Wednesday, June 09, 2004 Mood: Crappy Currently Listening To: "God is a DJ" by Pink Today's Random Word: Stalker THANKS ALICIA. Her and her friggen anonymous postings. Now I know how Fiona feels, lol, but at least I know who did it. Mr. Whynot went to the vice principal today, and now Alicia, the guidance counseler and I have to go have a "talk." Oh great, have a talk with that, excuse my language, bitch. It ain't fair!!! In the mean time, I started a livejournal account, and once I get it up and running, and once I figure out how to use it, lol, I'll let you guys know. Protected (details) - 8:09 PM - add eprops - add comments - edit it I've decided to make my journal protected. Comment and I'll add you to my list. Hmm, the first ever "Friends Only" Xanga Mood: Exhausted Currently Listening To: "Operate" by the Peaches Today's Random Word: Skin Cancer Mr. Rice's hike/beach trip was today, and I had a blast. We hiked for five miles through all sorts of terrain (rocks, sand, hoards of flies, ect,) and went to the beach. Lol, Sara and I got there last. Beckie, Sam H., Sara, and I had fun chatting, bugging Matt and his friends, and "tanning." I tanned a little bit. GO ME! I will finally know tomorrow whether or not I actually get into PVEC. Finally Mr. Simpson is going to meet with my mom and I do discuss my transfer. Wish me luck. Sara, pointing at her arm: "Is this just a fly bite, or is it skin cancer?" Sara (again) to a fly: "What part of DIE don't you understand?" Monday, June 07, 2004 Mood: Better than I was earlier ^_^ Today's Random Word: Luau Currently Listening To: "Swamped" by Lacuna Coil Back to school for me... and the beach trip was canceled. It's on tomorrow, so I can't wait, actually. I so need a tan. Yesterday Sara dropped by and we studied Math for two hours and forty-five minutes. I am screwed for my science exam. I made a 62 on the test we got back, so I have to do good on this exam to insure that I get honours. The thing is, though, is that looking back on the stuff we covered in January, I can't remember a thing. I still don't know what an isotope it! 7 more days... Alicia started on me again! Jason and I were walking out of the hallway, and and turned around and stood right in front of where I was walking, and then when I passed her, she turned around and elbowed me hard (she claims it was an accident, but no one elbows someone that hard and from that far away by accident) so Jason told me he'd yell at her for me, and while he was yelling, I spotted Sara's mom, and told her what was going on, and she yelled at Alicia. Seriously though, Alicia has a major problem. In French, even after Sara's mom talked to her, she told the whole class about what happened while our teacher was out, laughing about how I got my "gay-friend-hehehe" to stick up for me. I wish she'd just GIVE IT UP. I've had enough of her! Thanks Jason =) Sunday, June 06, 2004 Mood: Happy Currently Listening To: "So Far Away" by Stain'd Today's Random Word: Global Warming Well, since my dad and brother went down to my grandparents for the weekend, my mom and I went to the mall (there was nothing there, as usual) and to see the 9:20 showing of "The Day After Tomorrow." The movie, oh gosh, it was alot scarier that any of the murder-horrory films, because of the fact that what happened in the film will probably come true in the future. It's about a climatologist, Jack Hall, who's research indicates that global warming can trigger a major shift in the planet's climate, causing an ice age. He warns the officials, but they don't take any warning, and little does he know that a new ice age is just around the corner. His son is trapped in New York, and because of a promise he made to his son, he makes his way up north to rescue him. My mom actually screamed during the movie, which was funny, but I recommend that if you ever get a chance to see it, see it =D After the movie, we got home around 11:40, and since I was wide awake, I watched the end of "A Knights Tale". Surprisingly I didn't have any night mares about the end of the world =) Friday, June 04, 2004 Mood: Alright Currently Listening To: "Split Second Time" by Masia One Today's Random Word: Trifles I think Alicia got suspended, but I don't know for sure, because last time I told on her, she didn't come to school the next day, but she soo does totally deserve it. 10 more days until exams... *groans* Thursday, June 03, 2004 Mood: Ok Currently Listening To: "Operate" by the Peaches Today's Random Word: #&%$ I had the whole last two dayswritten out to share with you (and it was so long) and my computer froze! I guess I'll start over... Well, the "Alicia" thing started again. Allow me to explain. It started yesterday, when we didn't have PDR class because our teacher wasn't there, so since someone told me to go down to the gym, I did. I met up with Sara, and we decided, since the guys were using the whole gym to play floor hockey, to play badminton on the stage. Guess who was sitting on the stage? Guess who decided it would be fun to start on me for no reason? Alicia. Well, Sara, Sam H. and I were playing badminton, and someone just so happened to hit the birdie and it landed behind and between Alicia and Saphire. Guess what Alicia does? Turns around and grabs it. Then she turned back around like nothing happened. I glared at her a moment, while Sara went out to find another birdie, then I said to Mr. Whynot, annoyed, "Can you get Alicia to give us back our birdie?" he looked weirdly at me for a moment, so I said, "Alicia took our birdie. Can you get Alicia to get it back to us?" Mr. Whynot started going on about using another birdie (there was only one