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Monday, 11 August 2003

Posted by blog/toakpitt at 4:58 PM CDT
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Schedule and Info
Tuesday - 6pm - Probably Laskidia or Kelsidonia.
Thursday - 10am - Kelsidonia
Friday - 11am - Mindoga - ALL MINDOGANS!
Saturday - atleast 5 men at Laskidia.

Axes and Archery - Everyone must make an axe or buy supplies or trade gabe something for an axe. Also archery. You need to have Gabe make a bow for you. Everyone must have one. Mindogans will be known for their archery skills as well as fighting skills.

Axes can be any design. But we are woodsman,. (Hatchets and Axes are the same thing, dont question) Whether or not you actually fight with an axe, it is looked highly upon if you do use one. I am going to be practicing with axes and be skilled with multiple types of them.

Posted by blog/toakpitt at 4:29 PM CDT
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Thursday, 7 August 2003
Role Play & Background
Write a background for your character. Make it realistic and send it to me. Also work on your role-playing. Mindogan are woodsman. We aren't as 'civilized' has Hibernia.

Posted by blog/toakpitt at 4:35 PM CDT
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Night Battle
The Mindogans have a night battle sunday, august 10 at Kelsidonia. Be at the parking lot at 8:00pm SHARP! Wear dark clothing, and be in character.

Posted by blog/toakpitt at 12:29 PM CDT
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Todays practice is cancelled due to lack of rides. But have no fear, there's another one saturday august 9th. Be at Mindoga at 6:00pm. BE ON TIME!

Posted by blog/toakpitt at 12:27 PM CDT
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Wednesday, 6 August 2003
Mindoga Roll
Sean Roozen ~ Seamus Thryduulf ~ 817.410.8976
Josh Wheeler ~ Perry Huntington ~ 817.223.0393
Tommy Gauna ~ Thomas Dalrock ~ 214.680.0435
Bobby Weddle ~ Alric Cynebald ~ 817.308.3242
Phillip Keristine ~ Philbert Murphy ~ 817.283.1322
Hans Bobermin ~ Iscux ~ 817.329.0069
Micheal Smith ~ Thadeus ~ 817.909.2899
Eric ~ Kronos ~ 817.442.0289
Joseph Wheeler ~ Oswyn Huntington ~ 469.671.0288
Matt Stuckey ~ ? ~ 817.267.5741
Gabe Stuckey ~ ? ~ 817.267.5741
Sam Hillen ~ ? ~ 817.399.1555
Rob ~ Rax Darkstone ~ 817.996.2599

Posted by blog/toakpitt at 8:05 PM CDT
Updated: Monday, 11 August 2003 12:58 PM CDT
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Seamus Thryduulf
Seamus Thryduulf
The morning was warm, the dew on the ground was thick. Mindoga was alive, the animals were plentiful and the forests were thick with brush. Keeghan Thryduulf, and his son, Seamus, had been gathering food for their family. They had been hunting on the water's edge of the Silver Sea when in the distance they heard screams coming from their village. Keeghan took off running. Seamus grabbed his hunting spear from the dead animal and ran twenty paces behind his father. There were raiders, Nomen raiders, attacking the village in Mindoga. They were raping the women and burning Mindoga to ashes. Keeghan went to help, he drew the small sword from his side and stabbed one of the Nomen through his back. He proceeded to kill another. A horseman had come charging from the road and beheaded my father. His sword dropped, and all hopes of safety vanished for young Seamus. Being so young, a mear child, Seamus could not do anything to help. A feeling of worthlessness rushed through his body. The horseman looked at him and went charging after the young boy. Seamus, with his spear in my hand and dagger at his side, ran into the woods. He ran as far and as fast as he could, the horseman not too far beind. Seamus hid among the trees and shrubbery. Holding his breathe, making sure not to make a noise. The horseman slowed to a walk, realizing the boy was hiding. He laughed aloud, like he was on the hunt for mere pleasure. As he passed, Seamus threw spear into the horse, causing it to rise to two feet just before crashing down causing the rider to fall off backwards. The boy grabbed the dagger from it's sheath and thrust it into the mans neck.

Seamus was too afraid to return to the village. Instead he ran deep into the woods. The very few that had survived the attack on Mindoga fled. Never to return. Seamus returned to the village to see nothing but ruins. There were useless objects scattered around the village among the ashes, nothing of value. Except his fathers sword, the last remaining thing to remind him of his family. Seamus returned to the woods to live for many years, he became a shadow, the protector of Mindoga. Seamus vowed that never again would anyone raid the land of Mindoga without their downfall to accompany them.

Seamus became a drifter. Many years later when the Caprican Confederacy was formed, Seamus and Perry Huntington, a man that had come to Mindoga from Shadow Glen, joined the army to fight for it's people and further protect any defensless citizens from harm. They were sent to Kelsidonia where Seamus established himself as a fine warrior. Seamus and Perry soon left Kelsidonia to return home to Mindoga to stand proudly as warriors for the Caprican Empire.

Posted by blog/toakpitt at 7:45 PM CDT
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Perry Huntington
Perry Huntington, son of John Huntington, was born in Shadow Glen. He grew up mostly on his own because both of his parents died of a vicious stomach virus when he was 8 years old. He soon realized he was a lazy piece of garbage and didnt like any of the trades. He then took up in the dealings of "pipe weed". It worked for a while, till he decided to smoke it instead of sell it. Then Thaidrus, Perrys farmer came in demanding money. Perry and Thaidrus had a brawl and Perry narrowly escaped. Perry decided it was his best bet to get his arse out of Shadow Glen. He then disappeared. After a few months, Perry joined the Caprican forces in hopes of being able to defend his new home from being invaded.

Posted by blog/toakpitt at 7:44 PM CDT
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Oswyn Huntington
Oswyn Huntington is the younger, and less violent, brother of Perry Huntington. He too grew up in Shadow Glen. While growing up, he was looked down upon by all the older boys in Shadow Glen for being a weakling. Although Oswyn often wanted to fight with Perry and others, they would'nt allow it.

Perry disappeared after a fight with Thaidrus.

In his absence Oswyn grew to be a good fighter. He trained by himself for a good while. He had become a very skilled arcehr and spearsman.

After the fall of the Caprican Confederacy, Perry came back home to see his family. He was very shocked to see how well Oswyn turned out, and he offered him a spot in the Mindogan army. Oswyn accepted. He now lives near Perrys cove in Mindoga. Though not as large as some warriors, Oswyn is a force to be reckoned with.

Posted by blog/toakpitt at 7:43 PM CDT
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