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minimum day today YAY!!! I got out at 11:10 and hung around with my friends and we went shoping... ::embarsing moment:: I got half of my arcia crossplay ::end moment:: then on to DDR, I didnt want to change in to my costume, and right when I was about to change my friend's uncle called and piked her up. then I had to do manual labor for my child care class ~_~ its not fair the teacher is supose to do this. finaly I played RO and watched naruto ~_~ I was tired by then

Bwahahahaha Im finaly writeing in my Blog again... lets see this past week has been okay -_- on oct 1st we had minmum day so I went to watch underworld ^_^ and oct 2nd I had far to amny tests ~_~ and oct 3rd is my birthday ^_^ and I got suspended ~_~ for 1 day. on sat I went schoping with my cousin O_O she can find a bargin if you can give her enough time. and you can also get in to all the right parties ^_^ (she's a college girl) and sunday I sleept alot ^_^and today I caught up on most of my anime series I have been watching (day that I was suspended ~_~) oh well all in all an okay week

gomen ::bows:: im so sorry I havent been updateing my blog I'll get right back to it ^^;; lets see... im back in karate so watch out =P and my cousins from hawaii came @_@ and one of them is staying to go to USC Iya high family standards ~_~;; and im still looking for the one just for me ^^;;

I played legend of dragoon all day today ^_^V!!! OMG O_O!!! I found the ultimit bishojo a blue haired girl that carrys a large hammer and has angel wings (even tho her clothes are a bit scimpy)and thats all I did today ~_~

my grandma and uncle came today man did we have to clean up >_< ::ponders what else I did:: oh yea I forgot to add my new thoughts yester day ^^;; also I might have a quiz section up soon ^_^!

today is like every other day(long and boring) lets see I beat castlevainya again *YAWN* and watched TV and posted on the AX EZboard u_u what a boring life I have mabey I should add something to my thoughts section ^^;;

*yawn* im kinda tired lets see I went to a engagement party *YAWN!!!* and I found out it was my big sis Himeka birthday ::throws streamers everywhere:: and that is pretty much it. and my new thoughts link is up ^_^V!!!

my life is so pitiful >_> I have like no acomplishments. I'm never ready for anything. so I'm thinking about opening up a log book part of my Blog where I put my quotes and that sort of stuff. it might be up and running by tomarrow if I feal like it. and I also need to start on my costumes >_< im going as Seig, Victor and that other gun girl ^^;;

Hi there my name is Tide wind

Personal Info:

NAME: Tide "Wave" Wind

nicknames: Tidey, weasel,

AGE: 17



ZODIAC SIGN: Tiger, Libra

Brian <<< evil drummer
Chris <<< super annoyer

LOCATION: Alhambra, California, USA

Other Info:




I tried to picture you crying,
but I couldn't,
because you are always laughing.
Don't you remember?
You gave it to me...
They are...
shining within me.
Always shining...
Without ever being harmed.
--Mizuho Kazami

INSTRUMENTS: piano, flute

aim = TideWind1


I made this sight by hand and I got pictures from off the web so ask me if you have any questions