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Torrie And Cam In Japan

The following web site constitutes a place where Cam and I can record all the adventures we have in the land of the rising sun. We sincerely hope some of what we write about is of interest to the reader, but  the purpose of this journal is to provide us with a tool to subjectively rant and rave when we feel the need, and preserve our thoughts and happenings for when we are old, toothless, and rotting away in a nursing home.

Feel free to read what you like, or look at the pretty pictures, of which there are few. If you see a picture you like, double click on it to enlarge in.

Oh and drop us an email at 


Click Here for the archives.


Recent Adventures

August  Updated 13/9/04 i.e. bloody late!

The WeatherPixie  Checkout The Weather In Yamaguchi



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