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Friday, 12 August 2005
Sorry Y'all
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: The Good Kind - The Wreckers (aka. Michelle Branch and Jessica Harp)
Topic: summer
I haven't updated in a while sorry y'all. I've had a lot going on. I went to the beach for three days then we had to come home because my grandad was sick. He had open heart surgery the day after we got home. It sucked. I got zero sleep in 48 hours. After he got home, I had to watch my sisters and him in the afternoons. It didn't bother me though. My sister (Ashlee) got a new puppy. Her name is Cassie. I just got back from the beach for a second time. It was pretty fun except for my step mom and her kids. They are all three brats. Well anywayz gotta go again, as always.

Posted by blog2/a_cooke at 3:36 PM EDT
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Monday, 27 June 2005

Now Playing: Nothing errrrrrrrrrrrrr................stupid computer
Today sucked like usual for my summers. Well at least I have something to look foward to. My mom made me go shopping with her (I like shopping just not with her) and she bought a bunch of crap I'll never wear. I had a pretty good weekend though, major change. Me and Sam went to the movies and my dad took us out to eat. The only sucky part of the weekend was going to Angie's family reunion and listen to those people complain about their benz's and jaguar's and how perfect their kids are. Well at least I don't have long to babysit before we go to the beach!

Days til I hit the beach: 12
Days at the beach: 5

Posted by blog2/a_cooke at 5:10 PM EDT
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Monday, 6 June 2005
I am soooooo bored....................
Mood:  loud
Now Playing: Just Missed The Train - Kelly Clarkson
Topic: Me
This has been the greatest week since we got out of school. I have been babysitting which sucks but they have been behaving. I'm a FRESHMAN! YES!!! Ok had to get that out of my system. Saturday was pretty cool. I spent the whole day with a bunch of my cousins friends and my mom and my sisters and my aunts. We went shopping in Raleigh and ate at a Japanese steakhouse which was pretty good. I've only been once. Sunday won't that fun because it was really hot and we had no where to go swimming til we went and bought a new pool. HECK YES!!! I went swimming all day except during homecoming which sucked. Today I babysat. We went to my grandma's and my mom said I could go swimming but my grandma won't let me. Ugh, old folks are cool but they never let u have fun. I'm so bored just sitting here ALL day. Oh well. Tomorrow's another day.

Posted by blog2/a_cooke at 2:30 PM EDT
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Sunday, 29 May 2005
Parents Suck
Mood:  irritated
Now Playing: Mixtape-Butch Walker
Topic: Parents
My mom, ugh, how can I even describe her? My little cousin (Brian) is having a soccer game in a week. Anyway he asked my aunts to come. They said we'll be there. Brian said, "Can you bring Alyson?". He looked so sad so I told him I'd come. Then I come home from my dad's and I asked my mom(we'll be out of school and back before dark) if I could go. She says,"Your aunts are old and can't see and it will be after dark so no you can't go." Oh I am soo mad at her. Oh yeah did I mention it's in Raleigh, but that shouldn't matter because Ashlee goes to the beach camping and to Raleigh shopping with a woman my mom barely knows. But no I'm not that special. I hate my life.

My step-sister(Chelsea) is such a brat. First our brother(Aaron)got a cabinet for his toys, she got mad and yelled Mama. Then she tried to get runover and blame it all on my dad.

My step mom took Aaron to the movies today. She didn't ask if I wanted to go. Chelsea and Amanda were in my yard in swimsuits washing cars for cash. Aaron got an allowance because my dad cleaned his room. Today sucked. I am sooooooooo mad today!!!!!!! Don't mess with me!!!!!!!!!

School Countdown: 3 regular days
2 school days
0 whole school days, 2 half days HECK YEAH!!!! At least I have something to look foward to.

Posted by blog2/a_cooke at 9:15 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 25 May 2005
Mood:  surprised
Now Playing: Independence Day - Carrie Underwood
Topic: Music
American Idol is finally over!!! Yay!!! Carrie beat Bo!!! Yay!!! Carrie is the winner!!! My mom is so mad!!! Hahahahaha you lose!!! I'm so surprised though!!! Yayness!!!

Posted by blog2/a_cooke at 10:08 PM EDT
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Mood:  happy
Now Playing: Don't Cha - The Pussycat Dolls
Topic: Me
Today was pretty good. Last night I watched One Tree Hill of course. The ending kinda left me hanging though. Anyways today I decided I'm gonna get up enough courage to tell my crush I like him. I think he likes me too. He isn't really cute but he's sweet as a piece of candy(corny I know). I hope everything works out ok though. My bff is leaving for the beach tomorrow. I wish I could go it's really cold here. Well anyway I'll make my own fun here. I hope she has a great time and I'm not jealous.

School Coundown: 7 regular days
4 school days
2 whole school days, 2 half-days

Posted by blog2/a_cooke at 5:46 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 25 May 2005 5:51 PM EDT
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Monday, 23 May 2005
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: Numb/Encore-Linkin Park/Jay-Z
Topic: School
The test scores I got back were wrong. My 25% rose 7 points. It's not an A but still. Yay! I'm so happy! I'm hyper. Gotta go run and scream.

School Countdown: 9 regular days
6 school days
4 whole school days, 2 half-days

Posted by blog2/a_cooke at 3:25 PM EDT
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Sunday, 22 May 2005
Heck Yeah!
Mood:  caffeinated
Now Playing: Just a Lil Bit - 50 Cent
Topic: School
OMG! I can't believe it. Yesterday I took the eoc in algebra one, well anywayz it was really easy(or at least to me) I figured if it was that easy I failed. Today we got our scores back and my achievement level is a four(the best), it counts 25% of your grade, and for my 25% I got an 85. Heck Yeah! I feel soooooooooo smart!

I'm so hyper right now. Ahh....... I love my life. Thank God I'm so smart. I feel like running down the street screaming. Well maybe I'll just go take the dog out running.

Posted by blog2/a_cooke at 12:01 AM EDT
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Friday, 20 May 2005
Heck Yeah!!!!
Mood:  caffeinated
Now Playing: Ass Like That - Eminem
Topic: School
OMG! Yesterday we took the eoc. It was really easy(to me at least) I was worried that if it was that easy I would fail. So anywayz today when I went to class the teacher showed us our score. Your academic achievement can range from 1-4, 4 being the best, and then there is a grade that's worth 25% of your final grade. I got a 4 on academic achievement and an 85 on the 25%. Yayness! Heck Yeah!

Today is so boring it's raining so I can't even take my puppy out for a walk. And I'm so hyper and bored.

Posted by blog2/a_cooke at 4:50 PM EDT
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Thursday, 19 May 2005
I love Music
Mood:  lyrical
Now Playing: I'm Just A Kid by Simple Plan
Topic: Music
Who doesn't love music? I mean u can come home from the worst day of ur life and find a song that fits u perfectly or cheers u up. I love music. I listen to it all the time. Like the song I'm listening to. It is perfect for me. It fits me perfectly. I always have too much pressure and I'm just a kid.

Posted by blog2/a_cooke at 4:28 PM EDT
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