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Anthony John Lovato...Call Me Tony, Bitch!
Thursday, 11 September 2003
September, 11th (i hate this day **crys**)
hey every1 whats up? i'm just here talkin to Sarah she is upset again...i feel so bad for her i cant stand to see her sad it kills me!:( oh man i told her i felt better but, really i just dont want her to worry about me cuz she should be happy she has Paul and he is great 2 her. i feel so bad but i just cant help liking her alot! well i really dont wanna blog alot 2day i've got alot on my mind...cya

Posted by blog/tony_lovato_24 at 7:29 PM
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Wednesday, 10 September 2003
September, 10th
yesterday was a bad day! it really sucked! well i dont wanna talk bout it. and i just wanted to say Matt, Billy knows who you like lmao! and i found out yesterday that Paul knows i like Sarah and that i'm jealous! i wanted to sa i'm sorry for getting all low down and raising my voice yesterday Sarah! i'm really sorry :(! well love yall g2g cya you buys l8er!

Posted by blog/tony_lovato_24 at 4:02 PM
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Tuesday, 9 September 2003
September, 9th
hey ppl! whats up Tony's in da house **dances** oh man Sarah was depressed again yesterday it breaks my heart to see her like that:(. and everyone keeps askin me who Matt likes and stuff! lol i think everyone knows who i like! i went to her house last night with the a few of the guys...she had Paul there 2... ***oh there's and empty place in my bones...*** oh lol couldnt resist singin! i guess Billy is gonna ask Matt who he lieks now lol i bet Matt will tell him 2 sense those 2 are like best friends! well l8er dudes! i'll blog again soon!

Posted by blog/tony_lovato_24 at 5:43 PM
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Monday, 8 September 2003
September , 8th
oh my 2day sucked ass! my toe kills! i fell over the stairs! but last night rocked the sleepover was WICKED! hee hee! i saw Sarah in her pajamas!!! i mean **clears throat** not that a care or ne thing!at least they didnt really lock me in a room with benji! few thank god! lol well hmmmm what else to talk about! Matt got his Blog working again! lol he well tell you bout that night he cam over and we had a chat! bout who we lik.....i mean nothing! heh heh well thats it for a few minutes till i think of something else to write until then odiose!

Posted by blog/tony_lovato_24 at 8:34 PM
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Saturday, 6 September 2003
September, 6th
hey dudes!!! whats up ye'all!!?? nothin at all for me just chatin to Sarah while blogging here she is telling me to blog so she has something to read! well..... Benji i have much better lips then you so HA! kee hee hee just ask Billy! lol j/k ya billy! so i've heard that Paul is gone missing again! i wonder where he goes! starts singing: *there's a time and place for everything, there's a reason why certain ppl meet, theres a destination for everyone, whats the explanetion when where done!* oh sorry lol felt like singing cuz i'm listenin to Jaded but im sure you guys new that! lol well....i hope Paul dont find out my little secret! he'll kill me prolly! wow i think this is the longest blog i've made! well i was talkin to Sarah last night for a long while it was fun she is always a laugh to talk to! well she went to a Bar wif Steph last night hee hee i wonder if she sang! i bet if she did, she was great! well i think thats it for now l8er!

Posted by blog/tony_lovato_24 at 2:47 PM
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Friday, 5 September 2003
September, 5th
LA dea da de da! hee hee! yesterday was like messed up! lol! i kinda blurted some stuff out but ya know! and yes i do like Sarah and i know Paul will kill me if ne one wants to make fun of me go ahead! hey i wonder where Sarah and Billy went i wonder did they find Steph and Paul after!(thinks to self i hope Paul isnt back!)

Posted by blog/tony_lovato_24 at 4:42 PM
Updated: Friday, 5 September 2003 4:43 PM
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Thursday, 4 September 2003
September, 4th
sorry i havnt posted in a while! i got caught up in Passwords and Usernames(makes puzzled face and scratches back) lol! well i havnt posted in a while and its good to be up and running again! so i wanna say hey, to Billy and Michelle :D! whats up guys!? (winks) hi benji.... lol just kiddin! sooooo... whats everyone been up to?? Billy, did you and Steph have fun on yer trip?? lol i dunno if yer back or yet havnt been in the blogs much now! well i promise to keep ya posted more often now guys! i cross my heart and hope to die! (without the dieing part lol *crys* i dont wanna die!)well l8er dudes! check ya l8er!

Posted by blog/tony_lovato_24 at 3:38 PM
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Sunday, 10 August 2003
August 9th (my first post!!!)
hey im Tony from the Band Mest i'm the lead singer. my nicknames T-dogg! lol. i like kicking my band members asses, and Benji and joel's 10 year old personality! i like hanging with GC and of course my own band we all get along ok especially me and Benj heh heh right Benj? lol j/k! im just shittin yah! well gotta go check ya guys l8er! leave a comment for me 2 read! l8er!

Posted by blog/tony_lovato_24 at 2:29 AM
Updated: Sunday, 10 August 2003 2:33 AM
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