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About Sublime Madness

Excerpt from Chapter One

Excerpt from Chapter Eight

A Blue Echo


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I battled the positive symptoms (a.k.a. the hallucinations) of an illness known as schizoaffective disorder (a schizophrenia-spectrum illness) for three years of my life, and Sublime Madness is the true story of my experiences with the illness with special focus on my actual hallucinations. There are a few things that I want you, kind reader, to know about my illness, before you read Sublime Madness. First, it’s common for the schizoaffective’s hallucinations to be sexual. This, certainly, proved to be true in my case. If sex or sexual perversion (of an innocent nature) offends you, then you, probably, shouldn’t read this book. Also, it’s common for the skin tone of the schizoaffective to change, when they’re hallucinating. I include this fact, because I want you to know why my voices so often chide me about being ‘yellow’ in the book. Finally, it’s very common for the schizoaffective to have delusions of being reborn. In my opinion, that’s why there are so many of us in mental institutions who believe that we’re Jesus Christ.

Once, during my longest period of psychoses (eight-months) my friend, Larry, picked me up at my house late into the evening. We went back to his apartment, smoked some marijuana, and watched his big screen TV, while the stereo played in the background. It was a typical night. I remember everything that happened in my head on that night, lucidly. My mind created beautiful images to flow along with all of the music that was playing on Larry’s stereo. I remember that I didn’t get any sleep that night, and Larry woke up in the wee hours of the morning, pissed off, and wanted to take me home.

As Larry drove me back to my house, I was telepathically communicating with everyone in traffic, and Larry asked my why I had shaven my beard at his place. I felt my cheeks. I was clean-shaven. I told him that I must have shaven at home, before he had picked me up the night before. Larry swore to me that I was wearing a full beard, when we were hanging out at his apartment on the previous night. At the time, I didn’t believe him, but to this day, his story stands firm. I don’t remember shaving my beard over at Larry’s place that morning. My memory of events in the real world during my psychotic period is shoddy to say the least, but my hallucinations stand out to me. Sublime Madness is the true story of those hallucinations. Ninety-five percent of the voices in this book are written as they happened, word for word, and where I have added something in to help the story along, I have tried to remain as true to the original voices as I possibly could. I did, however, take several liberties with the real world events for two reasons. First, I don’t remember them all that well to begin with, and then, of course, I had to give the book a little dramatic flare.

For example, Valentino’s, the restaurant portrayed in the book, really is a restaurant that I worked at in Manhattan. However, Tom and Stephanie, the two central characters introduced at Valentino’s, worked with me at a restaurant in Plano, Texas, in real life, shortly after I had returned home from New York. For the sake of continuity, I have condensed the time frame that the real world events and the voices occurred in. I have, also, molded the real world events around the voices, so the voices flow continuously and have the chance to tell their own story. After all, the plot of Sublime Madness all takes place in my hallucinations or as I like to think of them, my subconscious imagination. I’ve often thought that if a Hollywood movie director could get an audience to feel the things that I did, when I was psychotic, it would make for one hell of a movie (it’s my dream to have my hallucinations animated). This book is my own attempt to do just that. Sublime Madness is intended to entertain. I hope you enjoy your read.


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