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Welcome! This is the offical teams page!

Hey! I'm the guilds owner, all_i_have19, and I'm gonna tell you what the teams are for, what they are, and anything else like that! So get ready, get set and read on!

What Are The Teams?
The rank you have is the team you are on. One example of a team, is the one I'm the leader of: Baby Lupe(s).

Team Leaders?
Every team has a leader, which is on the council. The council members are the leaders. That way everybody has a team leader!

What If A Team Doesn't Have A Leader?
Then there's a council spot open for members to apply for. No big deal. Teams don't need leaders, their just there to help.

Do We Need Teams?
No. Infact, most of the time, teams aren't even used! There just used every once in awhile for contests.

How do those contests work?
Well, This isn't the page for that! There's a differant page all on that!

I hope I was a help! Anyway Hope you enjoy the guild!