, believing you when you know your word was . A mans bond is his word, and with out it he’s not a man, he less then his worth.

The ....
The last time I cried tears or pain, anger and pure rage; was there day you let me slip away. I haven't been the same since that day.
The pain still hurts, and it's almost a year to the day..
I'm not the perfect , nor do I claim to be. But I have a heart. I was there for you when she wasn't't I was the only one who gave a damn, and you know it.
I saw you cry, that should count for something...But now I reflect back, your cries, your tears..It was all part of a lie.
you told me the love you had for me was real. I trusted you..All I did was trust in you.
I put my emotions in the palm of your hand. In return I got the back nothing but pure lies
You choose your path. Now deal with it, you had your chance to be my man. But your lies caught up with you, and you call your self a "real" man. And yet a year later my heart hasn't healed..
When I needed you most, you turned and walked away. When you needed some comfort I was on the way.
When you got kicked out with no place to stay, I bent the rules so you could stay. I gave you money when I was broke, hooked you up when you needed you ego stroked.
It was me who was there, natually...
But SHE couldn't stand it...Naturally.
I don't want to cry I still feel . You've made it so I'm uncomfortable.
I became a shell of my former self...There is simply nothing else.
What ever innocence I had is now. I could give a fuck even if I wanted to, I don't know how...
It was me who showed you what love was about. It was me who cared what you were about.]
I judge you for the mistake you made. I'm not perfect, I make mistakes...
But it hurts so bad sometimes I want to cry...But I cant not even if I tried.
I madce my peace with what . But I vowed I will never fall in love again.
I cried so many nights when i was with you, remember that time she was with you? You had the audacity to lie. You told me it was your mom, when it was your wife..I'm still so hurt, I'm ashamed. I feel as though I was the one to blame. I was just pussy to you, to her I was just game.
You had your choice, and you stole mine because you lied... Then guys wonder why I stayed confided.
I deserve the treatment you gave me. Not once did you say sorry...
A year later... where my ?
But you've called me thinking shit was straight...Then you got pissed cause I was to converse. A year later, and still you never said sorry. If the love was "real", wheres my ?


I cried many nights...And now I smoke to dull the pain. I still cry still, i cant hide behind the tears..
caught in a love triangle, not knowing what to do. caught between whats right and whats wrong, I just know what to do.
I thought i had caused this on my self, making friends with some one else. And i still cry .....
I cant count the number of times we argued. I cant remember how many times I tried to call but he was with her..But I remember there were good times too. But the memories of what he did to me out weigh the times I had wished he were there for me.
How many times he left me, saying I was the mistake, I made him do wrong. But the same time, he was calling me telling me that Me is where he belonged. He couldn't take the pressure she gave him. He couldn't understand why he had to be there, why couldn't I save him...
I tried to show him, but you cant change a confused man. Had I known that before, maybe things could have been different. I cry because of the secrets. I cried because he deceived me. I cry now because his mark is left on my soul. I cry now cause my side of the story goes untold.
I told him to leave and not come back. And even after, he tried to come back. But I never told him how I felt, The tears held me back the pain was too real.
I never look at man quite the same, I never want to feel that kind of pain. I was lost for a while, my mind had to wander, because I still think of him. Not because the love is there, my heart feels no impressions. I think of him because of the daily reminder of what could have been.
But now I'm just left with this reminder everyday. I'm stuck with how much love I gave him.
Treat others how you would want to be treated.....I treat others, but why is it that what I give is what I don't receive. Or is that I'm just naive? I know love had limits...
When you in love the Sky's the limit. when your single the limit is the sky.
And this is how real it was to be in love.....
Then I'm questioned why I smoke..I smoke to numb the pain. I smoke to forget this love sick pain. I don't want to feel the harshness of reality....I don't want this to be part of my sanity...I closed that chapter of my ended when he back stabbed be with his wife.

Weakness pt 1
I got a weakness. I got it bad. Its more like a Jones for you. The way you press up against me, its unique. You got me feenin for more of your technique.
Sometimes I find myself waiting for your phone call. You got me thinking... I'm wrapped around you like an iced out bracelet.
My weakness is the way you kiss me. All I can say is... Baby kiss me.
-I got a Jones for you. I'd call it more of an obsession, and if not..I'm pretty close to it. You got me thinking about you more then one way, I want more from us then this friendship.
Baby, can I call you my man>> Can you just be mine??
I know your luxury, I understand your lifestyle. I'll be there for you if you let me. Baby, why cant you trust me? I'm not jealous, I know your type, you can do what you need to .. just come home to ME at the end of the night.
But this is just me thinking, I know its to good to be true. I hope I can shake this Jones for you...

Interlude: Hypnotized

I can smell you taste you, I can feel you with in.
I find my self contemplating.... Is it you or is it him.
Right when I get over you, you walk back into my life. How can I get over you, when I'm with him, I'm thinking of you.
I'm in a battled between him and you.
I love you, but I got this thing with him.
How do I know if I break it off its the right choice?
How do I know and you've given me no voice.
I don't know what to do, I question but theres no use.
I cant figure out what to do.
You got me Hypnotized by the look in you eyes. Why are you doing this to me?

Weakness ( my obsession) part 2

I have gone over this in my thoughts.
I'm trying to fade away from you. Its to hard to look at you. I cant seem to get over you.

We cant just be friends, we crossed the line between lovers and friends.
And now when I want you the most, I cant have you, cause of the competition.

We got this cemetery, but its only me who sees. And still I got this weakness for you, I know you want me too...
I wish I could turn back the hands of time; I wish I could be with you one more time, when we were young you were indeed my first true love....

I want to tell you how much I need you, and how much I want to see you. I wish we could be together, but I know better.
Had I never let go, maybe today it would have been me by your side, instead of you’re her.
But soon I have to let go of you, if I don’t I'm gonna go crazy not knowing what to do.
I been living life, but really I want to be your wife. But I'm starting to see its not me you want, you just like the image
of me in your bed with you.
All I know is because of my weakness, I gotta let go of you..
Your not healthy for me, I can see that If I don’t let go, Irma sell my self short.

I shouldn't’t have to beg for your attention. I shouldn't realized this before I let us come to this.
.......... I don’t want to be the other woman, so I gotta get over this.
Because of this obsession... I gotta let go of it...

Its not me its you. You know how to get what you want from me. You see I'm weak, I need you.
You know what to say and how to say.
It would be ok, if I wasn't’t the other woman. So as much as I want you, I gotta do this. I shouldn't’t have cross the line because for me this is getting ridiculous.

I cant only be your friend, but this is part of our hidden relationship has got to end.
I cant keep fallen head over heals in love with you, only to have my heart broken because of you.

Lovers or Friends...Part 3 of My weakness
Are we friends or lovers? I can’t tell. You got me trapped because I want more then what you can supply me with.
Should I wait around to see how far this
can go? Or should I fall back, and let you live? Something inside me can’t let you go….and it can’t let me live..
I can’t complain, I’m not you wife. All I know is that we got something more then what you’re willing to admit to.
I’ve already admitted- I need you. Why can’t you just let go of the past and move on with me? Can’t you see it was supposed to be me?
we’ve always been friends, time passed, now sex is involved. Friends or lovers.. Lovers or friends?
If I had it my way; I would have you.
You would be more then just my friend I sex, you would be the one I come home to.
I thought I could deal with being your friend, and your lover, but I can’t its not far to me; because at the end it will be me, who will have to recover.
You can’t have me part time, or when its convenient for you. Friends or lovers, pick one…. you choose.

All poetry copy written by Aprille Ray, and American poets society.

Posted by blog2/aprilleray at 1:58 PM EDT
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LEt me introduce myself
Mood:  mischievious

This is me...
Name: APrille Ray
Age: 24
Birthday: Jan 4th
Children: One - A Boy... His name is Aaron age 7
Animals: 5. Two cats, 3 dogs, all female.
Names: Midnight and Bella- the cats Bambi, Blossom, and Raynbeaux- my dogs.

Welcome to my spot! I created this page to designate a spot where I can show case my own artistic side. Im a Poet, and writer by passion. Its what I do and what I live for.

Currently I have over 2000 poems I have written since the age of 13. And now I am writing my frist urban novel called Detachment Skillz.Also I have numourous poems published by the American poets society. ( I have credits as a writer.)

Also my other passion is doing hair. I love to do braids and weaves, and natural hair care styling. I am New york state certified, and Im also looking to go to school for barbering to master my talent at hair cutting.
I am currently building my online portfolio/ gallery as a stylist in natural hair care.

Posted by blog2/aprilleray at 1:40 PM EDT
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