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Band Geek Random Crap
Sunday, 22 February 2004

i have officially come down with....dun dun dun....senioritus. i know i know, i too said "it will never happen to me." but it has. and that is that.

the only homework i've done all weekend is make a pie for french. a pie. for homework. i read books that i'm not supposed to read, i paint, i watch movies, i put picture albums together (3 years worth! wow) and i lied down on my back in the middle of my living room floor, staring at the ceiling for a half hour. now that's the quality of life. for some reason i think i thought that my ceiling would tell me something, some hidden mystery. it did. but i'll keep that to myself.

it's not like i'm being a bad student or anything. i just don't HAVE a lot of homework to do. i mean yeah i'm procrastinating scarlet letter, but that's in a long time from now.

anywho, back to the photo album. i had random pictures all over and i finally sat down to try to organize them. i ended up putting a "random pictures" section. i did come across this one picture of me and *cough* randy kissing. it was disturbing. but i didn't know what to do with it. do i burn it? or do i just put it in? cause photo albums ARE there for memories and stuff, right? yeah i just threw it in and turned the page. 20 years from now when i find it, all dusty, in a random box, i'll look back and be like, hmm who ARE these people. isn't that sad? like i don't even remember the last names of my friends from middle school! it's so sad.

also what's sad is the most exciting thing i did all day was clean out my car. that and eat cake with cait and alan, and complain with them how jack smelled like fish. yeah.

ok back to my non-school book, catcher in the rye (amazing)....

Posted by blog/yesimabandgeek at 10:07 PM WAT
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Monday, 16 February 2004
my rampage of the day: tea
Tea is ok, right? like water and crap in a bag mixed together with a little sugar that you drink when it's cold and it stains your teeth...yeah you get the point.

i just had [yet another] cup of real tea. really really good tea. tea-gasmic tea. omg. my mom bought this coffee creamer stuff, french vanilla, which you put in coffee, only we put it in tea cause coffee is shit. anyway, it makes it so swoon-worthy and mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. i'm in tea heaven right now.

anyway, i think everyone in the world should sit down once a day to enjoy this cup of relaxation and yumminess. my mom, who runs around like crazy all day, every day, has finally calmed a bit. after work she now comes home to a cup of mmm and oprah. that's my kinda woman.

caitlin, however, does not like tea, or anything liquid and hot. cait, you're weird. last night we were having a mini girl party with tea and lots of fatening foods and, by golly, she doesn't want the tea and creamer! !?!?!?!? (which was what my face looked like) anywho, em tried to drink the creamer straight and that didn't go well, and now i have decided that you cannot have tea-gasmic tea with other people. sigh.

i think that's all i have to say about tea. back to hemingway. that man did must not have had enough tea in his day.

Posted by blog/yesimabandgeek at 5:40 PM WAT
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Sunday, 15 February 2004

Happy Valentine's day (a day late)! i hope ya'll had some fun somewhere.... i sure know that san fran/philly people did...yay for gay marriages!!

my romantic pancake dinner went pretty parents even helped with candle/flower/romantic stuffy stuff. it was quite lovely. :) and mike, your card is the bestest card ever. :D

cait you have to call me NOW. i'm going crrrrrrazy.

Posted by blog/yesimabandgeek at 2:14 PM WAT
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Monday, 9 February 2004
funk is funked up
wow what a shitty day. people were so loud today. i inhaled about 8 motrin. hmm.

i almost quit funk band 18 times today. 18! ask alan/mirium, i was throwing up. and throwing things at annoying guitar asshole.

yeah. do i really want to do this for my job? i mean i wanted to run outta the room screaming and run into the street and like get hit by a bus. do i want to feel like that every day? AHHHHHHHHHHHH.

only good part of today: i got the vicroy scholarship (the who?) for lebanon valley, which give me half off tuition, which i pretty cool. it's like giving me 13,000 a year or something like that. i think i'll go there even if i don't get into the music depo, cause i don't really know if i'll stay in the music depo for long anyway.

it would be a shame to not major in something music cause that's (almost) the only think i like sometimes, even though i hate people. i mean, i play it, and listen to it, and write it, and when doing that stuff it's like...hmm how to write when authors write, it's their passion, and it's so amazing for them. i get that with music. but still, if i teach a bunch of people who just don't give two shits and a quarter, i may hate music with a stronger passion than the passion i had when i liked it. i need to talk to haltmeier and ask him what he gets out of teaching besides a shitty pay check.

