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about whit.


Fun Fun.





















August 1, 1:29pm.Last night me and Natalie went to go see How To Deal. Girly Mandy Moore movie. But it was cute, I guess. We got in the hot tub and I was massaging her foot for her, because she had been at work for 9 hours standing on them and she had been complaining like crazy. Anywho, I was being stupid and I was acting like I was going to lick her toe, and I uh, actually did. HA! We both just sat there….heh. Then it was really funny. I guess you had to be there. Tonight me and Brandon are going to this club where my uncle Joe is releasing his 3rd CD. Fun fun.…I guess. We are still painting my old bedroom. We decided to paint our living room a deep red color, which is going to be very weird considering he have a huge living room with very very tall 20ft ceilings. And then all of the corresponding walls with be a khaki color. I’m excited.