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A look into an ordinary life....
Sunday, 5 October 2003
Just got back from going to SONIC with GENE. Got some cheesesticks...They were yummy and free! GENE'S frat brother was working so... I am still a little hungry but we are going out for Catfish later so I ate light. There is this little hole in the wall by his place that makes the BEST fried catfish in the whole wide world!!!

Do me a favor.. Pick up the phone. Call someone right now. Someone that you may have hurt yesterday or a year ago. Tell them your sorry for the hurt you caused them. Tell them you love them, and thank them for being the person that they are. Life is short. Cherish the moment.

Posted by blog/tiffanymarie98 at 4:03 PM CDT
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Oops I missed a day!
Well, Hello Everyone! To my frequent readers, if there are any, I apologize for missing a day.. I have been so busy. I have had the BEST weekend I've had in a LONG TIME.

Friday night, SONYA and I headed to SHOOTER'S as planned. I didn't have that great of a time, but it was cool. I think I am just so used to GENE being there and dancing with him that it was different thats all. I did see alot of people I know though. DUKE was there. I haven't seen him in at least 6 months. He has changed alot...MAYO was there. He is a bartender at a club here in MEMPHIS and a pretty good friend of GENE. He came up to me and gave me a hug, kissed me on the cheek and said, "Where's my boy at?" I told him and I waslike, I don't even get a how ya doing?, We laughed and continued on with the night.COREY was home from school and he was there too. SONYA met some guy and danced the night away, and of course I, being the good friend that I am, didn't want to rush her. While I was waiting on her I missed like 3 calls from GENE saying he was ready to meet up. He finally left a message saying, I'm home, I'm going to bed. I called. You didn't answer. I could tell something was wrong because I didn't get an I love you or anything, and thats not like him. Well I got in touch with him, and went by his place on the way home, we talked about our nights activities. He told me why he was in such a bad mood, Some stuff had happened, a fight broke out, and he had to "school" some members of a rival fraternity. I am glad I wasn't there. I don't like seeing things like that. :-(

Now... to Saturday. I got up at 9ish to get ready to go to GENE's and pick him up. (His car is still in my driveway)I dropped him off at the Frat house and headed over to SAM'S. I followed her and BRIAN to the game. Got there. GENE saved me a seat. We left before it was over because we were losing pretty bad, on the way to drop GENE back off at the frat house, WES called and asked if we wanted to go to MCALLISTER'S with him and ASHLEY. We did. I had a REUBEN it was SOO good!. Then I headed home, and took a shower and got ready for the night. I picked GENE back up, (Man he has got to get his car, lol)we went to his house so he could shower and stuff...ended up playing playstation, he whooped me. Then we headed back to the Homecoming "get-together" at the house. It was smaller than alot of the parties I have been to, which was cool, I got to meet alot of people. Talked to SCOTT and BIG DAVE for a while... Those are two pretty cool cats..actually ya know what , everyone I met was cool. They all love GENE to death, so hey we have something in coming. JOEL made me take a shot of Southern Comfort. I could not believe it. We hung out for a while and then headed to IHOP. We had a really good time. Things are going SO good for us. Man... I am a lucky girl...everyone kept telling me that last night..

Now it's Sunday morning, and I am tired... I am thiking about going back to sleep for a bit. Today should be a pretty busy day too. We'll see. I will be back later. Keep smiling...

Posted by blog/tiffanymarie98 at 11:58 AM CDT
Updated: Sunday, 5 October 2003 12:03 PM CDT
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Friday, 3 October 2003
Good Morning America!
Well it is 10:25am and I am sitting here waiting for the phone to ring.... oh but wait, the phone won't ring because my MOTHER is plugged into the house line. I HATE IT when she does that, which is ALL THE TIME. UGHHH Ok, that is my daily "vent" Honeslty, normally it would not be a big deal, at all... but I am waiting on a phone call about a job, so it's a little frustrating.

I just talked to GENE, he had picked up my ticket to the HOMECOMING game. He was headed back over to the FRAT house to check and see how the FLOAT was coming and if it was finished. We had a but of a tif last night..or I should say this mornin. He called me at 5:30am, and woke me up. He said he was just calling to leave me a message. He was on his way to SONIC to get some breakfast. He had told me to call him when I made it home from the house, and I did...about 1:20. But...he didnt answer his phone and he didn't call me back. Looking at past events, sometimes it is hard to trust someone. I hate it! I wanna TRUST him so bad, and I know that is what makes a relationship work...but ughhhhh!

Anyway, on to brighter subjects...
GENE is supposed to be coming over, but who know's what time he will be here. He has had ZERO hours of sleep, and he is there at the house, probably working on that STUPID float, and I probably won't see him at all... or he will come over here and go to SLEEP....Hmmmm I think I have a little amna in my voice. lol. I can't wait for this week to be over... I just want my BOYFRIEND back. That's all.

I talked to SAMMI for a few minutes this morning. I miss that girl. It seems like we never do anything anymore. I mean she is happy though. She's got BRIAN, and school, and stuff...and her new friend MEESHA. :-( lol, my life is getting better by the second, huh? And then.... lol CLARENCE called me last night. I forgot his birthday. Sad thing is..even if I didn't for get his birthday, I could not have called him because his number is in my phone, and the faceplate is still broken...I gotta send him an email.

