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The Void
Wednesday, 20 August 2003
The Zoo.
The Zoo, brings back memories..
A Zoo is not for me.Not anymore. I don?t like walking past gawking at animals stuck in cages I am in no way a Peta freak or zealot about this. I simply can?t see any fun in it at all. Maybe there is some stupid corelation between the zoo and being young and why I don?t like it now , but who cares. I am sure when I was a kid I loved it. I?m quite sure I didn?t understand the animals were there against their will and were being raped of all their natural instincts so someone can make money by exploiting them. It is much more unusual and exciting to see a fox sitting in a field or a bobcat jet in front of my car or a big old bear plodding across a road than it is to see them stuck in a cage, that?s just me. The circus too.. Don?t get me started on the circus. When you have to use football fields length of taffeta to make a tutu wouldnt ballet then, be out of the question? Elephants should not dance .That would be like me trying out for the nutcracker on Broadway ,donning a leotard, and attempting swan lake, it?d be like more Jurrasic park. Not a good sight.

I am glad the kids had a good time though. I don?t want to be young again, no way.But I love digging up good memories from when I was young. I had a pretty good childhood there were a lot of great and not so great in fact, pretty ugly memories growing up. Did the bad outweigh the good? No. its just part of who I am. I stuck to myself and had a decent amount of wits about me so it all worked out. Growing up fast worked out good for me in more ways than some. I had a great, albeit, dysfunctional family. My mom, in retrospect, was a rock, a boulder,a monolith. A lot of bad things happened to just about everyone in my family to be honest. That?s totally fine though. (I don?t think we were unlike any other family on the block our problems were just different). There are complaints here and there and some close calls to think of and some heinous bs no one wants to admit (including myself) everyone has secrets in childhood that they will NEVER tell. I?m not denying anything or hiding things, its just the way it is. Are those things secret if they are disclosed? No. I remember a lot. I think too much sometimes Maybe some other time I can delve into that but not today.

you know the old saying? ...That which does not kill us makes us stronger? Well I do believe that without a doubt, but depending on the persons will.

Posted by blog/vermiciousknid at 10:35 AM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 20 August 2003 10:58 AM EDT
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