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- victoria
- 18
- rosemead, CA
- unattached
but unavailable
- irrational
- 5'10"
- weirdo
- pro-lazyass
- anti-drama
- bloOp bloOp

the emotional female
on the birth certificate, it says victoria anne g. people have learned to call me vee, vic, vix, v diddy, tori, ria or kronic. currently residing in rosemead, CA for seventeen out of my 18 years. known to be emotional at times, hyper at others. adores toe socks and ebay. enjoys the taste of beer kisses and thai food. smoker of various toxics. lover of hiphop. spiritual but not religious. understand the difference. way too tall at 5'10". descendant of irish, polish, cherokee, french, german, vietnamese and chinese roots. speaker of english. citizen of the US. sometimes poet. content with life. knowledge-craving. always think`n. non-virgin. hates my cellphone. introspective. easily annoy`d. violent when angry. hater of my cellphone. big-sister. little half-sister. student. telemarket`r. cousin. daughter. niece. grand-daughter. auntie. friend. lover. spoiled brat. lazy ass. insecure but trusting. sick of "urban underground" cats. fan of polka-dots, stripes, and jell-o.

[x]name: v.a.
[x]alias: vee + vix + v diddy + vee+ kronic + ria + tori
[x]age: 18 years old
[x]birthday: 12-13-1984
[x]sign: sagittarius
[x]ethnicity: irish, polish, german, cherokee, french, vietnamese and chinese
[x]siblings: 1 younger brother [13], 2 older half-brothers [32 and 34]
[x]school: formerly UC Irvine
[x]piercings: lip [1], ear lobes [6], bellybutton [1], tragus [2]
[x]tattoos:none yet, but 3 planned.
[x]pets: 2 dogs [nick and snowy], ferret [marley]
[x]perfume: clinique happy, estee lauder pleasures or cucumber melon
[x]height: 5'10
[x]location: rosemead, CA. 91770
[x]occupation: telemarket`r
[x]hobbies: writing, eat`n, sleep`n, hooka`n, chill`n, photography, read`n
[x]fears: dying young + being forgot`n + failure + not realizing my purpose in life + gett`n heartbroken again + losing my mom


[x]music: underground, jazz, classical, alternative, KOST music ;], r&b...anything but country
[x]song: voice of theory - say it
[x]artist: son of ran
[x]alcoholic drink: adios
[x]movies: life as a house + lilo and stitch + monsters inc. + finding nemo + romeo and juliet + american beauty + bowling for columbine
[x]food: thai food + vietnamese food + chinese food + pasta + popsicles + coffee ice cream + hot pockets + cheese bread + pb and jelly sandwiches
[x]day of the week: friday
[x]tv show: osbournes
[x]radio station: 91.5 fm
[x]candy: anything. i love sweets. ;]
[x]drinks: grape juice + apple juice + guava juice + grape soda + cream soda + fruit punch + hi-c orange
[x]restaurant: tokyo lobby + mimi`s cafe + claim jumper`s + TGIF + golden deli + president thai
[x]color: grey
[x]cartoon character: jimmy neutron ;]
[x]stores: workmen`s + aardvark`s + silhouette
[x]car: my car or a cadillac escalade
[x]holiday: valentine`s day
[x]website: this one. haha. j/p. right now it`s probably friendster! i found hella people that i knew even from elementary school on that site!


[x]personality plus: caring
[x]personality minus: impatient
[x]pet peeve about the opposite sex: their inability to express their true feelings and also how they get "good" reputatioins for being promiscuous but girls receive the opposite treatment for the same actions.
[x]one thing you would change about yourself: my laziness.
[x]one thing you think others would change about you: my laziness. ;]


[x]likes: good friends and conversations + food + sleep + black and white photography + good books + hot pockets + popsicles + rainy days + jell-o + warm chocolate chip cookies + the taste of beer kisses + toe socks + cute, yet ugly creatures + corny jokes + corny pick-up lines + dimples + shaved legs + a clean room and car + fresh beats + good music + hooka + mixed drinks + post-it notes + grey + ikea + back rubs + brushing my hair + gardening + the smell of babies + the smell of puppies + sandals + long jeans + road trips
[x]dislikes: my cellphone + people who can`t take a hint + bad hygiene + my fuck`d up sleep`n schedule + rudeness + arrogance + cockiness + ignorance + the word "conversate" + "urban underground" cats + people who only rock brown, olive or khaki + people who waste my cellphone minutes + a dirty car and room + slow internet connections + traffic + punkass teenagers + runn`n out of cigarettes + people who front + liars + wannabe players + cheaters + being hungry + my weight + hot days + the sun + the smell of grass + baseball

[x]what do you look for in a girl/guy? someone who will be there for me and express a willingness to be open and honest with me, regardless of the consequences. someone who will be thoughtful enough to let me know every now and then that they`re think`n of me or miss`n me. someone who takes the time to listen to my concerns, my pains, my triumphs and share in all of those with me. someone who i don`t have to remind about important dates. someone who loves my family just as much as they love me. someone who isn`t afraid to be affectionate with me in front of their friends. someone who can always stimulate me mentally and force me to think and thirst for knowledge. someone who is constantly teaching me but not preaching to me. someone who accepts me for who i am. someone i can wake up next to and hope for mornings like that forever.


