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ExiT siTe yOu mE
Billy Talent
xStArted Ov3rx

I'm BACK! Yes I decided to come back from my unannouced hiatus from my other website BeBeliXious, poor little site, I just completely been busy with life and school and everything else, I just didn't have the time and heart to put into the site. But NO worries, I'm back again and I plan to at least keep the site up again!
Since the last time I've blogged was on September 11, I know thats a damn long time! I wanted to update badly but I just wasn't happy with my layout and couldn't think of anything else to make. Then the name just kinda of got on my nerves, so I thought I changed it to x0TrUexFanTasyx0, don't ask why, the name came from this band name generator, I forgot the site but if I ever find it I'll link it. And of course I used this name as my AIM name so IM me sometimes! I get bored all the time and need someone to chit chat with.
But other then that, since the last time I blogged, I've gone through a lot of shiZZL3! Near the end of Sept3mb3er, beginning of Octob3r, I was in a crazy, short, and almost sweet relationship with this guy name xjOnx...yea it's a long story how we meet and a still unfinished story why he left....well I'm still just confused about what happen(one minute we're out having fun the next itz over? lol) and I almost lost a good friend in the process of dating him lol so I was crushed that week in October along with my cousin getting in a car wreck and being killed...xemo I had it rough in October..seriously I was about to go crazy I'm like WTF, else could go wrong in my LIFE! But I've gotten over it, still sucks to think about it, but hey its other fishez in da sea right? If all the good ones aren't taken lol.
School has been tiring me out! But I'm so glad we're out on Christmas break! WOoHOO! Tis the season to be JOLLY in bed! Gosh I've haven't gotten a decent night of sleep in a while. I've been bombared with projects galore from teachers! Spanish 3, U.S. History Hn, Newspaper..well with newspaper we just write article but when you don't have anything to write about its hard to complete an article. But like always I did, and like always my article was da bomb diggety! xBodyxImagex! good topic since everyone is obessed with it, I might share my article with you lovely people when I have time to fix my website.
I'm still looking to be hosted, because angelfire sucks! The bandwidth and the ads are a 8itch! Those ad killers codes don't really work because I still have those dumb ads popping up everywhere and messing up my layout. By the way my layout, looks punk I guess you would say, I <3 this picture of Paris Hilton, well shoot all her pictures are HOT! I wish I had her money and all the clothes she be rockin! Everything she puts on is mega NICE and would be totally something I would wear to the clubs or just out for a stroll on the town! Plus I've been even more in <3 with her in since I've been watching the Simpl3 Lif3, that show is funny and I think her and Nicole Richie make a good match as buddies! I love Nicole Richie also, but its so hared to find a website with pictures of her or any information. But I read from some forums that they will be making a Simple Life 2, so I can't wait for that or Paradise Hotel 2 because I loved that show also! Fox=Best R3ality Shows, well except for that Who Wants To Marry A Millionaire, that show sucked but hey we all can't be great all the time.
Well thats all I will blog for now, I'm getting ready to stay with my sister for a few days to go holiday shopping with her for my parents so I still got to pack before they come back and get mad at me for not being ready to leave, lol they already gave me a fair warning..teehee, well I guess I will blog later and also work on my site when I return. So Toodles all!!
Before I go, gotta give a shoutout to a few people:
  • Alena:Thnxs for the lovely Christmas goodie bag you got me! I'm <3'in all the Hello Kitty stuff and the candles! It puts me in the mood;) lol, thanks for being such a good friend and I luVz Ya GiRL!
  • JaYma:My new best friend! You have been super sweet and super nice to me and have helped me out with my boring AIM profile, which is not so boring anymore! I'm glad we became friends and hope we continue to for a long time! Much <3 to ya Jayma!
  • Tara: Hey it's been fun hanging out en Espanol tres este ano! I hope I typed that correctly lol. Thanks for the Christmas gift you got me! I love it, the bubble bath, the perfume..yummy! Hope we get to be in another class together soon before you graduate! <3 ya Girl!
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