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Anthony John Lovato...Call Me Tony, Bitch!
Tuesday, 28 October 2003
I'm Gonna Be Fine...
hey guys sorry bout scarin yall thanks to Billy and Steph(thank you so much guys!) i'm gonna be fine!! :D!! thank god!...sorry bout scarin you like that benji...*kisses and hugs* well tha's all for now dawgs l8er!

Posted by blog/tony_lovato_24 at 6:57 PM
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Sunday, 26 October 2003
Not So Good
hey wrist is sooo bad i think i lost alota keeps bleeding 2.....*sighs* afraid something is gonna happen....and if ne thing does happen i just wanna let yall know i love you all very much and i hope you have wonderful being a bit silly i know but i get weaker and weaker everyday i know i keep telling everyone i'm fine but i just dont want yall to if ne thing is to happen i just wanna say you guys have been the greatest friends a guy could have....and Benj you've been the best...i love ya.....and Billy and Steph i hope you have a great life with your new baby and you 2 Joel and Sam....Paul and Sare i wish you the best...Nix i hope you find someone.... Matt and Hannah i wish yall the best maybe you guys will get married someday....guys, never forget me....take care of Bowwow for me!....well words are getting short.....l8er!

lova yall! *hugs*


Posted by blog/tony_lovato_24 at 6:54 PM
Updated: Sunday, 26 October 2003 6:57 PM
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Sunday, 19 October 2003
i just got back from the hospital....heh....i'm right now lieing in bed....sux! ....i got pneumonia....*sighs* i wont be up for a while i gotta stay in bed...and i know Sare will kill me if she sees me outa if you wanna see me come fine...ay least i hope....last thing i remember is passing out....dont member anything til i got in the hospital....well cya l8er guys....*sniffles*

Posted by blog/tony_lovato_24 at 6:47 PM
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Monday, 13 October 2003
Trip Time For Tonto! Cya Soon Guys!
hey takin a trip alone...i kinda need time to think some things over...i wont be alone though im takin Bowwow! lol well i'll miss ye'all and hopefully you can live with out me for a while :p lol! i think i might go to Florida or something....hmmm...yah thats where i'll go...well i'll miss you all so much! especialy you Benj! i wont go to long maybe 4 weeks...and i promise i'll be back....luvs ye'all l8er!

Posted by blog/tony_lovato_24 at 8:30 PM
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Sunday, 12 October 2003
Some Day!
yo whats up dudes?? Nix says she might be moving away:( sux dont it? *sighs* not alot to blog about so i'll blog bout Benji!....Benji= Stupid, Ugly, Fat Ass, im just kiddin...Benji is a great guy! hes cool..hes a Gaki (japanese for Punk) lol....hes Smart...well sorta lol...hes great..."nice" ass lol he likes to lick and push dats all fokes! lol l8er!

Posted by blog/tony_lovato_24 at 7:33 PM
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Friday, 10 October 2003
Entry Dedicated To Sare! lol She Told Me To! :p
hmmmmmm.....what to write about when we are talking about Sare....hmmmmm....well i used to like her ummmmm well......shes Smart, Pretty, Sweet, Great Friend! She's very very pretty, shes Talented, and Nice. Shes a very crazu girl! lol always Hyper...well sometimes she can be sad...but not very much ne ummmmm...shes been a great friend to me helped me through alota shit! she cared about me when im sad and stuff...well so does everyone else but this entry is about Sare!!! Mwhahaha! lol ne way she dared me to write an entry about her so i here it is ne way l8er dudes!

Posted by blog/tony_lovato_24 at 10:15 PM
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Wednesday, 8 October 2003
October, 7th
lol hey guys! i was at Nixie's last night we cooked food and then we were being scared cuz we kept hearing noises down stairs...i finally worked up the corage to go down and check see what it was and i went down turned onthe light...and it turned out our intruder was nothing but i racoon that had gotten in the house! lol! she is all sad again 2day...i dunno whats wrong she was so happy when i was with her last night now shes sad again..*sighs* makes me worry....poor girl...wish there was something i could do for her... Benji is goin away for a while to think things through i guess...he says hes been depressed for a while now...i wish he wasnt goin....*sighs* he said he needs time to'onna miss him loads!*sighs again* well thats it for now words are gettin short....l8er!

Posted by blog/tony_lovato_24 at 10:04 PM
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Friday, 3 October 2003
October, 3rd
hey guys I AM THE HAPPIEST PERSON EVER lol. i got whati wanted and shit....sorry for makin youcry Sare(not madden) *hugs blog bunny* ne ways sorry for not blogin it wouldnt work for me....AGAIN!! ne ways...hey benji! im so happy! lol if ne wants to know that dont know post a question here! :D! ne ways cya dudes!!

Posted by blog/tony_lovato_24 at 11:01 PM
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Friday, 26 September 2003
September ,26th
hello! im back! lol sorry to worry ppl again! yes im here and Benji a good one for Matt is "No Ass"! well ne way sorry to make the 2 Sare's cry *hugs them both* ne way i cant think of ne thing else to say right now! no body ever hook me up with ne girls ok! im not into the dating thing right now! yah....for one reason but i dont wanna talk bout it...*depressing voice* ne way cant think of ne thing else to say so bay bay ppl! luve ye'all! peace \m/(-_-)\m/!

Posted by blog/tony_lovato_24 at 10:36 PM
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Tuesday, 16 September 2003
September, 16th
hey guys! lol sorry i worried everyone yesterday i was out with a girl her names, Shawna! i met her at a bar but yah its not gonna work out cuz i ........ nevermind.. well ne ways nothin really to talk about..hee hee i'm listenin to Carousel! by Blink but i'm sure you knew that! *sings* well yah im'onna go l8er dudes!

Posted by blog/tony_lovato_24 at 10:20 PM
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