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The X Home
     Kc, we love you, you taught us so much and its been awesome hanging out with you. Your a truly good friend, good luck in Washington and visit us often!

11-15-03 Well, its been a while since ive been on this site. I want to thank jon, of course, for doing all the work, cuz im a lazy ass. I just want to let you all know, i am starting work on our new site, which will be ours, not hosted. So we will not have the problems with us getting shut down all the time from too many viewers. Also, ive started editing on our new video, so look out for that.

~Richie Redwood

11-24-03..........Yoyoyoyoyooyoyoyoo. Added Matt Brittons profile today. Hopefully scraping together the money to host this site at a new location so the pictures will always be up, so look forward to that. Weather in Oregon still sucks ass, so video won't be out anytime soon, but I'll probably host the old old old old old old one on the new site when I get it up.

In other news, me and jake are building a funbox, so maybe we'll get out an all tech video of us on it over the winter. Operative word there is maybe.

Jon Quinsey

11-17-03.....Halla Halla! The weather has been quite poopy lately and it doesn't really look like its gonna get better anytime soon. So filming for the video is slow because of Oregons lack of indoor skateparks. The video will feature Jon and Jake Quinsey, Kc Corning, Matt Britton, Matt Gardner, and hopefully Alex Shutten. We might add a few other local riders but that's it for now.

-Jon Quinsey

11-13-2003.....WORD! I think I'm gonna start trying to update the site a little bit more frequently. We have started filming for XVM1(The X Video Magazine). Sorry to all our fans who wanted new content and weren't getting it. It'll all start coming together now! PACE!

-Jon Quinsey