Superior training and superior weapon has and
must be taken together for a geometric affect on overall military strength
Well trained, and well equiped troops can stand up to many more times
lesser number than simple arithmatics would seem to indicate.

The inclusion of new recruits into the team must be
so that once entering the new environment the recruits
must feel like they are at home, however
certain rules must be addressed to them.
It is imperative that the commander and his
subordinate officers be able to juggle friendly attitude
with strict combat adherence to rules so that while
the team is able to balance maximum training
development and team relationship.

As stated before numbers confer no advantage thus
significant effort must be exerted in the training of
inexperienced players to ensure their effectiveness
on the battlefield. The commander must oversee the progression of
his troops under his command. Constant effort must be
put forward to assure the troops are learning
from each and every team practice.

To maintain training efficiency the commander should
employ his subordinate officers to help
him carry out this task. From my own personal experience
I think it is necessary for a squad or a field unit to work
togather with those in their designated squad and that
they train under their commanding officers. This will
help the commander understand his troops better and allow the troops
to accept their officer in order to work better with him or her.