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about me
This is where you put all the stuff about you, for example: your name, your birthday, your nickname, age, gender, and so forth...if you want, you could also put a link that pops up to your pictures ^_^

This is where you put all the links to other websites/blogs that you like, and maybe links to your friend's sites.

- Baby Angel
- D D G

Don't remove the links!

link me
If you want more visitors, then this is the place where you can ask people to link you!

If you are using this layout as a blog, this is a place for you to put a small thumbnail of your desktop!

This is where you put all the extra stuff that you didn't put above...stuff like cliques that you joined, adoptions, more links and other stuff!

about this layout
This layout works best on Netscape 7. It is best used as a small personal site, but you could use it anyway you want as long as you credit me ^^. This is my first layout with a dark background ^^ hope it looks alright...

using this layout
Directions: Unzip and upload all of the files to a temporary files folder. Open index.html with your favorite HTML Editor and replace all the text I have here with your own.

I forgot where I found the image above ^^ sorry - if you know where, please e-mail me. Credits go to Day Dream Graphics if that's where you downloaded this layout from :)

I hope you like this layout! The scrollbar might look weird, I don't know how it looks like because my browser doesn't support them :( but you can change it if you want ^^ If you have any questions, comments or problems, feel free to e-mail me!

layout created by Baby Angel
Site Copyrighted © 2003 Your Name