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!Name: Kristi
!Age:14 [Best age ever]
!Birthday: Feb. 25
!Likes: Tae Kwon Do; Black Belts [*drool*]; Soccer; Internet; Reading; Writing; Chatting Online; etc. [I like lots of stuffs]
!Dislikes: Mean people who think they are better than me and always right; AOL [BURN]; People who don't like black belts [DIE]; etc. [there are lots of other things, just don't wanna list em!]

There isn't much to say about it. I thought the picture was cool and it worked well with the layout. Lol, if you noticed on the lettering, there is a typo. It says "Wallpapereed" instead of "Wallpapered". I feel so dumb! lol, but I'm to lazy to fix it. When I change the layout, I promise it will be right!

!AIM Icons
!Blank Buttons


Button Wall//
If you want to be on my wall, click [Here!]

[For some of the blinkies on the site] ! [for some tuts and graphix]
!Paint Shop Pro [FOr helping me to make all my images!]

!E-mail: [E-mail Me]
!AIM: Plushie Grrl [IM Me]
!Neopets: Plushie Grrl, xxsoul or bouncygirl

Link Me//

"woo!" 3:32pm on 8/6/03
Music: Love Potion #9 - The Beatles

Yay! Website is going great! I have some freebies up now but I think I really need to get hoasted. Dumb adds are starting to bother me. Well, thats a task for a later date. I think I will add a page of my stories n' such. Once again, maybe later! Well, lights out!

"Early Mornings... *groan*" 7:33pm on 8/6/03
Music: nope, none, nada

Oh good, I was wrong, my dad didn't turn off the internet! *whipes brow* nope, instead its just gay camcost that shut off. dumb internet provider.. well, I'm gonna keep working on the site. Lights out.

"eep! Storm!" 9:51pm on 8/5/03
Music: The thunder outside

Yeah, I know, i post like, five minutes ago, but I think you should all know that my father has turned the internet off for a short while and I will not be able to upadate. [sucks, I know...] Well, I think thats my bed calling me! Lights out! [for real now!]

"Woo" 9:39pm on 8/5/03
Music: Where is the love? - Black Eyed Peas

Ok, alright. I admit it. I am just bloggin so I can fill up space on the blog part. I'm sorry! I wont do it again! Well, to keep you updated, I did put up some adoptables and I think my page looks pretty good. I just wish I could get rid of the add at the top of the page... *groan* oh well, I'll deal with it later. Lights out.

"Grrrr..." 7:04pm on 8/5/03
Music: Get This Party Started - Pink

This site is being very difficulte! I can't get rid of the stupid add and I can't make a popup work for my subpages!! grrr! I'm really trying, but I just can't figure it all out! *sniff* *sniff* Why can't I????

"I hate Frontpage!" 4:08pm on 8/5/03
Music: In This Diary - The Ataris

I am majorly hating frontpage right now. I typed up a whole long blog and what happens? It erases it.. BURN IT! Well, I am just gonna sum it up. I just got this page up and I am not gonna but updating much since I am going into highschool next year. I have to get up really really early and go to bed really really early. Add on homework and Tae Kwon Do and how much time to I have to work on this site? None... Pshaa! Well, Lights out~ [my lil g'bye phrase]