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Anthony John Lovato...Call Me Tony, Bitch!
Sunday, 8 February 2004
hey dudes....whats up? just blogging....i bought a puppy for Nixie and Bj a lil while ago....hes brown and white...Bj called him Blaire hes really cute but he doesnt seem to like me i got bowwow back from Matt.R.'s house a while ago...i think hes happy to be home. me and Nixie are doin good...i've got something to give her and she keeps askin about it lol shes very curious of what it is...its ok tho...i'll show her soon...maybe tmrw...yea...Bj is doing very good with his reading...hes a very smart very proud of is Nixie...i feel like we are a full so happy right now....well thats all for now...l8er!

luvs ya Nixie and Bj!

Posted by blog/tony_lovato_24 at 9:10 PM
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Sunday, 25 January 2004
-- Name: Tony Lovato
-- Birth date: June 20th, 1980
-- Birthplace: Chicago, IL
-- Current Location: room?
-- Eye Color: Blue
-- Hair Color: Green
-- Height: 5’10
-- Righty or Lefty: Righty

-- Your heritage: uhhhh....
-- The shoes you wore today: Sneakers...
-- Your weakness: heh...not sayin...only one person knows....
-- Your fears: loseing a loved one...
-- Goal you'd like to achieve: hmmm i guess thats kinda personal...

-- Your first thoughts waking up: wake-up time already?
-- Your best physical feature: my beautiful face:P lol j/k
-- Your bedtime: i dunno you decide when i've been bad ;)
-- Your most missed memory: no need....

-- Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi
-- McDonald's or Hungry Jack: Rotten Ronnies :p
-- Single or group dates: dont matter
--Adidas or Nike: neither
--Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: neither
-- Chocolate or vanilla: probably both
-- Cappuccino or coffee: Cappuccina

-- smoke: mhmm...
-- Sing: no fuckin duh
-- Take a shower everyday: lol depends
-- Have a crush(es): i guess you could call it a crush ;)
-- Do you think you've been in love: i AM in love
-- Want to get married: yeah
-- Get motion sickness: rarely
-- Think you're a health freak: nope not at all
-- Get along with your parents?: no...
-- Like thunderstorms: EEP!
-- Play an instrument: yesh

In the past month...
-- Drank alcohol: yup
-- Smoked: yes
-- Done a drug: past month? no
-- Gone on a date: uhhhh.....not really
-- Gone to the shops?: yea
-- Eaten an entire box of biscuits: probably
-- Eaten sushi: nah
-- Been on stage: no duh
-- Been dumped: well...
-- Gone skating: nope
-- Made homemade cookies: yu huh
-- Gone skinny dipping: not in the past month
-- Dyed your hair: yeah
-- Stolen anything: nope

-- Played a game that required removal of clothing?: yes
-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: yea...
-- Been called a tease: yuh
-- Gotten beaten up: yeah
-- Shoplifted: i dunno...prolly...regret it
-- Changed who you were to fit in: never..i am and always will be myself biotch!

-- what's with the layers?: i dunno you tell me
-- Age you hope to be married: i dunno
-- Numbers and Names of Children: so far i got one...well hes kinda halfly my son but Bj...
-- Describe your dream wedding: its a secret
-- How do you want to die: saving a life...
-- What do you want to be when you grow up: continue what i'm doin now
-- What country would you most like to visit: i've been to many already....

In a guy/girl..
-- Best eye color? doens't matter
--Best hair color? doesn't matter
-- Short or long hair: doesn't matter
-- Height: dont matter...not to tall tho
-- Best weight: average
-- Best articles of clothing: dont matter
-- Best first date location: beach, movies, home alone;)
-- Best first kiss location: read above answer

-- Number of drugs taken illegally: i duno
-- Number of people I could trust with my life: 12...
-- Number of CDs that I own: many
-- Number of piercings: 1
-- Number of tattoos: whoa.....dont
-- Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper: quite a fwe times
-- scars on my body: a few
-- Number of things in my past that I regret: alot of shit man.....

