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Dark Dreams - Tiran's Insane Abyss


      Cello! Welcome to my site. Here I do plenty of things- Eh... type... rumage through the jungles of HTML coding... search the web for graphics... but that's just in creating this site. What do I put here? Well, just sit back and see for yourself.


      Eh, I can't really say I expected to put this here. . . like I'm ever going to remember to update it? ^^;; Er- anyway, I am (hopefully) . . . going to remember what I was going to say!? DAMNIT! Well. . . *Clears throat* I like the new layout, it suits the darkness inside of me that manifests iteslf in my writing. *Sigh* Maybe The Posse should make a band. I mean, we already have the instruments, I on vocals, Atsuna on guitar, Kaida on bass, Ai on drums, and Leiko. . . heh. Backup vocals. Hell yeah. Er anyway, enough wandering off. This layout features Dark Chi from Chobits which I STILL need to get me mitts on.


       I have a special page with most of my little things I have written in it, the links on the bar to the right don't show up too well. So here's the link.


      Anime/Mangas. Gotta love 'em. Me? I can't live a day without thinking about something (or someone ^^) anime-related. It's just not right without it. And I'm open to just about any I haven't seen/read. Easily said when my only source is Toonami/Adult Swim and occasional eBay. So basically there're few I dislike. Even so, here's some I just cannot watch:

     • Kikaider
• Cyborg 009
• Reign: The Conquerer
• Lupin III
• Pokιmon
• Digimon
• Yu-Gi-Oh!
• SD Gundam

     I'm pretty sure I left some out. Please don't hate me for not liking your favorite show if you like any of these, I have my right to an opinion and so do you.

     There's a huge list of animes/mangas I'd love to get a hold of. Here's the top ones:

     • Chobits
• Vampire Hunter D
• Gundam Seeds
• Fushigi Yuugi
• Ranma 1/2
• Mouse
• Hellsing
• Neon Genesis Evangelion (I know, sad ne?)
• Gundam Wing Episode Zero


     Mmmmm. . . here's my top list of anime bishies! 1) Sephiroth [FFVII] 2) Duo Maxwell [Gundam Wing] 3) Sesshoumaru [Inuyasha] 4) Riku [Kingdom Hearts] 5) Milliardo Peacecraft [Gundam Wing] 6) Quatre Raberba Winner [Gundam Wing] 7) Osumachi [Darkness to Come, mine and Atsuna's manga] 8) Legato Bluesummers [Trigun] 9) Treize Khushranada [Gundam Wing] 10) Vincent Valentine [FFVII]

.:Tiran's Wishlist:.

     1) Final Fantasy VII
2) Final Fantasy X-2
3) Pirates of the Carribean DVD
4) New PS2 controller
5) ATHF Volume 1 DVD
6) Family Guy ANY SEASON DVDs
7) CDs (blank, recordable)
8) Queen of the Damned Soundtrack
9) Memnoch the Devil by Anne Rice
10) NFS Underground
12) Nightmare Before Christmas DVD!
13) Nightmare Before Christmas 'merchandise'
14) Blacklight (for ze 'chillin closet' XD)
15) New stereo! Damn you Twitchy!
16) Metallic silver Sharpies!
17) New army boots
18) Rainbow toe socks!
19) New SOAD or Nightmare Before Christmas hoodie
20) SOAD poster? C'mon, pweeeze Atsuna?!


     How stupid of me not to have introduced myself! My pen-name is Tiran as I don't like my name. I am an obsessed fan-girl of Sephiroth, (Final Fantasy VII) hopeless romantic and full-time morbid/gothic child. I live in Missouri, the crappiest state in the US. If I were old enough to move, believe me, I would. To Colorado if not out of country. Some things that I like include the following: Anime, the internet, Sephiroth, bishies, mangas, writing, floor and scooter hockey, pool, Sharpies, The Posse, and role-playing. BUT things that are not good: Any preppie in my school, and rap music. That's as far as I'm going with that.

.:The Posse:.

     Mmmkay! Hail fucked up goth girls! (And one guy!) My BEST friend since preschool shall be known as Atsuna. She is the greatest EVER and I will always love her. She is living in Arizona (*sobsob*) but we keep in touch. (calls EVERY DAY!)
Next will be known as Kaida. She is so fucking messed up in the head and will always stand by Atsuna and I, you can always get a good laugh out of her and yourself, especially from the words asshat and mangina! ^^;;
Leiko. Everyone loves Shroom! XD Man, need some ego-busters? Just talk to Leiko! What else can you say about her? ^^
AI! Smoochies! I think I love him but I never know. . . could it just be respect? Heehee, I keeeeeeesed him! I like Ai! Hooray!

.:Upcoming Events:.

     12/17/03 3rd LOTR comes out.
     12/19/03 ATSUNA COMES BACK! Fweee!
     12/21/03 My Christmas Play. -.-;;
     12/22/03 Atsuna's birthday! HOORAY!
     12/25/03 I really can't imagine.
     12/31/03 New Year! Hoo. . . ray? o.o;;


      If you want to you can e-mail me, or if you have AOL Instant Messanger, my SN is ShinigamiRox.

