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hi everybody, i know how popular this site is, and because of high demand, i decide to blog again. sorry if you want to hear things about my love life, but im going to make that a little more private then it has been before. Heres some info about myself: I have a mother, a father, a sister, a cat, and a dog. My favorite band is simple plan, my favorite vegetable is peas. my mom is 53, my dad is 50, my sis is 14, my cat is around 3/4 and my dog is around 10. I like to help people out who are in fucked up situations. (Mostly emotionally) Currently i am fighting a holy war against shallowness from Starbucks and A and F. I've felt shallowness first hand in eighth grade, and i'll promise i will never go there again. People who are shallow face increditable amounts of pain. they cant sleep without worrying about things about themselves. thats what i think...

Vinceman is finally back! i had to replace my power supply, but i delayed doing the chore for 5 days to experiment life without a computer. Although it is not easy, one clear advantage of not having a computer is family bonding. You will be forced to look at your family more if ur not looking at the computer screen. It was pretty fun catching up with my mom and dad. My parents talked to me about sex, their views of sex is extremely simple. To them, sex is something that your body must do when u hit an age. I was very sad when my parents told me this. I thought about the kids in africa and AIDS and HIV being spread there at an alarming rate. My opinion is if there is no food available to feed the kids, why have kids? The condom is not widely available in africa. My life is heaven to the sick and hungary kids of africa, so i will cherish every minute of it. When you are gloom, are just feel sad, understand that someone out there has it 100x worse then you, it will make you feel better.

I biked to the Anime Expo near disneyland today. 5 cities south and 2 cities east just to get there on local streets. Now when you see my sn, vinceman18, you will have figured out why there is the word Man there. it signifies that have finally become a Man, not a little kid anymore. Here's the scoop on the convention, 1. it cost alot just to get in, Luckily i used jerry's pass to get in for free. its not that fun to go for 4 days because it isnt that big. One day passes go for 25, but u dont really get anything free there and everyshop is just a store. 2. Theres some very good cosplay, so if your into that, i guess you should get there. Personally I dont think cosplaying is that fun. 3. They handed out free manga, too bad i cant read manga cause i hate reading. 4. There was alot of hentai-of course i bought some.


NO WATER POLO THIS WEEK!! I got frozen throne yesterday, its not that fun. well at least im kinda bored of it. I like Warcraft classic much more.
Katy told me to stay out of people's business, so maybe i should. But i cant help it, i just like helping people. Am i really at fault for wanting to aid people???


Love makes people think irrationally. On waterpolo I am 75% sure there is practice, so please come. I know our team is minus a coach, but we should still try hard. I believe we can go to CIF this year. we have the capability to. I will go to the pool everyday.

Our waterpolo team is as strong as our weakest player. Jerry and Micheal please come to practice if u can.


Damn, blogging is hard when your not using xanga. i imagine.I am currently searching for some pictures to put up on the site, dont worry, in time you can see all the beautiful pictures of myself. the site looks bare still, but its only a matter of time before everything gets put in.
more to come later!


Since I find blogging kinda gay, ill just answer any questions posted on the tag board, ill answer every question that you guys took the time to write on my board
If you dont give a shit, i dont give a shit, either.

name Vincent @ | IM
sex Male
age Sixteen
likes anime; warcraft III; waterpolo; eating; ping-pong; chinese/english chess; legos; magic cards, mostly xangas of people that i care about. A challenge may be issued for any of my hobbies, just bring it(especially chinese chess and ping pong) -
dislikes People who are overly shallow


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Layout made by Vincent!!.
Made with Photoshop 7 and notepad.
Image from Anime Wallpapers

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since 6/20/03