other one that we found earlier and it was ratty) and then Alicia started going "I didn't take their birdie. What is she talking about? I didn't do anything." Then Sara found our birdie in on the ground (amazing, it was on the stage one second, and a metre away on the floor the next) and we continued our game. A little while later, Sara hit the birdie, and since I didn't want to accidently thwack Alicia in the head, I let the birdie fall behind her. Of course, she turned around, snatched it up, and went back to talking with her friends. I look at her a moment, and then I go, "Alicia, will you give us back our birdie?" She looks at me. "Can you give it back?" Then she says in her snobbish voice, "You should learn how to play badminton." So then I got mad, and started spealing about why couldn't she leave us alone, and I remember saying "I'd like to see you play badminton." Then I stormed off to the locker room, because I seriously felt like I was going to either break my raquet or break her neck. No use breaking a perfectly good raquet, or breaking someone's neck and going to jail, lol. So I went into the locker room, after Mr. Whynot said I wasn't allowed to leave the gym, and tried to calm down, but I didn't get much calming time before Alicia's "groupies" came into the locker room and spealed off about how I didn't do anything to Alicia and how she wants to hurt me. I left, and then sat down with Sara. Just then, Mr. Whynot says the bell is about to ring, and then I see Alicia and her "groupies" headed towards me, so I get up, and try to ignore her. The bell rings, and as I was going out the door, she starts stepping on my heels, and she shoved my backpack a few times. I ran to Jason for comfort, he made me laugh, and I was fine. She didn't really but me anymore, except for making crude comments behind my back. I can't help it, I just can't stand her. I can't stand to look at her. She's just like the girls in "Mean Girls" except she doesn't live in a mansion and her father didn't invent toaster stroodles. I can't help it, it drives me insane. And, what I really don't understand that when these situations happen, how I just kind of become someone else, I am so, miffed off, and its weird how I can't remember a lot of details, it all goes by in this horrorific blur. Well, anyways, after an afternoon of studying and helping my mom with dinner, Jason, Sara and I went to the movies to see "Mean Girls" again. I had a good time, besides the fact that Jason kept ignoring us for his movie-theatre-staff buddies. It's kind of getting old, Jason ignoring us. Whenever he is looking for someone, or is hanging out with someone else, he completely ignores us, like we're air or something. I miss Jason... The next day: here's where it gets worse. Well, Alicia didn't get on my case in the morning, thank goodness, but she came up in our conversation at lunch time between Beckie, Sara, and I. Believe me, I mutilated a milk carton keeping my anger in check. But anyways, after I finished eating, I went to the library to finish up some homework, and then headed off to French class, which is the last place I wanted to be because we had a substitute teacher, and Alicia. It just makes me nervous when shes around. Well, Alicia started once more with the crude comments about me, and I just tuned her out. Even though we were having a lively discussion on a number of topics, I didn't want to speak up, because last time I spoke up, she made fun of me, so, I kept quiet until someone said something about home ec. Someone didn't know what grades were going to do it, and I said that we did it in grades 7 and 8, but, just my luck, Keisha had to go on, in a loud voice, about how I was wrong, (which I swear I was not) and about how her sister took it, so I got fed up and told her to F-off. She looked at me funny, then turned around and started talking to Alicia and Saphire and their groupies. Saphire asked Keisha if we were still friends, and Keisha's like "No." and then they started talking about who I was friends with, and they had a great time laughing over the fact that Jason is gay. I turned back to my homework, and I was so absorbed in it, that when Keisha's bracelet came whizzing across my binder, it scared me to heck. Keisha eventually got her bracelet back, but then it came whizzing at me again, and I know Alicia did it on purpose because when Keisha starts to laugh, Alicia goes "Its not my fault Keisha doesn't know how to catch." I thought, "Oh good, Alicia is pelting stuff at me, what next?" Well, then the bell rang, and since I totally had to avoid Alicia, I stayed behind, pretending to be interrested in the sub's talk on Venus, while Alicia, was waiting for all her friends to leave. Little did I know, she was waiting for me. I waited a bit longer, and I saw Alicia by the door talking to someone, and since I didn't want to be late, I tried to sneak out the door. As soon as I got out the door, Alicia turned around and power walked up behind me and started stepping on my legs and the back of my shoes. I'm gonna admit, I was scared to heck, and she was still doing it as I was going up the stairs, and I was so scared that I was going to fall. When I got up the stairs, outside of Mr. MacDougals, room, I walked on over to the farthest wall, and turned around, and there was Alicia, giving me the evil eye. I told her to f-off, and then two teachers came, and all I know what that I was so upset, I walked off, and Ms. Burley caught up to me and started saying how I shouldn't make a scene. I always thought she looked pleasent, but it turns out, she's anything but. I went to the office and talked to the vice principal, and