Posted by blog/tony_lovato_24 at 4:50 AM
Updated: Sunday, 25 January 2004 4:53 AM
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Friday, 23 January 2004
hey guys im in CA with Nixie....Mary got in an accident and she had to fly up and see her so i came havin fun...heh....i dunno whats up with Sare...she is being so mean to Nixie...and Nixie doesnt deserve it she didnt do nething...neway....i just wanted to blog...yea...Matt.R. is watching Bj...we were gonna take him but he didnt wanna go....he really doesnt like planes...well enough for now....l8er!


Posted by blog/tony_lovato_24 at 12:36 AM
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Wednesday, 14 January 2004
Hey Dudes and Dudettes
hey guys whats up? in a really good mood 2day! well besides the whole Sarah thing...but i had fun with Nixie yesterday...i helped her out with Jack and Becky..soo....yea...Matt.R. watched Bj while i was at Nixie's....thanks Matt!...neways i dunno what else to blog about (bj cuts in) Bj: uncie Tony tol me he ki..(tony covers his mouth) yea neway...i think im gonna go now....l8er!


Posted by blog/tony_lovato_24 at 8:39 PM
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Wednesday, 7 January 2004
hey guys! whats up? me nothin just blogging then im gonna go make brownies for Sare...shes i sounded like Bj then...speak of the devil im gonna kill him for blogging about you-know-what-if-you-read-his-blog! lol way...Bj your a poo head! lol me and Sare are leaving for Jamacia soon! shes a bit nervous bout the plane ride...but i comforted her a bit...i hope...i'm gonna hold her the whole way there...i think Bj is gonna end up comeing with us...and i think Paul is too....heh...neways i think thats enough blogging for one nite l8a guys!

Luv You Sare

Posted by blog/tony_lovato_24 at 12:43 AM
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Wednesday, 31 December 2003
lol dont mind that title i couldnt think of nething to call this blog post....well ne way me and Sare are going on a trip to Jamaica...i cant wait! and also i get to watch my lil Nephew Brandon i cant wait for that either hes a cool kid! love ya Bj! life has finaly turned so happy with Sare...i hope she is happy with me and i cant wait to go on vacation with her! well thats it for now...l8er!

Luvs Ya Sare!

Posted by blog/tony_lovato_24 at 11:27 PM
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Monday, 29 December 2003
hee hee i got to hold Maddie 2day! i never held a baby b4 in my life hee hee hee! im happy...i sang to her and i fed her and tickled her and i tried to steal her 2! but Sam got likes me! i want a baby! im thinking of adopting i know im crazy but i love babies now! well thats it for now ta ta.....

oh and Nixie i know you'll be have to be...

bye guys


Posted by blog/tony_lovato_24 at 8:51 PM
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hey guys!...well last night sucked ass...i hated that chick....whats her name...oh yea Becka...ugh..yea well her and Sare got in a fight and it was pretty bad all though Sare's come-back was great...wait-ta-go Sare! :) im sowwy bout your ribs *kisses Sare's ribs* all better? well i asked Sare to be my g/f and she said yes! hee hee well gotta run l8er dudes!


Luvs Ya Sare!

Posted by blog/tony_lovato_24 at 12:55 AM
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Sunday, 21 December 2003
hey guys whats up? im just here with Sare...we went to see a movie 2day...we went to see was a good movie! Sare got a lil scared though lol it was pretty jumpy she grabed my arm and jumped lol then she snuggled into me and just stayed there...i put my arm around her to make her feel a bit better...then i started throwing Popcorn at some kids up front that wouldnt shut up laughing and i accidently droped the Popcorn over some guys he turned around and we tryed not to laugh and pretended we were watching the movie the whole time...and he believed he turned back around...when the movie was over i bought Sare and me an Icecream cone! i got it on my was pretty funny...then we came home and just was a fun glad i spent it with her...well l8er guys!

Luv Ya Sare!


Posted by blog/tony_lovato_24 at 5:03 AM
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Tuesday, 16 December 2003

hey everyone....whats up yall? and Benji broke up today...we kinda think its better if we just be best friends...heh...i was nothing but an ass ne way...he deserves better then me....well there are some things that me and Benji could never have ne i hoped one day i would be a dad...and we all know that couldnt happen *laughs a lil* ne ways....just thought i'd tell everyone....

Tony Lovato...
i luv yall...

Posted by blog/tony_lovato_24 at 9:53 PM
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