#34 of 50 Journal Entries to my English Teacher

Well im trying to make it to the next entry into my lifes story that is unfolding before you because apparently you have some perverted fucked up sense of humor, you like to watch things going on. Why else would you want to read hundreds of journal entries. What do you really care what we write about as long as there are a page or words down, and it looks like it took a substantial amount of time to make. Seriously what could be so interesting ot you? Do you secretly wish to have found your sister diary and read it? Is it because you didn’t have a sister that you make your students fill this empty desire that still lives inside of you? I don’t get you or your English department ways. I never did understand English teachers. Your teaching our language. If I can communicate with you and you are able to understand the words that are coming out of my mouth, why teach me English? Do I know how to structure a sentence correctly every time? Can I write a 500 words essay with out 10 surface errors? Well maybe, probably not, but you know what? Computers can, and guess what as each day goes by computers increase in popularity, there are and probably never will be a decrease of computers found in the average home. You show me where computers are hurting the English language, that makes them such a scare to you, and all English teachers, that makes them spring this worthless tests up on us. Why? You expect us to use computers all quarter, in most cases hand written papers are not accepted, so typing on a computer is a must for every paper of the quarter, except for the one that counts?!? What the hell is that? That makes no sense sir. Seriously you find the logic in yoru reasoning and I’ll show you wehere you are wrong. You give the average student a computer and he’ll turn in a decent paper. You feel that you have this superiority complex over others because you grew up without the help of computers, so you feel you can “truly” write, and you make it so those who can “truly” write, without the help of computer, are the only ones that are able to pass your class? Why? So the ones that used a computer all quarter are left behind doing the same thing that they’ve always been told to do? Type this paper on a computer, or else I wont accept it, then come back next year, cuz im not gonna teach you anything in this class, so you still wont be able to pass this final test. It makes perfect sense. Just wait, if your still around, you just wait for that first group of kids that grew up with a PC, just wait for them to inherit this world, see what they do with it. Why not utilize this technology? Why hold back those that play the system, the ones that are smart enough to know they arnt the most gifted at something and be able to use what they know to make up for that? No. If you had your way you’d hold all those individuals back, hold them down, so that they become so repressed they finally give up. Shits wrong….and your wrong.