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Record: 0-0-0    Titles Held: None    Faction: Team Franchise w/ Kurt Angle

(The sounds of heavy breathing, grunting, and screaming can be heard deep within the Gold�s Gym in Tampa Florida. The scene takes place deep within the weight room of the gym where Kurt Angle and a local gym attendant are standing around a squat rack where Shane Douglas is squatting roughly two hundred and seventy five pounds across his neck and shoulders. Intensity etched in his face as Angle encourages him. Shane tries to continue pushing the weights up and down. Kurt and Shane are both wear black/gold reversible mesh shorts with the Team Franchise logo etched in the right leg which also reverses with gold writing on the black surface and black writing on the gold surface. He�s gone through ten reps to this point and is attempting to do fifteen.. He�s a thirteen now and stalls for time by standing up straight and taking in some air. Then he gets a rush of adrenaline and pumps out two more. One the final he lets out one giant grunt as he forces the weight back up. A gym attendant and Angle stand on each side to catch the bar incase it slips. Douglas manages to get the weight up and return the bar to the rack. Angle and gym attendant strip the bar as Shane grabs on to it and leans forward for a moment looking at himself in the mirror.)

Douglas: We�ve been in the gym for two hours.. We�ve hit just about everything in sight to make sure we don�t miss a thing.. Keeping ourselves in top physical condition is what makes a man out of a boy and heroes into legends..

(London grabs a towel and pitches it over on to the shoulder of Douglas who notices it and grabs it. He begins to brush away the sweat and grime from his face, arms, chest, stomach, under his arms, and back. He turns around to see Angle with a look of satisfaction on his face. Douglas can�t help but return the grin as they know in their minds that they will be ready for Turning Point.)

Douglas: I�ve been in this sport for over twenty years now and I�ve seen every type of bullsh*t that�s passed through. Until now, as TNA is hosting a gauntlet to determine an NWA World Heavyweight Champion since the recent shake ups by management which killed off all those rejected has beens and never wases who simply don�t belong in this company. As much as I don�t like our management I�ll give them a thumb up for that decision. The only problem I have is that Team Franchise is down a member.. However I�ve been getting calls, e-mails, instant messages and every other form of communication from fans all over the world because they want to know if it�s true..

(He drops the towel on a near by bench as Angle chucks a water bottle to him. FSD cracks it open and takes a drink. He then places the bottle on the bench and sits down while supporting himself by his hands placed on each side of him pressed down on the bench. Angle continues to grind out more reps on various machines.)

Douglas: Is the Franchise really back? Is he going to step foot back inside a TNA ring after three plus years on the outside looking in? Well you�re damn right I am! While I sat back and watched TNA develop into the company it is today, I scouted all over the country and across the globe to bring some of the best damn talent professional wrestling has ever seen to TNA. I even added my own two cents to the despite of some as a point of view for the company to follow with my very own Franchise�s Corner at TNA dot com.

(Shane hangs his head for a moment as he�s obviously a little run down by the workout today.)

Douglas: While I�ve been waiting in the wings and keeping myself semi active to avoid ring rust. A certain incident in my Corner has pushed me to that decision to step out.

(He slowly lifts his head up and glares into the camera.)

Douglas: There�s two punks by the names of �The Fallen Angel� Christopher Daniels and Christian Cage who�s got that six foot ten inch b*tch of his Tyson Tomko up his a** so much to where you don�t know where Cage ends and Tomko begins! I�ve got no problem in taking either one of you on because I will show you why I�ve been one of the best there�s ever been.

(His right cheek quivers up as some anger shines through.)

Douglas: However I get my chance to get my hands on the grubby little squirt Cage at Turing Point as he will be one of many opponents in the twelve man battle royal where six men advance to the next round. I�m not just going to be focused on Christian because there are other men involved who all equally dangerous such as Abyss, Chris Jericho, Jeff Jarrett, my friend Kurt Angle, Lance Hoyt, Larry Sweeney, Raven, Rhino, Ron Killings, and Scott Steiner.

(Douglas closes his eyes for a moment and then takes in a deep breath and releases it. Douglas�s voice begins to slowly crack as he speaks.)

Douglas: This year alone has been one of the most difficult for me as everyone knows. I�m not going to hide it for I have beaten drug addiction and straightened myself up with the help of TNA�s parent company Panda Energy�s promoter Dixie Carter.. So I could look my family in the eyes and let them know that I�m gonna be alright and that I�m going to do this the way I should without risking myself or my families� lives with something that could have killed me like the late great Curt Henning..

(Douglas reaches for his towel and begins to wipe away some of the tears coming out of his eyes. He takes a drink of water also as a means of trying to clear his throat and repress his emotion.)

Douglas: And for me to get this chance to wrestle for the NWA World Heavyweight Champion after I threw it down all those years ago in Extreme Championship Wrestling, it�s an honor and a privilege that most wrestlers don�t realize. Do you realize that this belt has been around for almost one hundred years and that only a selected few have been given the chance to hold this belt? So in order for me to go out to that ring at Turning Point and survive a gauntlet to become the next champion of the world will speak volumes and even if I come up just a bit short, no one will be able to deny that I gave it everything I had..

(He begins to wave off the camera as he can no longer stand to hold himself back. The camera quickly cuts away as Shane gets everything out and off his chest.. Moments later he�s back on camera to finish his piece.)

Douglas: I apologize for that but one thing I won�t apologize for is when I walked down that isle one more time to that old familiar song and beat the hell out of who ever gets in front of me. No one can escape it no matter how hard you try for you all will become FRANCHISED! Hahaha!

(Camera fades as Shane gets up and joins Angle in the workout.)