Layout © Kylara Design
Site © Tiran Mori

.:Random Links:.

Tiran's Writings
Tiran's Profile
Simple and Clean, a KH RP site
Kylara Designs

A Kingdom Hearts RP site

A Feudal Fairy Tale - Inuyasha RP Site

Tiran: BAKA!
Atsuna: Nani?
Kiada: DAMN YOU ALL! You know I don't speak Japanese!
Leiko: You all are morons. ^^
Ai: Mullet!
Tiran: *Looks at Ai questioningly* If you grow a mullet I will kill you, even if I do like you.
Ai: No, no, no, no, it's my shirt!
Kaida: Oh! Pick me!
Atsuna: NOOO! MEEEE! *Runs in circles* Er, what're we doing?
Leiko: I was about to ask the same. . . *hides in dark scary corner*
Kaida: *Pokes Leiko*
Tiran: Mmmmhmmm. *Sits*
Atsuna: You do realize I'm in Arizona, right?
Ai: But your spirit bat projects the illusion, remember?
Atsuna: Yessum! *Flickers and a cute lil chibi bat appears*
Vini: Reeeeeeaii! *Flickers back into Atsuna*
Kaida: Whoa, that's TWEAKED!
Tiran: Oh! Something's missing!
Leiko: You mean your sanity?
Kaida: Back to your corner! *Pokes Leiko*
Tiran: Umm. . . yeah. . . as I was saying. . . *Pauses and then flyingtacklehuggleglomps Ai*
Ai: O.O;; *Tips over*
Atsuna: Fwee! *Group huggles Ai*
Kaida: I don't do that hugging shit. *Pauses* I LOVE YOU GUYS! *Joins the huggle*
Leiko: Man you guys are idiots. *Evil laughter, cough cough*
Ai: You can get off me now. . . please?! *Sweatdrop*
Huggle group: *Unhuggles*
Tiran: ^^ We wuv Ai!
Atsuna: It's so creepy to hear a goth say wuv.
Kaida: What, are we hippocrates now?
All: *Stare at Kaida*
Kaida: What? I can use big words too! *Cough*
Leiko: She probably learned it in a fanfiction or something.
Tiran: No, more likely a porno. *Snickersnicker*
Kaida: No, you don't read pornos!
All: *Stare more*
Kaida: Uhh. . . not that I would. . . know? Uhh. . . Hey, how about this weather? *Nervous laugh*
Atsuna: Yeah, what the hell's up with that?
Kaida: ¬.¬ *Pokes Tiran*
Ai: ^^ Don't mind me!
Tiran: Fwee! *Clings to Ai*
Ai: Aww fuck. *Sigh*
Tiran: Nyahaha! *Smoochies cheek*
Ai: Ahh! Rape! Rape!
Atsuna: *Cracks up*
Ai: Hey wait, I'm being malested and I think I like it!
Kaida: *Dies laughing*
Tiran: XD
Leiko: You people are fucking morons.
Atsuna: Yush, you say that a lot.
Ai: *Breaks free* Whoo! *Hops into tree*
Tiran: Aww (^._.^)
Atsuna: Raa! Evil sad kitty face!
Kaida: Oooh shit, munchies.
Leiko: Oh Jesus Kaida, can't you get a therapist?
Kaida: You are, remember? Computers, second term?
Leiko: *Thinks* Oh yeah. . .
Tiran: I REMEMBER THAT! 'Kaida, there are people on the keyboard!' XD
Kaida: *Remembers, looks down at fake keyboard* No there's not. . . *Stunned look for about three seconds, cracks up*
Ai: Damn you Wee Bull. . . I had Gym second term.
Atsuna: I'm lost! I wish I went to school with you guys! *Whine whine whine*
Tiran: Sowwy! You ish supposed to move out here, remember?
Kaida: Just mail yourself here and pack extra ketchup packets. Mmmm. . .
Atsuna: Like on the Sopranos?
Kaida: . . . Sure!
Ai: 'Better be careful, or you'll get us all whacked. Body in a woodchipper!'
Tiran: *Sniff sniff* 'Minty!'
Atsuna: No, not Harvey Birdman, but close enough.
Ai: Wha-cha!
Tiran: Deh?
Kaida: Why am I getting the sudden urge to kill someone?
All: *Back away from Kaida slowly*
Kaida: Not you retards!
Leiko: I can relate to the feeling. . .
Atsuna: Mmmkay!
Tiran: No, I say that!
Ai: No pants! *Reminding Atsuna of the hobo joke*
Atsuna: Whoo! Trombones rule!
Ai: Hell yeah!
Kaida: Flutes are better!
Tiran: Yush, but Oboes conquer ALL! *Runs in circles*
Leiko: *Trips Tiran* Couldn't resist. All this Band talk. . .
All: Don't diss Band! *Hover over Leiko*
Leiko: Oh come on, I can kill you all.
Kaida: *Pokes Leiko* No you can't! Heehee!
Leiko: *Sigh*