Tonight i find myself wondering, yet again, what the fuck just happend. After reading a shitty review for the new incubus cd on rolling stone, i went on over to to see what they had to say on the subject. As usual it was bullshit, so i checked the news on the new Queens album, and to my suprise there is a new article on them, posted tonight. The title reads "Nick Oliveri, Mark Lanegan Leave Queens Of The Stone Age", sitting here thinking, i dont really know the names of they guys in the band, so i take a look at the pic. My heart split in two. Nick Oliveri is the bassist of Queens of the Stone Age, and Mark is a lead singer on several of there songs. But what struck me hardest was that Nick left, in everything i had read Nick and lead singer Josh Homme had been together for almost 20 years, and they co-founded Queens. Nick was possibly my favorite member, and you might be saying "But Donny you didnt even know his name" well i dont have to, all i have to know is that every bass line laid down on EVERY Queens album is his. And if you have ever listend to songs like Mexicola, you know exactly what i mean. You cant replace such a talented man. I just hope this is another revolving door that is the Queens style.

I know some people who need to read this.

Go see the guest posts on Joel, Lynn said you need this.

Go see the guest posts on John Stamos

You know what, I was gonna write a bit about how I hate JD, not Jack Daniels, but JD Winn, you may know him has Just Douche. I had about half a page written, and then I deleted it, and you know why? I’m tired of this bullshit drama shit. There is no need for it, I could have talked about his shit eating grin, I could have talked about how his own girlfriend made fun of the size of his dick, which I have been told is no larger than her thumb, haha, sux, but why, ill probably never see him again in my life, and if I do, ill probably give him a thumbs up, giggle like a drunk kid after prom, and move on. Holding on to this hostility does nothing for me I have better things to worry about. What brought this to my attention was the scene that unfolded in my biology class today. A young lady, we’ll call her Jamie Hall, asked me, we’ll call me umm Donny Heidelberg, well “Jamie” asked me if I had heard of JD, I pondered for a moment and told her that yes I had, and no I did not like him. I didn’t delve into things that didn’t concern her. I’m starting to realize that letting shit slide is one of the best parts of growing older and maybe gaining SOME maturity. But I do have to say this one part because it pisses me off, JD told this young lady that his ex-girlfriend we’ll call her “Stacy” was boring. Now if you know Stacy at all she is anything but boring, she is a bright and outgoing person with an infectious personality that is anything but boring. This just really hammered home the point that I hate JD, but it doesn’t change the fact that I’m not gonna worry about it. LET SHIT SLIDE FUCKERS!

Riddle me this, i played football this weekend, ok it was fun and shit but now my neck hurts? Ive played tons of sports before, and i can safely say that my neck has never been sore... i mean what the fuck. Im sitting here i can barely swallow, my neck is swollen, i can barely turn my head. IM FREAKING OUT MAN!!

What Happend....

Rumors swirled, inquiries were made, and then it happened, and people were left speechless. Well I could be talking about many things, but if you are half the man, that I am, then you will know that the hell im talking about. On last Tuesday a cd was released by one of the best rock groups of this age, incubus, and by all accounts it was suppose to be the second cuming of S.C.I.E.N.C.E. If you don’t know what science is maybe you should just leave, and maybe you should just get up from your computer, and go walk out into that world that you have apparently been absent from for the past 10 years. But for those of you that know of this science, you may stay. Now Incubus did realase a new cd, and it is NOT science, nor is it anything that you have heard before. Is that a bad thing, well no, but when you have been told by everyone that should know, that it will be another science, you get to thinking that its gonna be one thing, and when it comes out and is another you feel lost to what you are listening to. The first single Megalomaniac doesn’t represent the cd AT ALL, it is somewhat out of place on the cd and when you hear the second song, you feel as if something is off. To get a true feel of this cd, you should skip the first song, and just start the cd on the second song. A Crow Left Of The Murder.. is a great cd, regardless of what people may tell you, it is not a stripped down incubus, it is not a step in the wrong direction, it is merely them maturing further than they have previously. Everything is present on this cd, great lyrical content, guitar work is some of the best out there, I cant really place incubus into a genre on this cd though, its not pop, its not nu metal, its not hard rock, its not indie, its not punk, its just them, its what they do.

Who is this man


How do you know when you are a total tool? Well one huge clue is that you are out in your parents garage smoking pot and you set the garage on fire. Sounds like this could never happen? Well you would be wrong my friend. This very incident took place at the house behind me tonight. There were no less than 4 fire engines, 2 cop cars, and 3 crying highschoolers, and one Donny laughing his ass off.

Lesbien What?

What the fuck was that? Ill tell you, it was those god damn Lesbien Midgets, that are taking over my friendly TRI. Yah Lesbien Midgets, some may think that it would be quite hilarious to see this phenomenon, but it is quite the opposite these little ankle biters are everywhere, and they WALK. I mena what the hell, when youre legs are a foot long, the last thing that i would want to do is walk somewhere, unless i had set aside a good 3 days to get there. One positve thing about these midgets is that it gives Matt Schomaker a new challange, i mean sure he has raped midgets and lesbiens, but not lesbien midgets, so wish him some good pussy luck.

Hmmmmm what to say, i feel that i am a follower, i see that my closest friends have been getting into this. So i decided to follow once again, and start my own!! yahaaaa