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The Calendar

    Yo! This page is going to be a planner for all my people! Who are my people? Haha! I'm glad you asked....

    First we have Breanna Michelle Westlake. She was born on June 22, 1989, and has grown to like the colors baby blue and baby pink, and she also loves Alvaro! She dances-tap and jazz and will be going to VAPAC charter for at least one of her high school years. (Breanna, if you wish to add more or take away, please do so here....)

    Following her, is the lovely Karla Kristine Rivera! Karla wishes to own a bamboo alto saxophone someday, as well as the heart of her crush, Danny Cabrera, who unfortunately moved to Tuscon, Arizona last summer.

    Next is Taylor Joy Haugland. Taylor's favorite color is black, because it reminds her of darkness, lonliness, and utter and complete calm. She dreams of becoming a music teacher or professional musician, and hopes to shear sheep with her good friend Kirstyn in her spare time.

    Now I introduce to you, Jaspreet Sembhi. Jaspreet has no crush that we know of, but her favorite squash is (your favorite squash here, Jassy). She was elected Outstanding Eighth grader last year at her junior high, Leonardo da Vinci. She dreams of what it would be like without all that hair....

    And finally, Lora Walton. Lora was a percussionist for her school orchestra last year. She enjoys shopping, seeing movies, and growing her nails out. In the future, she hopes to marry Patrick McDougall.

    There you have it folks. The profiles. Members or this site, please feel free to edit them as needed or wanted.

    We now come to the main reason for this page: the calendar. Here is where we post our occasions, so as to coordinate more quickly on when would be a good time to go see Finding Nemo.....Please post your affairs in chronological order, and be sure to sign them so we know who's this is. And if there is one certain occasion that happens repeatedly throughout the month/year post that at the top of the calendar...(i.e. SYB monday nights 6:00-8:30) Thank you!

SYB mondays 7-8:30 (year round) -breanna

me too!...i think. math class tues/thurs 6:45-7:30 (july 8-???)-breanna July 4, 2003 - Independance Day! And I am finally allowing myself a boyfriend! Yippie! -Taylor .:*:. alyssa's (my cuz's) b-day going to hang out with her -breanna

July 5, 2003 - 1:00-3:00 pm Brass Sectional @ the CKM flag pole -Taylor

July 7, 2003 - Matt's Birthday! 5:00-6:30 pm Car Wash @ CKM 6:30-8:00 pm Band Practice -Taylor

July 10, 2003 - um...yeah. i'm just trying this to see if i'm doing it right. ok then bye. -Jaspreet yei! it worked! July 12, 2003 - 1:00-3:00 pm Brass Sectional @ CKM -Taylor

July 17, 2003 - Nick's Birthday!

July 21, 2003 - 5-6:30 pm Car Wash @ CKM 6:30-8 pm Practice -Taylor

July 22, 2003 - Caitlin Ring's Birthday!

July 26, 2003 - 1-3 pm Brass Sectional -Taylor

August 20 my first day of school at Rocklin -Jaspreet

Sept. 1 no school! -Jaspreet

nov 7minimum day(um...this min day, is until the 12th, but i'm not sure if I get this min day, so yeah.)

Nov.11 no school!-Jaspreet

nov. 24no school!!-Jaspreet

nov. 25 no school! -Jaspreet

nov. 26 no school -Jaspreet

nov. 27no school -Jaspreet

nov.28 no school -Jaspreet

dec 22 no school -jaspreet

dec 23 no school -Jaspreet

dec 24 no school -Jaspreet

dec 25 no school -Jaspreet

dec 26. no school -jaspreet

dec 27 no school -Jaspreet

dec 28 no school -Jaspreet

dec 29 no school -jaspreet

dec 30 no school -Jaspreet

dec 30 no school -Jaspreet

dec 31 guess what....NO SCHOOL! he he. - Jaspreet


jan 1 no school -Jaspreet

jan 2 no school -jaspreet

jan 19 no school -Jaspreet

feb 9 no school -Jaspreet

feb 16 no school -Jaspreet

april 5 no school -Jaspreet

april 6 no school -Jaspreet

april 7 no school -Jaspreet

april 8no school -Jaspreet

april 9 no school -Jaspreet

april 12 no school -Jaspreet

may 31 no school -Jaspreet

june 2 min day -Jaspreet

june 3 min day -Jaspreet/last day of school!

Thank you. That is all.