what is the price to pay for glory?                           _revolution glory whore's Journal
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glory whore

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there's a pain in my stomach from another sleepless binge [15 Jan 2003|09:37am]
[ music | something corporate | globes and maps ]

I'm cleaning out my friends list again. Don't bother asking to stay. If I don't want you here anymore, you won't be. Don't give me shit about it either, I'm in no mood to play anymore pointless games. There's plenty of reasons I can think of to get rid of people. But to spare myself the hassle ...

I'm a bitch. That's why.

Note that some of you who are staying on, are staying on against my better judgement. I don't guess it'll be much longer till you're gone either.

x!__6 ! !__x!

man that kid made fucking up look cool [06 Jan 2003|10:59am]
[ music | something corporate | cavanaugh park ]

Public entry. Shameless self-promotion, obviously.

If it hasn't been made perfectly apparant, I am a lyrics junkie. Hello, all my damn subjects are lyrics. You ever notice how there is a perfect song for just about every situation?

But, that's not the point. The point is that myself and my dear friend Tara (userinfocrash_) have started a lyrics community (a place to post lyrics that mean something to you). So, if you enjoy lyrics too. If you want to share your favorite songs with the world. If you're not a complete ass. Join. We'd enjoy that ever so much.

Read the rules first. userinfo_whatascene

x!__12 ! !__x!

you'll never scream so loud as i want to scream with you [23 Dec 2002|06:36pm]
[ music | something corporate | hurricane ]

Friends only. You can't fake it hard enough to please everyone or anyone at all.

This isn't an open journal for your entertainment. I'm one of those rare people that actually uses LiveJournal as a place for my thoughts and feelings as opposed to a popularity contest or place to write "I love [insert boys name here]" repeatedly. I sound like a bitch, but I don't particularly care.

If you are on my friends list, that means you can read my entries. Well, that also means I have to read yours or skim through them to get to entries I actually want to read. So, I'll save myself the trouble and not add people that I find annoying or dense. Some guidelines to consider ...

x. If all you are going to write about is how "kewliez" the new Britney Spears CD is and how much you love Justin Timberlake. I'm not interested in reading your journal. I want to read journals with emotion and content. I am interested in deep, thoughtful, intelligent people.

x. I also don't want to read your damn quiz/survey results. Sure, I take a few here and there, and that's completely acceptable. I don't mind reading a survey once in a while. They can be informative. And if the topic is good, I don't mind reading quizzes. But if every one of your entries is a quiz or a survey, then that's fucking lame. Honestly, if you think those things are so accurate that you'll post and/or take them on a daily basis, you are a moron and you are not worth my time.

x. I cuss a lot. If that bothers you ... I hate to be predictable ... but I don't fucking care.

x. I post pictures and am sometimes too lazy to use the cut. They're small enough to fit in my tables. If you're going to bitch everytime I post a picture that I'm fucking up your friends page ... you need bigger tables or you better find a new friend.

x. I comment as often as I can on friends entries. It's about being personal with the people that I list. It's cordial and polite and I genuinely get along with the people I list. Don't fucking add me and never comment. If you have nothing to say about my entries, you aren't what I'm looking for in a friend.

Still interested? Bloody hell, I wouldn't be. Comment and I'll add you. Don't just add me and expect to be added back. I probably won't even notice. And don't comment and not add me. Why the hell would I add you if you didn't add me? Be intelligent, people. I know it's a foreign concept these days, but really!

x!__6 ! !__x!

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