Ok, Seriously, on a brighter note, Me and SONYA are still planning to go to SHOOTERS tonight. I talked to DREY just now and he said he might go too, not that we ever even see him after we get up in that piece. ahhhh what to wear...

I hope everyone has a WONDERFUL day. I promise I am not in a really bad mood... I still have almost all of the day to make it "better".

Posted by blog/tiffanymarie98 at 10:38 AM CDT
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Thursday, 2 October 2003

Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday, I love you, Happy Birthday to you!

Today is GENE's Birthday! He is a whopping 22 years old. I have never dated someone younger than me other than GENE, and it's the BEST relationship I have ever had, so I guess that counts for something, Right? I got him a new television for his room, and made him LASAGNA (his fav. food). He was SOO excited, like a kid at Christmas.It was kind of neat, he had been talking about a new TV for a while, but never said that was what he wanted. He figured I couldn't afford it... Well Surprise! :-)

It is 9:30ish and I just ate a chili cheese coney....Hmmmm I may regret that later. I am waiting for 10 so I can go and meet my BABY for Cake and Ice Cream... MMMMM! He said they had him a little party at work tonight which is cool. I am only gonna hang out with him for about an hour. They have to finish they're HOMECOMING float tonight because the parade is tomorrow, and they are SO far from done. It was funny. Last night GENE called me from the house to see how I was doing and BRETT walked by and was like I Love You, and I said I Love You Too!.. GENE who had had a little too much SOUTHERN COMFORT was like, "Ain't this a B*$#h!" Most of the guys in his fraternity are cool guys.

I talked to SONYA for a little while tonight. We were planning our girls night out tomorrow. Look's like the plan is SHOOTERS. It has been pretty crowded lately, but it is still alot of fun. Last time we went I saw alot of people I knew. FRANK and MARIO were there, and CHRIS and MEREDITH and.. and.. and.. the list goes on and on.

ERIC called GENE today from MISSISSIPPI COLLEGE. He said he was coming in town this weekend...which is really weird because ERIC plays football... or at least he did. Him and his Lil Brother Kris are coming up and probably DANEA (Eric's GF). I am kinda glad, because maybe that means that they will go to the FRAT PARTY Saturday night and I won't just be surrounded by strangers. I wish MEREDITH was coming up too...she's a cool cat, but she just had her ACL operated on, so I think she is stationary for a minute. much to say so little time...Gotta get going. Have a wonderful night!

Posted by blog/tiffanymarie98 at 9:41 PM CDT
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Wednesday, 1 October 2003

Ahhhhhhhh I love the fall. Autumn is definately my favorite time of year. Cool evenings, Crisp Mornings, College Football, and "Punkin" pie. What else could a girl ask for?

You have reached the blog of a certain young woman that goes by TIFFANY. Kick your shoes off, relax, and make yourself at home. I hope you enjoy your stay.

Well I just got back from taking GENE to his car. Last night he called me because he had had one to many Margaritas at the FRATERNITY house and asked if I would take him home. Like any good girl would, I got up out of bed and went to his rescue. I dropped him off at his place and got home about 3:30am. It was so funny...when I got there I had "TIF-A-TUBBY" (a stuffed leopard that he gave me) buckled in the passenger side of my car. It put a HUGE smile across his face. He has such a gorgeous smile.

Let me tell ya something Ladies....When ya find a good man... one that treats you good and respects you as a person, don't let any bounderies stand in the way. If there are decisions in your life that you are making and need some time before you can "be" with them, and they wait for you... HOLD ON TO THAT MAN! I am SO glad that I did.

Well it's HOMECOMING week here in the beautiful city of MEMPHIS, TN. The PI-KAPPA-PHI house has been buzzing all week..into the early hours of the morning getting ready for the Homecoming parade. Last night it was Tequila Tuesday, (which is why I had to pick GENE up, lol. They are teaming up this year with the KAPPA-DELTA's to build they're homecoming float...I am definately thrilled about him being around a bunch of intoxicated Sorority girls night after night, but then that's what trust is about, right? RIGHT! So anyway, this week should be pretty active. SATURDAY of course will be the highlight, with the game v/s UAB and the PI-KAPP party that night!

Today... not to much on the agenda. GENE is coming over after his English Lit class, and we are going to have lunch and relax until time for him to go to work at 4. Even with the hectic homecoming schedule, he makes so much time for more reason that he is wonderful. LOL, now don't get me wrong...We have had our share of "issues" but we've come along way..and have a good, happy, healty, solid relationship now.... After that I may go by SAMANTHA'S house to see how things are going her way. Talked to her last night while I was with SONYA, but not for too long. I miss that girl. She's like my BEST friend in the whole wide world.

Well... I need to go and do something with this mop on my head. I hope everyone has a WONDERFUL day!

Posted by blog/tiffanymarie98 at 10:00 AM CDT
Updated: Thursday, 2 October 2003 9:26 PM CDT
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