yeah, i'm going to bed

Posted by blog/yesimabandgeek at 11:36 PM WAT
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Wednesday, 4 February 2004
a poem
i hate it when i'm sick
it makes me feel like ick
and that's very bad
and it makes me really sad
and ____ ____ is a prick.

hey it rhymed.

crazy week. yesterday i thought it was wednesday, and today i thought it was tuesday. i give up.

i thought i was gonna pass out in badmitton but i didn't tell mike that cause he would be all boyfriendish and make me sit down or something. (i love you anyway) but who feels like passing out after 2 min of badmitton? MEMEME! i thought i was seeing 3 mandy's in french today too. hmmm...

my mommy bought my nightquil, which is my new best friend. :D

i want to sleep, but the nightquil doesn't drown out flutes. which is a shame cause IT NEVER ENDS. make her sttttttopppppppppppppppppp.

*falls over*

Posted by blog/yesimabandgeek at 9:59 PM WAT
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Wednesday, 28 January 2004

i'm going fing crazy!!!!!! why don't they just cancel school already????????????????????????????? GGGGGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. jack looked out the window and said that it was nasty and that there was no school. he told me this. (see i AM crazy!)


Posted by blog/yesimabandgeek at 2:12 AM WAT
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Tuesday, 27 January 2004

this may be one of the bestest weeks in a long time! yes, i hate the coldness-ness, and my car wanted her blankie, but if it means no school...hell yeah! monday: 90 min delay tues: i wasn't there wed: PRAY for no school!!!

I owuld like to says CONGRATULATIONS RACHEL!!!! GOOOOOOOOOOOO UMASS!!!!! i'm so excited for you! i KNEW that you would get in no problem cause you're amazing!

anywho, today was audition number 2...hopefully the last audition, and the last time i ever have to play those damn pieces! i played both i think the best i've ever played them and i absolutely LOVED the piano. i wanted to take it home with me. and the dude looked like he was 12, straight from julliard, and i liked him...he prefered the modern piece (yes!) (i hate bach!)


but yeah. i talked to some old guy too to try to get some big scholarship thing, and i think it went pretty well. i hear back from them in a week. i love the punctualness.

i wanna send lvc a check now. take me now! if the music depo doesn't except me i'll major in bio or something!

no i won't.

anywho i bought my first and only college sweatshirt, which i'm planning on wearing out. the sleeve proudly states: dutchmen. hahaha, i love it. tiny town, people have no teeth, farm land nearby, billy goats, and the mascot: dutchmen. like "grr i'll hit you with my wooden shoe!" hahahaha! i love it.

anywho, pray for snow! i must go attend the american idol/cookie baking party in my house. heheh!

Posted by blog/yesimabandgeek at 11:22 PM WAT
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Tuesday, 20 January 2004

midterms? what midterms? we had them today? oh yeahhh...

sigh. seniors roockk. cept not tomorrow. music theory and ap eng and french ohhhhhhh lordy lordy...


Posted by blog/yesimabandgeek at 11:17 PM WAT
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Saturday, 17 January 2004

OK, here we go, we got a real pressure cooker going here
Two down, nobody on, no score, bottom of the ninth
There's the wind-up, and there it is
A line shot up the middle, look at him go
This boy can really fly
He's rounding first and really turning it on now
He's not letting up at all, he's gonna try for second
The ball is bobbled out in the center
And here's the throw and what a throw
He's gonna slide in head first
Here he comes, he's out
No, wait, safe, safe at second base
This kid really makes things happen out there
Batter steps up to the plate
Here's the pitch, he's going
Amd what a jump he's got
He's trying for third
Here's the throw
It's in the dirt, safe at third
Holy cow, stolen base
He's taking a pretty big lead out there
Almost daring them to pick him off
The pitcher glances over, winds-up and it's bunted
Bunted down the third base line
The suicide squeeze is on
Here he comes, squeeze play, it's gonna be close
Here's the throw, here's the play at the plate
Holy cow, I think he's gonna make it

Posted by blog/yesimabandgeek at 6:29 PM WAT
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Thursday, 15 January 2004

snowwwww day snowwwww day la la la la la!

this morning em looked up the lhs website to see if we had school, and i was in bed semi-sleeping. even if we did have school i was NOT getting out of the bed. but wahoo!!!

what shall i do today.....hmm.....why didn't i bring home music theory stuff POOP POOP. i guess i'll english it up. and do math just to do something cause it's the only thing i have home. (you take math? yes cait lol...i didn't know it either)

sigh. hebe jebie! no school! snow badmitton at my house at 2!

Posted by blog/yesimabandgeek at 3:14 PM WAT
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