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11/08/03- Finally there is a organization that cares! Finally an organization that will fight for us! The Foundation Against Driving Idiocy (FADY) has arrived! FADY is dedicated to the elimination of bad driving, a plague that we all face. And nowhere is that plague more rampant that in the state of Utah. Have you ever driven in Utah? Let me just tell sucks! I live here, going to school, and I have to deal with the worst drivers on the planet! We're starting this website to combat their horrific driving habits by pointing out everything they do wrong (which means we'll be adding to this site for a while). Of course, this is also a healthier way of getting out our frustration instead of running these people off the road! So read, enjoy, and become a part of the fight against driving idiocy! Become a FADY!

By way of disclaimer...all views expressed on this website are mine and I take full credit for anyone I offend. I realize that this will happen, but I hope that those that do get offended will at least realize two things: I'm right, and you're a terrible driver!

- The Fat Man

FADY fights to prevent these kind of scenes

Last Updated 11/08/03

Here we will include quotes from the debate we'll conduct about California vs. Utah driving. If you got something to say...say it!

Here's the first quote: "I miss California freeways" Dan from Payson, UT after having worked the summer in Southern California