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Days In The Life Of A Wizard
Monday, 30 June 2003

First time fo me on this damn thing, and I ain't sho how to use it. Might take me a while to get right, yo.

I be H to tha P, yo, the most famous wizard in the whole o' England. Ain't nobody be messin' wit my bad self, 'cept o course dat bad mofo He Who Shall Not Be Named [less commonly known as Voldizzle]. I be kickin' that bad ass soon though, yo.

I gots my homies, DJ Ron and Hermione Hobag, who be like mah sidekicks, G! They be helpin' me out wit Voldizzle, teachin' me spells and helpin' me rap. I ain't no pro, but I tha best at freestylin', yo.

So I'm just supposed to write about my day here? Fo sho.

So anyway, Hermione [my biznatch] totally flipped out on that arrogant Dracizzle and slapped his ass to the MOON and back! He had that comin', man. And DJ Ron just stood there and laughed, chantin' the "Weasley Is Our King" remix in that bad mofo Dracizzle's face. You ain't so slick now, boi.

And then tha D to tha D [Dumbledore, yo!] talked to me 'bout my badass godpappy Siziri's tragic death. It almost killed me to think 'bout it, G.

Hey yo, that scumbag Snape is ridin' my ass so I gotta go. First post kicked some shit, yo?!

~H to tha P

Posted by blog/webefly at 12:15 PM BST
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