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UK the second trip
Monday, 1 September 2003
saturday night out with the Guys...
Another crazy adventure.. last week end in London thought I will go out see some lights and london.. Went to SOHO the ex(???) red light area of london now hosting some of the best resturents... Had a beer in one of the pubs great music.. moved on to another and on my second beer the adventure started...
Met these two blokes One a scotish and other a brit (he was a carpenter..) Cool guys these.. we got talking the scotsmen edward had a habit of flirting with any women in available range, asking and getting into conversation with people around... we stepped out to go to another pub and edward saw a sex shop and in we went with edward cracking jokes at the bouncer....Whew.. admas the other guy was more reserved.. in the meantime edward had run into a hooker !!! most probably a cocain addict by the looks of it.. anyway she added to our crazy company went to another pub downed a bourbon.. the next pub I had another 2 jack daniels.. edward went out with the lady for about 1/2 hour .. she gave him the slip.. seems he ran out of money and could not find an atm... anyway dear old edward had a wife and 2 kids at home and here he was running after painted ladies...
well got back after 12... had a bad hangover.. a night to remeber :-)
PS : soho has these gay pubs.. I went into one by mistake and was out in 20 secs... whew close shave....

Posted by blog/vivek at 10:34 AM EDT
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Tuesday, 12 August 2003
HEAT... HOT ...
London and Uk are getting hot... It was 38 celcius on sunday.. had 4 baths, spent 2 hours in the tub with few cubes of ice thrown in once in a while( icebergs.. :P ) got hit by heat on saturday ( 35 Celcius), refrigetated my bed sheets no use... The rooms do not have fans... they do not have Air conditioning... arrrgh.. the Tube is stiffling.. trains are breaking down ( Anyway in this country trains break down in winters because its too cold and because of snow.., in autumn because of leave they break down !!!! and summers the tracks buckel ??? What the hell is wrong with these guys... Indian railways is better..) Anyway road is melting... I am dying...

Met Suman and Jash(odra) after about an year and a half we had spent a great 2-3 months when I was in bangalore... Jash is now teaching in a local high school (she is an IIM grad... !!!!) Had dinner..

Well enough for the weekend events... I will try to be more regular

ITS HOT !!!!!! :-Z

Posted by blog/vivek at 1:49 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 12 August 2003 1:51 PM EDT
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Extended stay
My stay has been extended.... I would have preffered to go back to India (Not even interested in trip to Switzerland !!!)
There is this interesting person in India I would like to meet.... oh well when one has to go one has to go...

At least for now my plan is as follows I go to switzerland on 16 then come back to london on 22nd go back to India on 6th sept and back to london around end of sept... Arrrrrrggghhh so much travel....

The heat wave continues in UK... more later just now I leave with another arrrrrgggghhhhh...... :-X
3 projects sniffel... They want to kill me Sniffel
vivek the paranoid
PS : today is rakhi... got the rakhi from rats...
:'-) Sniffel....

Posted by blog/vivek at 11:53 AM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 12 August 2003 12:01 PM EDT
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Friday, 8 August 2003
Weekend is here
Solved the crazy problem at Deutche bank... Friday is here - Having an easy friday Going to buy a bottel of wine.. Cook some food maybe lamb with Kashmiri masala... Watch a movie.. Tomorrow i go to Greenwich and then to the Highgate cemetary ... cheers to you all

Posted by blog/vivek at 2:21 PM EDT
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