hopefully he finally got something done about it. Anyone who goes around picking on people for no reason, and then going around saying "I hope I don't get suspended" (duh) deserves to be suspended. Download "Operate" by the Peaches. You'll reconize it from the "Mean Girls" movie... at the part I do believe when Cady is hosting her own party. It has an awesome beat Tuesday, June 01, 2004 Mood: Grossed out Currently Listening To: "God is a DJ" by Pink Today's Random Word: Sand I've got a question for you. Whats the point of having a dress code when nobody gets busted for going against it? Omg, our school is so lax, the librarian was going around with major cleveage. Call me a lesbian (usually thats what people call me when I say anything about it) but it's kinda hard NOT to notice. It is actually kind of nasty, especially when you turn around and come face to face with someones breasts in the crowded hallways. I know I was talking about this to some of my friends, and if I was still living in Houston, here's an example of what the dress code would be like: -Any clothing with logos or words that promote alcohol, tobacco, drugs, bigotry, violence, vulgarity, or sexual connotations are not permitted. -Pants or shorts with lettering, logos, or any other symbol featured on the seat of the pants is/are prohibited. -Clothing, accessories, and/or personal items which could be used as weapons such as spiked wrist/ankle bands, spiked rings, or wallet chains are not allowed. -Cutoff, halter, bare midriffs and tops that expose cleavage are not to be worn. Sleeveless tops must have shoulder straps that are a minimum of 2" wide in the narrowest area and no part of the midriff should show when both arms are raised over the head. -Spaghetti straps and strapless tops are not permitted. -Fishnet stockings are prohibited. -Short shorts and short skirts are not allowed. -Hats must have a brim or visor for sun protection. Hoods or “beanies” may not be worn while at school. -Shoes must be worn at all times. Platform shoes over 2”are not allowed because of safety concerns. Now think of the students who go to my school, lol. They'd be in deep trouble if they lived there. There was my beef for the day. Monday, May 31, 2004 Mood: Sore Currently Listening To: "God is a DJ" by Pink Today's Random Word: Marriage Today was our "beach bonding" trip, and it was awesome! The gossip group wasn't there, so that was a plus. Well, I sat with Beckie on the bus, and when we got there, we went down to the beach (lol, they had "WELCOME GR. 9s") written in the sand, and we gathered round and played this game where the guys knocked each other silly with pool noodles, lol. Then we played "Capture the Flag" and then we got into smaller groups, and played an introduction game, and we played "Id Never" PG-beach style. It was kinda like the "Neighbor" game we played in drama, where there was one person in the middle, and they said something they've done, and the people who done it, had to switch places in the circle. When I was up, I couldn't think of anything to say, and lol, Mark and Whitney were my group leaders, and Mark goes, "I've loved a very bad a hockey team", so I copied him and then got back into the circle. We took a break for snack, then split up into even smaller groups to build a sandcastle. I was with Gillian, Chelsea F., Chelsea H., Beckie, Sam H., and David, who was one of the leader people, and we built a castle with a mote that came in second place. Lol, I won a lunch pass. Some of the castles and sand sculptures were amazing. Ashley was a human lobster that came in first, and there was an alligator, and some of the castles were amazing. We then did a relay race and later on we ate lunch. After lunch, Beckie and I went for a walk with Matt, and bothered the crap out of him. After eating a free chocolate bar, I left. It was fun. I had a nice time. Bowling tonight... yee-haw! Lol, gotta do some studying later, too... D'OH! Mood: Happy Currently Listening To: "Ready To Go" by Republica Today's Random Word: Deadly Well, I saw Shrek 2 last night. It wasn't as good as the first, but it was damn funny... specially Pus-in-Boots, I liked him the most, especially when he gave everyone this cute, innocent look. I wish my cat was spanish... I found this quizzy thing on the net... I'll fill it out and see what I come up with, lol. 1. Take five books off your bookshelf. 2. Book #1 -- first sentence 3. Book #2 -- last sentence on page fifty 4. Book #3 -- second sentence on page one hundred 5. Book #4 -- next to the last sentence on page one hundred fifty 6. Book #5 -- final sentence of the book 7. Make the five sentences into a paragraph. 8. Feel free to "cheat" to make a better paragraph.I did. *BG* 9. Name your sources 10.Post to your blog and/or a community(or several). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Assignment (Due December 8): Here at Albert Einstein High School, we have a very diverse student population. The crew complained, to themselves, about having to lug everything up, but they followed the Captain's orders. I say, Well then, I'll talk and you listen: You can't run away from things Siddalee. There was a bit of a bright fire burning on the hearth, and in front of it were some low and confortable chairs. Because then I wouldn't be me. 1. Princess Diaries: Princess in Love by Meg Cabot 2. Trapped in Ice by Eric Walters 3. Little Altars Everywhere by Rebecca Wells 4. Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring 5. All American Girl by Meg Cabot Lol, I don't know how to "cheat" and make the paragraph better, so I'll leave it.
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