[x]been in love? yeah i`m pretty sure.
[x]snuck out of your house? haha. yeah. hella times back when my dad was still around and hella strict on me. but not lately.
[x]been kissed? yes. ;]
[x]been cheated on? yes. unfortunately. that shit hurts so much. i don`t tolerate cheaters at all.
[x]cheated on someone? hell no. that shit is so fuck`d up and wrong. i wouldn`t wanna put someone through the kind of pain i went through.
[x]drank? yeah.
[x]dated a member of the same sex? yeah. ;X
[x]smoked? yeah. but smoked what? haha. ;]
[x]done drugs? yeah.
[x]cried over someone you loved? hell fuck`n yeah. but it`s true that "no one is worth your tears and the one that is won`t make you cry."
[x]stolen something? yeah. when i was younger. ;X
[x]lied to someone you loved? yeah. but it was to protect their feelings. but i know that`s still not an excuse.
[x]been lied to? hell yeah. that shit hurts too. ;[
[x]fallen for a friend? sigh. yeah. it never work`d out though.
[x]had sex? yeah. ;X
[x]had a one-night stand? no way. that`s disgust`n and degrading.
[x]killed someone?
lol. NO.
[x]tried to kill yourself? sigh. yeah. back when i was younger. but now i know that`s a stupid way to go out. i would never do it again.
[x]seen someone get killed? no. but i`ve seen someone after they were kill`d. sigh. ;[


[x]fruit or chocloate? how about chocolate covered fruit? haha.
[x]hot or cold? COLD.
[x]day or night? night.
[x]beach or forest? forest.
[x]mountains or desert? mountains.
[x]thongs or regular underwear? does it matter?
[x]long-sleeve or short-sleeve? depends on the weather and occassion
[x]dress or skirt? like i said, it depends on the weather and/or occassion
[x]rain or sunshine? RAIN all the way.
[x]SUV or sports car? sports car. SUVs waste hella gas.
[x]short hair or long hair [girls]? long hair.
[x]short hair or long hair [guys]? no hair.
[x]heaven or hell? i`m not sure yet. i`m still doing some soul-search`n. i`m not even sure if heaven and hell exist.
[x]black or white? white.
[x]stripes or polka-dots? stripes.
[x]boys or girls? both.
[x]friday or saturday? both.
[x]walk or run? walk. haha. i`m fuck`n lazy.
[x]asleep or awake? uh...awake i guess. i dunno.
[x]christmas or valentine`s day? christmas. ;]
[x]cellphone or pager? neither. i fuck`n hate that people can get a hold of me so easily. ugh. i fuck`n hate my cellphone and if i still had my pager, i`m sure i`d hate that shit too.
[x]letter or email? i like writing emails but i like receiving letters. ;]
[x]CD or tape? for my car it`s CDs but from a significant other, a tape, cause it`s sweeter. oldschool. haha. ;]
[x]shoes or sandals? sandals. i`m too lazy to tie shoelaces.


[x]drive? yep. since last january. ;]
[x]lie a lot? nope. i can`t cause then i`ll forget what i said to who. lying isn`t worth the trouble.
[x]drink?not really.
[x]smoke? smoke what? haha. yeah.
[x]go out a lot? i don`t think so but my mom does.
[x]go online a lot? haha. yeah. i think it bugs the shit out of andrew though. ;]
[x]have a lot of friends? eh. not really. i`m picky about who i chill with.
[x]happy with your life? yep. more or less. except for the school aspect.
[x]love yourself? i guess so.
[x]love your family? mmm...most of them.
[x]cry? yeah...i`ve been deal`n with some shit.
[x]in love? haha. no.
[x]in a relationship? eh...i dunno. lol. it`s fuck`n weird!
[x]tired? yeah, actually i`m fuck`n exhausted. ugh.
[x]hungry? nope. i ate already.
[x]upset? no. just got a headache though.

