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Thursday [9.08.03]
New School

New School called Watchung Hills Regional High School, it's a mixed of four town. I've been to the New school for a month now and i kind of like it, the only thing i don't like is that i can't go anywhere until i can drive which is gonna be during the summertime. So far has been late to school four time, heh what a good student eh, My scheldule is 1-photography 2-french 2k 3-english lit k 4-u.s history k 5- study hall 6- algebra 2 78-lunch 910-pe 11-chemistry. i have seem to found at least two friends and talk a lot with them in class on every single class so i'm pretty satisfied. The only bad about it is that i got a lot of french men classes and sophomore classes so i have more frenchmen and sophomore friends then juniors but don't matter since i'm new and all. funny thing happened yesterday, a vietnamese half chinese girl came to my locker after fourth period and start talking to me, she's like "i've seen you in hall couple of times and i just wanted to know you" i just think it's pretty funny cause it's like the first time that happened to me, she still comes to my locker after fourth period today ( i wonder if she's gonna do that everyday now). If you are bored, feel free to add her aim sn Lilstrangeazngrl and a cute girl x3laurenx3 and tooclueless609. Next Time on the Diary.

Wednesday [7.30.03]
Staying with Grandparents

i have been staying with my grandparents in brooklyn since the day my parents went to china again which was a week ago. When they come back a week later, i'm probably gonna be moving to New Jersey and start a new school. I will try to work hard and get in to New York University. Anyway It's been pretty fun living in brooklyn with grandparents, uncles and aunts, and cousins. i had to wake up at 7 every single morning to play basketball at the park with my cousins and friends. Old people were doing the tai chi there too. i had been getting much better with basketball and i'm thinking that it has something to do with my height since it grew taller again. Other things to do here were renting movies, taking the bus to timesquare, 34th street, basically every street including coney islands, walking three streets to internet cafe (a buck for a hour )( so cheap). This afternoon, my cousins and i were thinking of walking about 10 streets to footlocker to buy some shoes. I gotta go eat breakfast now. L8erz

Sunday [7.13.03}
So Long

i have been in NYC for 5 days now and i probably won't go back to iowa city so it's kind of sad but i'll live. Last night is my chinese birthday and i celebrate with my whole family which i haven't done in a long time. I had a good time so far, first time i arrive in NY. Dad gave me a 100 bucks and mom gave me 50 and my oldest sister gives me 50 so i was pretty happy about that. Today was pretty weird day for me, i woke up at 8a.m and my parents wanted me to go to brooklyn with them to do some superstitious religious kind of stuff. Those people tell me that as i grow older, i will be very rich and a lot of girls like me, don't really know if i should believe them but my parents definitely believe those stuff. It took us 4 hours at that place. I also saw some reporters for the newspaper and a photographer (white guy) writing a book about religious and they took a whole lot of pictures of me so who knows !!!! maybe there will be pictures of me in that book and people will probably saw it in world history classes. Heh..............

Tuesday [6.17.03]
Long time no contact

Well, last night is the first time that i chat with cindy since she went back to china. She ask me if i want to buy some stuff and i said okay. She gives me a screen name of a cousin (also my best friend then) that i haven't talk to since i came to us which is 7 years ago. I was so happy that i get to chat with him and see how he's doing. Seeing the pic that he send me, i'm surprised that he looks a lot older then me but he does still look like the way i remember it 7 years ago. I also had a dream last night dreaming about when i moved to New Jersey. It was a really freaky dream where some of the students of City High were there, and there weren't any asian people in the school which is really freaky, i'm glad i woke up but i keep thinking about this dream all day today like it has some kind of meaning. Lately, i have been to Neil and Albert's house a lot, probably because that's the only thing to do. On friday, i'm gonna go see The Incredible Hulk and seeing charlie's angel "full throttle" on June 27th and maybe have another sleep over in albert's house which probably fills out the time i have in Iowa. Then it's time to go to NYC.

Friday [6.03.03]
Summer Break

If you have a quick cam thing, you could netmeeting me anytime you see me online if not my ipaddress is Well School's finally out and i got to spend another months in iowa city with nina. Most of the chinese friends like jennie are moving away and my other sis going to china so this one months is gonna be incredibly boring especially no ride to go anywhere but i can still call neil for anything. Well after the school's over, the only thing that keep on my mind was how my grade's gonna turn out. i"m thinking English-A Math-A+ World History Turning Point-A French-A- City High Singers- not sure maybe A Biology-B hopefully i will get 3.83333 but if i don't, that would just pissed me off. I'm not sure if i deserve an A in english maybe a B+(92 is a A-, 88 to 91 is a B+), the teacher add extra six points to me because he think i did most of the work which i did. I'm gonna be leaving iowa city on july 5th, a lot of people ask me if i wanted to move, on the last few days. I don't really know the answer to that, a part of me wants to stay because i've used to this environment(boring,silenced) and i hate to start a new life(meeting new friends, getting used to this environment) and another parts of me wanted to live in a environment with excitement(exciting, fun, and a lot of people) besides two more years till i graduate then i'll go to some new jersey college or University of New YOrk.Tiffany thinks that it would be great to live in a new place with all of this excitement and i answer her that it would be kind of nice and there would be a lot of places where i would be taking my date to for example six flags which is pretty closed to where i lived. Maybe it would be nice and i shouldn't have worried at all.

Monday [6.02.03]
A Busy Weekend

Well, two more days of school left. This weekend has been incredibly busy. I've been home only at night. Friday night-going to Nick's birthday party. I had a good time there, and it's good that there were a lot of people there because i like a place being crowded. I call Cindy to pick me up at 10:30, it took about 15 minutes on the phone to find out where nick lived. She kill the car two times on the road because she's just getting used to the stick shift(lol.) and she was pissed at me cause she got lost on the road on the way home. she gets nervous whenever she get lost.When we got home, everything is fine again. She got this habit of like to hit my butt all the time ( i don't hate it even though i said "it's not for free" everytime she hit it) , i'm really gonna miss those when she leave on wednesday, she seems to be the only one that can make the tears start to come out of my eye by tickleing me. When coming home a lot of asian friends come here playing with firecrackers outside and fireworks and rented a movie to watch. Saturday-I woke up at 7.a.m recording some shit on t.v then sleep and wake up at 1a.m. First thing to do was going to K-mart with nina to buy some stuff. Then came back and went to albert's house for sleepover. We play Yugioh card which was kind of fun and play games. Sunday-I woke up early and left early to go to Nina's graduation, we sit there and wait until they call nina chen and we just started to shout and yelled then we left. We went to barbecued in Eddie's house, foods are great and we just chill, eat, and talk. Came home at 9p.m.

Name: Peter Chen a.k.a yi tong
AIM: Cuteguyrule10128
AIM2: Chen789 Hotmail: Asianqt613 Findapix: forreal613 E-Mail: Click Here
DOB: 6/13/87
Hobbies: Playing CS, Rapping, Watching chinese movies, playing basketball in the morning time at the park while also watching people doing tai chi.>=D

Al's Place
(Givin some credit to this dawg)

The Tunes: