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Anthony John Lovato...Call Me Tony, Bitch!
Wednesday, 7 January 2004
hey guys! whats up? me nothin just blogging then im gonna go make brownies for Sare...shes i sounded like Bj then...speak of the devil im gonna kill him for blogging about you-know-what-if-you-read-his-blog! lol way...Bj your a poo head! lol me and Sare are leaving for Jamacia soon! shes a bit nervous bout the plane ride...but i comforted her a bit...i hope...i'm gonna hold her the whole way there...i think Bj is gonna end up comeing with us...and i think Paul is too....heh...neways i think thats enough blogging for one nite l8a guys!

Luv You Sare

Posted by blog/tony_lovato_24 at 12:43 AM
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Wednesday, 31 December 2003
lol dont mind that title i couldnt think of nething to call this blog post....well ne way me and Sare are going on a trip to Jamaica...i cant wait! and also i get to watch my lil Nephew Brandon i cant wait for that either hes a cool kid! love ya Bj! life has finaly turned so happy with Sare...i hope she is happy with me and i cant wait to go on vacation with her! well thats it for now...l8er!

Luvs Ya Sare!

Posted by blog/tony_lovato_24 at 11:27 PM
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Monday, 29 December 2003
hee hee i got to hold Maddie 2day! i never held a baby b4 in my life hee hee hee! im happy...i sang to her and i fed her and tickled her and i tried to steal her 2! but Sam got likes me! i want a baby! im thinking of adopting i know im crazy but i love babies now! well thats it for now ta ta.....

oh and Nixie i know you'll be have to be...

bye guys


Posted by blog/tony_lovato_24 at 8:51 PM
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hey guys!...well last night sucked ass...i hated that chick....whats her name...oh yea Becka...ugh..yea well her and Sare got in a fight and it was pretty bad all though Sare's come-back was great...wait-ta-go Sare! :) im sowwy bout your ribs *kisses Sare's ribs* all better? well i asked Sare to be my g/f and she said yes! hee hee well gotta run l8er dudes!


Luvs Ya Sare!

Posted by blog/tony_lovato_24 at 12:55 AM
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Sunday, 21 December 2003
hey guys whats up? im just here with Sare...we went to see a movie 2day...we went to see was a good movie! Sare got a lil scared though lol it was pretty jumpy she grabed my arm and jumped lol then she snuggled into me and just stayed there...i put my arm around her to make her feel a bit better...then i started throwing Popcorn at some kids up front that wouldnt shut up laughing and i accidently droped the Popcorn over some guys he turned around and we tryed not to laugh and pretended we were watching the movie the whole time...and he believed he turned back around...when the movie was over i bought Sare and me an Icecream cone! i got it on my was pretty funny...then we came home and just was a fun glad i spent it with her...well l8er guys!

Luv Ya Sare!


Posted by blog/tony_lovato_24 at 5:03 AM
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Tuesday, 16 December 2003

hey everyone....whats up yall? and Benji broke up today...we kinda think its better if we just be best friends...heh...i was nothing but an ass ne way...he deserves better then me....well there are some things that me and Benji could never have ne i hoped one day i would be a dad...and we all know that couldnt happen *laughs a lil* ne ways....just thought i'd tell everyone....

Tony Lovato...
i luv yall...

Posted by blog/tony_lovato_24 at 9:53 PM
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Tuesday, 9 December 2003
i've been kinda....lets say depressed for a while...
hey dudes...what up? ugh i dunno what to blog about..ugh im in the worst mood i've been in for a while...though noone has noticed i am kinda...depressed...KINDA! what am i saying! im really Depressed!....ugh...NOBODY UNDERSTANDS!....NOBODY! just gonna go there is nothing to blog about ne ways...

Posted by blog/tony_lovato_24 at 10:30 PM
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Tuesday, 25 November 2003
Without Benji There Is No Tony....
i hate my life! i hate it, i hate it, i hate it!! *crys hard* i wish it would all just go away *punches a wall* i wanna die! go away world! exactly what the tittle says..."without Benji there is NO Tony!" a rumor was spread bout me and Sare Makin Out and Paul and Benji and everyone else believed it and Benji broke up with me.....IM SO SORRY BENJI I AM! ITS NOT TRUE PLZ BELIEVE ME!...plz...*has so much hurt in my eyes*.....well i dont wanna say nething else *punches a wall and breaks a table*...LIFE END ALREADY! PLZ!......bye Benji...i love you i always have and always will....i know you think i only went out with you to be closer to Sare...its not true! you have ta believe me....ugh!....

Posted by blog/tony_lovato_24 at 11:29 PM
Updated: Tuesday, 25 November 2003 11:31 PM
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Thursday, 20 November 2003
Quizzes- hee hee
Mmm. You're Tony. You're the lead
singer/guitarist. You're quite involved with
Benji from GC. Or at least you like to joke
that you are. You like to party and get drunk,
and I've hear you're quite a whore.

What fuct up member of Mest are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Benji's Liprings
You're Benji's Kinky Liprings!!!

Which Good Charlotte Piercing Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Benji's new hair
You're Benji's new hair!!

What Good Charlotte band member's hair are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Posted by blog/tony_lovato_24 at 8:42 PM
Updated: Thursday, 20 November 2003 9:11 PM
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well hmm....what to blog about? grrrr i hate it when this happens....well Sare told me i needed to Blog so here i am blogging...well i've hardly been talkin to Benji lately....*sighs*...oh well....i've been talkin to Sare my lil :p wuvs ya Sare! hmm....well Nix is sick and im not sure if im suposed to tell yalll whats wrong so i wont say ne thing. hmmm...well im sitting here in a towel. i know that was a bit to much information for yall but this is MY BLOG mwahahahaha i can say anything i want and you cant stop me mwahahahaha! sept when i cuss cuz the damn blog bleeps it out stupid fuckin blog! lol well l8er!


Posted by blog/tony_lovato_24 at 8:24 PM
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