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Nicks Daily Rant
Saturday, 14 June 2003
Tests, Bordom and Sports...
Today was a trip, ok? I woke up early this morning to find out that the Spurs won! yeah, In yo face! K anyways, I was happy about that. But then I had to go to college and take a boring test.. Well It took me from about 10 o'clock to noon to finish the 95 questions and 7 stories I had to proof. So then I got home to a empty house.. It totally sucked, I was hungary so no one being home was a bad thing. So what did I do, I got back into the car and went and got some fast food at this tiny little shop about 2 miles from the high school. Then when I got home, everyone was back... So then I was watching a movie while everyone had left again and then suddenly everyone was back, they wanted to go to wal-mart and shopping for cars... I was like... aight, I'm going to go to the gym, call me when you make up your mind.. So no sooner do I get in the pool at the gym then does that cell phone ring... I was like alright I will meet you back at the house in 20 minutes.. So then we ended up going to the wal-mart and it started storming when we got there... So they went shopping while I looked for a movie to watch tonight... I didn't end up finding anything worth watching... I mean who wants some chick flick... I wanted some type of horror movie... Its best to watch those when it is dark outside and no one is home, or late at night. Well none of it worked out, thats why I am here with todays daily rant.

Posted by blog/timber2003 at 9:10 PM CDT
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Friday, 13 June 2003
Shots, College and Cars
Today has been crazy, At first, I didn't want to do anything but sleep because of last nights storms... they kept me up for another full night this week. But you know life goes on... I got up today expecting the worst, but today has actually been the most productive day I have had this week...

I titled this entry Shots, College and Cars for a reason.. You see I had to go to the doctor to get my Shots for college and well I ended up having to go to the college right after that because I had to go to admissions and fill out all the paperwork that they make you fill out, well that took about forty-five minutes.. Then of course They haven't recieved my transcript from Naaman Forest yet, so they told me I would have to get it and come back sometime next week.. then while I was waiting for that I had to find my TASP scores (silly test they make you take here in the lone star state.) Well, that meant going to another office and finding them on the computer. I got done with that and then no sooner had I thought I was finished , They sent me up stairs to the Testing Center to sign up for a test I have to take tommorrow... fun fun fun.. Well that was some money to take some stupid tests $10 a test so I put it on visa of course for later when I have to pay the bill... Well after all that crap, I had to go back down to admissions... to be advised... Then I sort of screwed up by saying that I was looking at going to USC (The University of Southern California) so this lady looks up all the stuff I need to take there and tells me that I need to take most of my basics there... So I am now considering just staying here in state and going somewhere local... Well after I got that done and everything done there at the college, I left to go car shopping again... And quite honestly to tell you the truth, there isn't much new out there... Its all the same old stuff, just revamped to look new. So thats why I am at home now and ranting about all this stuff... Well, I guess I better go eat and hang out with friends before it gets too late, I mean I don't want to fail tommorrows test...


Posted by blog/timber2003 at 4:46 PM CDT
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Thursday, 12 June 2003
Car Shopping and Sportz
You know it really pisses me off when the team from Texas looses to the team from New Jersey, but then the entire team up there just had to rub it in...

Well, it sucked that it stormed most of the day... I mean I got up at 5 this morning because of that damb storm.. Hint: thats where I got the news of the Spurs loosing to New Jersey... Oh well, I bet Kristal is happy, she is now living there... I miss her, but I know its what she wants. Well anyways back to that, Then I went back to sleep thinking everything was fine. Then my mom came in to my room and woke me up about 11 for breakfast... then after breakfast by the pool I went swimming... Then Melissa came over and we went car shopping somewhere in Mesquite... Hiley Mitsubishi was the name of it, It was awesome, So if your in Dallas and looking to buy a used car go to Hiley... They'll hook u up. But it was about 2 then and It started storming... Well, we came home after that.. and then My aunt and uncle came over and we had dinner, that was cool... Then, I came in and got on the internet and started talking to Kristal... Its cool cuz we can just talk about anything. Well I am about to take melissa home, So I guess...

Good night!

Posted by blog/timber2003 at 9:02 PM CDT
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Hey, I figure since you don't know that much about me I should use the first entry to introduce myself, and I will do that below in Q and A form.

Q: What is your name?
A: Nick

Q: How old are you?
A: 17 about to be 18

Q: Are you still in high school?
A: No, I graduated with the class of 2003 at Naaman Forest High School on May 31st.

Q: Do you have a Girlfriend?
A: Yes, I am still going out with Melissa, my girlfriend of almost a year and a half.

Q: What do you do for fun?
A: Party with friends and Hang out with Melissa...

Hey, Its all I could come up with, you need to ask me some questions! E-Mail them to me or leave a comment and I will be sure to post them in the first "Nicks shout-outz".


P.S. Leave me some comments, so I know what to write other than what I do in the day.

Posted by blog/timber2003 at 8:43 PM CDT
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