[x]what time is it? 529 pm
[x]what day is it? july 1st 2002
[x]did you like this survey? eh. it was okay. kind of long and tedious though. i doubt anyone will read it. ha. ;]

daily bloq/calendar
*Mouse over bold colors ;)

scroll down for bloq

i ran errands yesterday and drop`d off some stuff and just chill`d for a bit. the weather was definitely get`n to me. chill`d with johan, noreen and jeff. i got to hooka again today. ;] i guess it`s good to be around people who care about you... people who are willing to be there through the good and the bad. it`s hard not knowing who to trust. i guess it`s all about having faith in someone. i just hope people don`t abuse my trust.

i know that my friends have and always will be there for me, but when i look at my past it`s hard to know if the future will be just as bad or painful.

my inability to look ahead chains me down to my past... afraid that it will repeat itself in the future. but lately...i`ve been happy...content... knowing that there are good people who exist in my life. it`s a good feeling, especially since i`m in a physical state in which i need people to be there for me. today was a good day.

xoxo - the emotional female

07-03-03 | 230 am PST
comments here

today, i`m dropp`n off some stuff for ren out in stupid cypress. but it`s all good `cause i know he needs the help. i just hate cypress because it gives me the heebiejeebies and i don`t really like the drive out there. hopefully it won`t be too hot. ugh. i can`t stand the heat. bleh! i think other than the vacation aspect of it, summer has nothing to offer me.

yesterday i took snowy to the vet. she got two shots. she tried jump`n off the dog stand twice. and there was some gross chihaua [sp?] there that ate one of her puppies. that`s fuck`n sad and gross. sigh.

i frigg`n hate this stupid weather. it fries my brain and makes my headaches worse. i can`t take it anymore. somehow i feel as though my writing inspiration is being melted away by the heat and i am left to wallow in self-pity and shallow thoughts. i fuck`n hate the summer weather. i miss the winter months. i hope my 4th of july doesn`t suck ass.

xoxo - the emotional female

07-02-03 | 934 am PST
comments here

it`s official! this is the release of my first webpage. this first version is titled emotions: the emotional female cause i guess it`s best to admit that`s what i am. i hope everyone enjoys this layout. it`ll probably be up for a while because HTML makes me tired. haha. i probably won`t bloq in here very much. especially since i`m already on hiatus from my xanqa journal.

there`s a lot goin on in my life: internally and externally so it`s hard to find inspiration. eh. it`s all good. i can`t wait till this 4th of july. i must admit. i`m not very patriotic for the occassion. i`m honestly just look`n forward to all those bbqs and alcohol. ;]
but anyway, i went to go hooka with bryan last night in west LA near UCLA. i saw louis. i hella missed him cause i haven`t seen him in a while and we only see each other at the hooka places. but we never go to the west LA one, so that was pretty damn random. haha. i have to clean up my room.

xoxo - the emotional female

07-01-03 | 825 pm PST
comments here

music info/playlist

music is my inspiration: my source of hope, comfort, sorrow, joy and love. it conveys the emotions i am unable to in my state of silence. music is a language: spoken by the heart and heard with the soul.

song play`n
pm dawn - set adrift on memory bliss
i dunno why i decided to put this song on. i hadn`t heard it in forever and then bryan brought it up. ;] the song is cute and brings back hella memories, so i decided it would be cute for my first layout. other than that, there` no significant reason for the song on my page.



;&://alm_end of the slaughterhouse
;&://busdriver_along came a biter
;&://planet asia_charcoal
;&://eligh_idea man
;&://people under the stairs_los angeles
;&://jean grae_love song
;&://pa_where you at
;&://genelec + logik_ricky saiz
;&://mission_your daddy loves you
;&://son of ran_theif
;&://la symphony_broken now
;&://aesop rock_antisocial
;&://eligh_gandalf's beat
;&://abstract rude + moka_she`s always right
;&://diggable planets_time+space
;&://slug + murs_anneurysm
;&://sage francis_narcissist
;&://ugly duckling_pick up lines


;&://miles davis_blue in green
;&://thelonius monk_i let a song go out of my heart
;&://miles davis_stella by starlight
;&://ella fitzgerald_cheek to cheek
;&://son of ran_til death do us part
;&://john coltrane_'round midnight
;&://billie holiday_only have eyes for you
;&://etta james_i`ve got dreams to remember
;&://count basie_until i met you
;&://sarah vaughan_the shadow of your smile


;&://monica_so gone
;&://color me badd_sexual capacity
;&://jon b_wait in vain
;&://skyy_real love
;&://raphael saadiq_deja
;&://timmy t_one more try
;&://stevie b_when i dream about you
;&://pm dawn_i`d die without you
;&://mint condition_unconditional love
;&://carole king_so far
;&://extreme_more than words
;&://aaron neville_everybody plays the fool


