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Creation of the universe 'Big bang theory'
In the field of Astronomy - a scientist will propel the concept that our universe was formed according to a hypothesis called the Big Bang Theory. That initially the whole universe was one `Primary Nebula- a cloud of gas or dust in space', which was further separated giving rise to galaxies and so forth other things such as our solar system, planets and stars like the sun. The Qur'an mentions:

`Do not the unbelievers see the heavens and the earth were joined together (as one unit of creation),before we clove them asunder?'
(Surah Al-Anbiyaa, Ch. No. 21, Verse No. 30)

And the Qur'an also mentions:

`Then he turned to the sky, and it had been (as) smoke: He said to it and to the earth, "come ye together willingly or unwillingly". They said "we do come (together) in willing obedience'
(Surah Fussilat, Ch. No. 41, verse 11)

The Arabic word used here is `Dukhan', which means `Smoke'. Science will tell you that the state of the universe before it was formed was `gas', this recently discovered phenomenon was mentioned in Qur'an over 1400 years ago and the Arabic word `Dukhan' which means Smoke, which is more scientifically correct than simple `gas'.


The expanding universe
The Qur'an also mentions:

`And the Sun runs unto a resting place'
(Surah Yasin, Ch. No. 36, Verse No. 38)

The Arabic used here is word, `Mustakar' which means `to a place determined'. The holy Qur'an again mentions the same message:

`he has subjected the sun and the moon! Each one runs (its course) for a term appointed'
(Surah  Rad, Ch. No. 13, Verse No. 2)

`the sun and moon (To his law) each one follows a course for a time appointed'
(Surah Az-Zumar, Ch. No. 39, Verse No. 5)

`he merges night into day and he merges day into night, and he has subjected the sun and the moon (to his law): each one runs its course for a term appointed'
(Surah Fatir, Ch. No. 35, Verse No. 13)

`seest thou not that Allah merges night into day and he merges day into night; That he has subjected the sun and the moon (to his law), each running its course for a term appointed'
(Surah Luqman, Ch. No. 31, Verse No. 29)

'We have built the firmament with might: and we indeed have vast power'
(in Surah Az Zariyat, Ch. No. 51, Verse No. 47)

Analyzing the Arabic word: `Musioona' it means `expanding universe'. It was Edwin Hubble, who is a famous scientist who discovered and said that `the universe is expanding'. Today's science has come to know that the Sun, along with the Solar system is going towards a point in the Universe, which the scientists call as the `Solar Apex'.  This recently discovered phenomenon that the galaxies are receding from one another was written in the Qur'an over 1400 years ago `for a term appointed'.
The universe is reaching an end point
The Qur'an also mentions:

`And the Sun runs unto a resting place'
(Surah Yasin, Ch. No. 36, Verse No. 38)

The Arabic used here is word, `Mustakar' which means `to a place determined'. The holy Qur'an again mentions the same message:

`he has subjected the sun and the moon! Each one runs (its course) for a term appointed'
(Surah  Rad, Ch. No. 13, Verse No. 2)

`the sun and moon (To his law) each one follows a course for a time appointed'
(Surah Az-Zumar, Ch. No. 39, Verse No. 5)

`he merges night into day and he merges day into night, and he has subjected the sun and the moon (to his law): each one runs its course for a term appointed'
(Surah Fatir, Ch. No. 35, Verse No. 13)

`seest thou not that Allah merges night into day and he merges day into night; That he has subjected the sun and the moon (to his law), each running its course for a term appointed'
(Surah Luqman, Ch. No. 31, Verse No. 29)

'We have built the firmament with might: and we indeed have vast power'
(in Surah Az Zariyat, Ch. No. 51, Verse No. 47)

Analyzing the Arabic word: `Musioona' it means `expanding universe'. It was Edwin Hubble, who is a famous scientist who discovered and said that `the universe is expanding'. Today's science has come to know that the Sun, along with the Solar system is going towards a point in the Universe, which the scientists call as the `Solar Apex'.  This recently discovered phenomenon that the galaxies are receding from one another was written in the Qur'an over 1400 years ago `for a term appointed'.


The red colour of the expanding universe
According to the Britannica book `science and the future 'of 1994 on pages 48-51, in 1924, Edwin Hubble `measured the relative distances of nearby galaxies by measuring the apparent brightness and periods of Cepheid variable stars'. The `Hubble theory' concluded that galaxies are receding from one another at a steady pace. Hubble had passed the star lights through a spectrum and saw that every star has different colors. Then he calculated the length by using the red tones that indicate the velocity of recession of a galaxy from the earth. `The galaxies that are farthest away reveal the largest red shifts and are receding the fastest'. The holy Qur'an mention:

`When the sky is rent asunder, and it becomes red like ointment'
(Surah Ar-Rahman, Ch. No. 55, Verse No. 37)

Analyzing this quote we come to know that this scientific fact was mentioned in the Qur'an over 1400 years ago. What Hubble has failed to calculate it when or how the universe will stop expanding? But now, scientists have adopted the idea that the universe's expansion will stop sometime, it is the `Closed Universe Model'.
    The word used by the holy Qur'an is `like ointment', this indicates that red colour will be due to flames and the heat. The whole world as we know will finally melt or dissolve away.