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Sup, Youz At My Page

(I'm the tall one. The other guy would be Jacob Lee.  This is right after graduation.)



Name: Ponciano Senior Valinzuela

Name that you can call me that doesn't require you to screw it up: Ponch

Birth: October 7, 1985

Location:  In the 49th state overall in education (GA) woot woot

Ethnicity: Korean, Filipino

Quote: "How many times do I have to say that Justin Timberlake is gay?"

Social Security #:  I may be stupid but I'm not retarded.

Hobbies:  Probably sleeping and playing video games.  Does acting like you're high count as a hobby?

E-mail: or

Hey peoples.  This is my first (and a pretty sad) attempt at a webpage so be easy on me.  If you guys have any tips or input on what I should do on this site let me know.  I'm pretty sure all you guys know my screen name on AIM:  aznguy100785.  Sorry about putting this page on angelfire. I know you get a bunch of pop ups but this was the only way to show a bunch of pics and movies without paying money.  Yes I'm cheap and I'm too lazy.  I felt that xanga was too fancy for me and I don't know jack squat about html or scripts and all that crap.  Anyways, enjoy the ghettoness of this whack site. Peace.


Saturday, June 14, 2003

Well I guess this is where I start my blog. Oh my goodness.  I've been workin on this junk for about 3 weeks and this is my first entry.  How sad. Anyways, it was about time since I had my own page since everybody else has one.

Well the only thing that happened this week was 5 days of torment.  Little kids just running up to me hitting me, kicking me, biting me, etc.  It's pretty easy just watchin over them but it gets really annoying if they all want to be held.  It's ok though cuz payday's on tuesday.  This is only the first week.  I don't think I can hold out the remaining 5.  Well I hope that you enjoy the page and I'll try to add more stuff and I'll try to do more just to entertain you guys.

Graduation Stuff

Crazy Sound Bytes

A Bunch of Other Stuff