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March 06,2003
Yeah, flu's seem to go on forever dont they? Well I'm here now.
Broke my finger in gym who knows how who cares how.
Thats it.
April 24, 2003
I'm real sick so if I dont answer e-mails today that's probably why.
Listening to some Avril Lavigne. God she's hot.
And her music rocks my world more than she does ;). Hehe.
I guess in todays blog I'll talk about the perfect girlfriend for me myself and I...why you ask? Because I'm that bored.
Avril is like the perfect kind of role model. Not that I want to go out with Avril...well yeah I do...but still; the kind of girls I like are punk, smart, and perferably with brown or ginger hair. I find ginger-redish type of hair a real turn on and dont know why.
Shorter kinds of girls too; I dont know why but the girls I go out with are usually short...
I love girls that can think for themselfs and dont hang onto a guy for dear life. I dont think a relationship should be about need. It should be about want to be around the other person forever. That's my oppinion at least.
So the perfect girl for me is; a non-blonde, a punk, smart,short, can think for herself...and of course likes diffrent kinds of music
I had to add the music thing in there.
Its not like I go out with every girl who holds all these characteristics.
I mean their all part of it, but me and my girlfriend start out as friends and as friends were close as in we talk...a lot.
I need a girl I can hold a serious conversation with.
Well, and stupid conversations with too...but still.

April 23, 2003
I dont even want to do blog today...way too tired. Like the new font? Layout? Pages. Ha, ok no...I dont like it; but thats ok. It's the best I can do and black is the manliest color I could thing of...

April 20, 2003
Shit this, I hate having to restart blogs, it always takes so long.
My money source was cut off by my parents so I wasnt able to keep my old blog (I was paying for it) at least with this it's free.
Except for the annoying pop ups
I wanna thank Angie for just about everything on this site. You might go to her site and think we have similar types of layouts and stuff. And the surveys the same...but it's only because Angie helped me out with an idea.
So dont think I'm copying her or n e thing.
Not lots to say except with my last site lotsa people were saying the following
You're anti-war, thats stupid
You're an actavisit
You're an enviormentalist
You're gay
People also dised my music style and called me a drunk.
Well their right about me being anti-war, their right about me being an enviormentalist, their right about me being an actavisit...their wrong about me being gay.
Also, if you dont like my music style...I dont care; I do.
So leave me in peace oh idiotic ones
-Dameon...Sex God...

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