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Winter Raven's Wiccan Journal
Friday, 13 February 2004
I'm so tired of cleaning my house it's unreal. I have to clean up the house so I can get everything moved around where I want it. I'm going to be painting my kitchen cabinets as fun. LOL

I'm going to have to get my bookcases put together, that way I can put my books up, and I can go ahead and put my Craft books in a bookcase instead of in my hanging file box.

I'm also so tired of not having the money I need to do the things I want and need to do. Ok, time to stop ranting. I just needed to vent. :)

Blessed Be

Posted by blog/winterraven at 4:56 PM CST
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Thursday, 12 February 2004
Got my book
Well, my tax money showed up today. I got my book, To Light a Sacred Flame by Silver RavenWolf, as well as Llewllyn's 2004 Spell-a-day Almanac. I figured I might as well get them, don't know when I'll have the opportunity to get anymore Craft books.

Short entry, I know but I have to run.

Blessed Be

Posted by blog/winterraven at 5:20 PM CST
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Wednesday, 11 February 2004
Bored Stiff
Well, I'm still stuck using the library's computers. I've been so busy lately with some stuff I'm selling on Ebay, and taking care of my mom that I haven't been able to post here, nor have I been able to do any studies in my craft. It's driving me crazy because I really need to get working on those studies again.

I'm still not through the first Silver RavenWolf book and I'd like to get through it because in a week or so I'll have my income tax check in the bank and I want to be able to buy the 3rd book in the series, but I don't want to buy it if I haven't at least gotten started on the 2nd book. If I don't buy it at tax time though, I'll probably never have the money to buy it at all. Decisions, decisions.

I'm really bored right now. It's actually pretty quiet here at the library considering there's a kid running around in here. LOL

Well, better go for now.

Blessed Be

Posted by blog/winterraven at 6:45 PM CST
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Saturday, 24 January 2004
Boredom, again
Today is January 24, 2004. The weather is cloudy, rainy, and chilly.

I've decided to study the Salem Witch Trials. I want to know what they considered a witch to be, I want to know how they determined that a person was a witch. I know that innocent people were murdered due to a bunch of overzealous people who called themselves Christians. Seems like they weren't being too christian at the time.

I'm getting to the end of To Ride a Silver Broomstick. Soon I'll be reading To Stir a Magick Cauldron. I can't wait. Although I don't have To Light a Sacred Flame yet, that's ok, it'll take me a while to read To Stir a Magick Cauldron.

Well, not much to say today.

Blessed Be

Posted by blog/winterraven at 3:02 PM CST
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Friday, 23 January 2004
Today is January 23, 2004. The weather is cloudy, but warm.

I'm bored out of my mind. My mom is coming home from the nursing home on Wednesday, but I'm still bored out of my mind. I'll be even more bored when I can't come to the library to use the computer because my mom will be home.

Got my new PayPal debit card today. Unfortunately, I don't have a lot in my PayPal account right now, and I have to spend what I do have to get food. Go figure.

Well, not much to say today, but thought I ought to put an entry in anyways.

Blessed Be

Posted by blog/winterraven at 2:17 PM CST
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Wednesday, 21 January 2004
Witchcraft for the Masses
Today is January 21, 2004. The weather is cloudy and chilly.

No, today's title has nothing to do with the entry. Although last night my friend Nich had me pick my method of divination by using my Tarot cards. Basically I picked twice and got The Hermit card both times. That means I look for omens on journeys, and I use bibliomancy, which is a basically closing my eyes, opening a book to a random page, putting my finger on a sentence, and counting the letters. If the number of letters is even the answer is yes, if it's odd, it's no. Pretty cool.

Watched Cabin Fever and Abbott & Costello's Hold That Ghost last night. Pretty good movies, even though I'm not much of an Abbott & Costello fan. I prefer the Three Stooges. :)

I can't wait to get our mortar & pestle set. It should be arriving in the next couple of days. I also ordered a couple of posters with it as well. Can't wait to get those either. :)

Well, I'm going to go for now, as there's really nothing to say. If you're reading this and you're bored, don't worry, so am I. LOL

Blessed Be

Posted by blog/winterraven at 3:23 PM CST
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Tuesday, 20 January 2004
Movies, Movies, & More Movies
Today is January 20, 2004. The weather is sunny but chilly.

Well, I've studied my Craft and made a few more notes that are in the study notes section of my Book of Shadows. And then I watched movie after movie after movie. Below is a list of the movies I've seen in the past couple of days since I was last able to write in this journal.

1. Queen of the Damned
2. The Stand
3. Sometimes They Come Back
4. Sometimes They Come Back Again
5. Sometimes They Come Back for More
6. Kate & Leopold
7. Practical Magic
8. Campfire Tales
9. Sugar & Spice
10. Interstate 60

I love Interstate 60 and will have to get a copy of it for my own as soon as I can. I'm going to do more studying tonight and maybe watch a movie but not sure since we're running out of movies to watch and don't have the money to get more movies.

I have to go, the library only gives you an hour on the computers, and I've got one minute left. I'm going to try for a second hour, but I doubt I'll be able to get it.

Blessed Be

Posted by blog/winterraven at 11:00 AM CST
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Friday, 16 January 2004
Welcome to My Journal
Today is January 16, 2004. The weather today is rain and thunderstorms. For the most part this journal will chronicle all of the days I am able to get onto the internet to write in the journal.

Today I have created my journal. Other than this, I've pretty much slept all day. I have three movies that arrived from Netflix today as well, that I plan on watching tonight and sending back tomorrow if at all possible. I rented Kate & Leopold, Sugar & Spice, and Interstate 60.

Later on tonight, if I can, I plan on doing a bit more of my Wiccan studies. I am a new witch, learning as I go. I am using Silver RavenWolf's New Generation Witchcraft series, as well as using Margot Adler's Drawing Down the Moon, and Scott Cunningham's Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner for my resources. I'm also hoping to make new Wiccan friends online who I can discuss various things regarding my faith with.

I don't have a lot to say today as there isn't much to do on a rainy day except curl up with a good book or movie and thank the Goddess that I exist.

Blessed Be until tomorrow.

Posted by blog/winterraven at 3:49 PM CST
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