;&://something corporate_konstantine
;&://saliva_rest in pieces
;&://jimmy eats world_heaven
;&://incubus_miss you
;&://radiohead_everything in its right place
;&://dashboard confessionals_screaming infidelities
;&://something corporate_falling for you
;&://jimmy eat world_she`s perfect
;&://sum 41_hell song


;&://chopin_piano sonato no. 8 in c minor
;&://vivaldi_rhapsody on a theme by paganini
;&://mozart_violin romance
;&://bach_overture no. 1
;&://vivaldi_concerto for 4 violins in e minor


my lip ring
senior year | no makeup!
victoria | december 2002
victoria w/ braids | december 2002
victoria | march 2003
victoria | may 2003
victoria | march 2003
victoria [after a car accident] | october 2002
victoria + meimei. awwww. ;]
jen + victoria
jen and vera
my sweety pie marley ;]
my sweety pie marley ;]
freshjive and miasco!
victoria + superduperdru @ live bait
victoria and brandon
my sweety pie marley ;]
my sweety pie marley ;]
my sweety pie marley ;]
my sweety pie marley ;]
my sweety pie marley ;]
my sweety pie marley ;]
my sweety pie marley ;]
my sweety pie marley ;]
my sweety pie marley ;]
my sweety pie marley ;]
my sweety pie marley ;]
my sweety pie marley ;]
my sweety pie marley ;]
my sweety pie marley ;]
my sweety pie marley ;]
my sweety pie marley ;]
my sweety pie marley ;]
my sweety pie marley ;]

friend spotlight

this is donnel or donniebraskoe. he`s my new best friend. ;] haha. donnel is a pimp with a cute laugh. this is his spotlight profile:

[x] name: Donnel Cuasay
[x] alias: Donnel Cuasay
[x] age: 22
[x] birthday: 09-19-80
[x] sign: Virgo
[x] ethnicity: cyborg
[x] siblings: 1 bro 1 sis
[x] school: Citrus City College
[x] piercings: earings
[x] tattoos: Panther,name
[x] pets: none
[x] cologne: burberry
[x] height: 5'6
[x] location: Pasadena
[x] occupation: Student,dancer,club promoter
[x] hobbies: climbing vicci the tree
[x] fears: failing, and losing my mom

[x] music: i stay nothing but hiphop
[x] song: g-unit all around the world
[x] artist: lloyd banks (g-unit)
[x] alcoholic drink: alaze...hipnotiq
[x] movies: bad boys
[x] food: spicy chicken sandwich with swiss cheese,tommy's
[x] day of the week: Monday-Friday
[x] tv show: Martin
[x] radio station: 100.3
[x] candy: halls
[x] drinks: dr.pepper
[x] restaurant: olvie
[x] color: RED
[x] cartoon character: baby from the family guy
[x] stores: swapmeet
[x] car: cadilac escalade EXT-dream car
[x] holiday: christmas
[x] website:

[x] personality plus: you decide
[x] personality minus: you decide
[x] pet peeve about the opposite sex: bitchy,selfish
[x] one thing you would change about yourself: height
[x] one thing you think others would change about you: i talk fast

[x] likes: color red,butts,legs,sence humor,honest,NICE EYES,smile to die for.
[x] dislikes: everything but
;&://DREAM GIRL:Victoria...
[x] what do you look for in a girl? someone that can laugh at my jokes...and i can clean with

[x] been in love? once
[x] been kissed? yes
[x] been cheated on? twice
[x] cheated on someone? yes
[x] drank? hell yeah
[x] smoke? hell yeah
[x] done drugs? nope
[x] cried over someone you loved? twice
[x] stolen something? yes
[x] lied to someone you loved? yes
[x] been lied to? yes
[x] fallen for a friend? yes

[x] nope

messageboard/page info

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[x] theme: releasing emotions
[x] inspiration: realizing that i need to get out my emotions in some other way besides my pain and anger.
[x]progs used: adobe photoshop 7.0, editpad, wordpad
[x]brushes/graphics: ABR, nocturna, photoshop stuff, deep space web, VBrush, PoeticRunway, brushy, truly sarah
[x]coding: dynamic drive, HTML clinic, big nose bird, code avenue, tag board, draac, codelifter, guestbooks4all, OK counter


SIGN the guestbook here

AIM: hell0imweird
APT107: simple.soul or freshjiive
findapix: hell0imweird


B+W photography
artist justin bua
playa azian
MASH game
body jewelry
zephyr graffiti
music codes
get underground
jointz magazine