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[Webmasters note: 2/03/2007 - It's been about a month since I've done anything on the site. The world has a way of trying to pull you in. It's far from over, and far from finished though!

Welcome to a site created and dedicated to the learning and understanding of the Laws of God

Open my eyes, that I may see
Wondrous things from Your law. (Psalm 119:18)


One of the saddest things that I personally pereive in todays Christianity is the spiritual state of millions who have been decieved by Satan into accepting a counterfit Christianity that is often not only contradicted by the Bible, but in places is also condemned. This is because of the vast amount of pagan influence and tradition in mainstream Christianity, and also because of the fact that VERY few people really study their Bible to see if what they are taught in Church is true.
Stemming from this devilish decpetion comes a lack of understanding in the vital importance of Gods Law, and what a gift from God it really is.
Aside for being an ingredient for our salvation, they also all give you wisdom and understanding of the nature of God and His plan.
God's seventh day Sabbath, for example, is not only a day of rest physically, but it's day of spiritual replenishment. This seventh day is the ONLY day Jesus "blessed and sanctified" (Genesis 2:3) at the beginning of creation, 'sanctify' means 'to set apart for holy use' .Its also the ONLY sign between Him and His true people, notice in Exodus 31:13: ‘Surely My Sabbaths you shall keep, for it is a sign between Me and you throughout your generations, that you may know that I am the LORD who sanctifies you'. One of the most amazing understanding of the seventh day Sabbath is that it celebrates the millenial rule of Jesus and His resurrected, glorified bretheren, who will be 'born again' into Gods Family at Christ's return (rev 1:6; 5:10). For an indepth look covering this in greater detail go to the Sabbath page.
Because most dont understand this purpose and how to get there, they are decived into worshipping a god of their own ideas, reasoning and traditions, and practicing a fake form of Christianity born from those same human concepts. This 'god' seems to have prescribed a manner of worship, practice and tradition today that is TOTALLY contradictory to what our Bible really teaches.
John said it most powerfully in one of his letters: "Now by this we know that we know Him, that we keep His commandments. He who says, 'I know Him' and does not keep His commandments is a liar, and the truth is not in him." (1 John 2:2). If you think Im wrong then I challenge you to read through this site, and prove it wrong :) This site is to test and see if learning more about God's Laws and their deeper spiritual significance really can help open ones mind to the true plan and purpose of the God as found in the pages of the Bible...

Also, I say now that by no means do I believe in 'salvation by works', nor is that the intended teaching or implication of this site. Obediance dosn't earn salvation, however it is a prerecquisite for salvation. Heres where it fits into the equation...

Grace + Faith + Law = Salvation

(for more on this subject, check out this brief article on really KNOWING God)

Page Summary

The main page and reason for this site is the collection of Scripture relating to the Ten Commandments. All other pages are just additional extras that I think are relevant and of some interest. The other reason for their inclusion is for the joy I get from doing this site, anyway I can think of to expand on it will be included as long as it relates to the main theme.

"The Law Of God" - A listing of the Ten Commandments with Scripture from both Old and New Testaments explaining and elaborating on each Law showing to to fully keep it in the letter and in spirit.

"The Sabbath" - Here is an in-depth look into the Sabbath, where I go over the origin of the seventh day Sabbath, and look at such issues as the real day of Jesus' resurrection, the relevance of the seven day week to Gods redemptive plan, the origin of Sunday worship amongst much much more.

"Blessings & Curses" - The blessings and curses chapters of Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28. These are dual prophecies that drastically affected ancient Israel and will also drastically affect modern day Israel, the American and British descended peoples. God tells us how He will bless us if we obey His laws, and how He will bring us to ruin if we forget Him and rebel against His laws. I think it really sheds alot of light on the nature of God and the way He sees and loves us, when you see how He responds to our obediance and disobediance. When you see the blessings He'll give for obeying Him, it's understandable the curses He'll give for not.

"Psalm 119" - This Psalm displays the attitude God would like from us regarding the Laws He made 'for our good always'.

"Mount Sinai" - [under construction] This is my own analysis on two sites claimed to be Horeb, the mountain of God. I look at the Biblical account and then study maps and photos to weigh up the geographical and archaeological evidence. (still under construction)

"Articles" - A page dedicated to articles on God, with its main focus on the Law

I'll summarise other relevant pages as I create them.

The Site History

This started when one day I decided to open a word document, write down the 10 commandments and then hunt for scriptures that helped elaborate on each law. As it came along, one day I thought, "some color would be nice" so made the commands one color, and the elaborations another. It grew more, and then I thought, "it'd be nice to have a color background and maybe even some images of some sort." At this point I decided to dust off my old HTML knowledge, as I knew how to create an offline HTML document in which I could have a little fun with the presentation of the document. Originally just a web browser application on my desktop, it has now come online and has grown and expanded continually!!

Intent of the Site

For me personally, the intent of this site was best summed up in a conversation I had with a dear friend: This site is a focal point to my study into God's law, like the lake the rivers run in to. The page on God's law is an unbiased collection organised Scripture, collaborated in the belief that it is easier to understand scriptural teachings in the Bible in light of other Scripture on the same subject. I would hope that one day it will be a useful aid to those who want to know more about the prescribed manner of worship and way of life that the God of the Bible commands.

I would add abit of commentry but that would rob the scripture of its own innate supreme authority, which need only stand alone to cut through false understanding and teaching like a double edged sword. How many people will even see this site is unknown, wether just for the online friends I have from the Living Church of God or if it opens to the whole web. Time will tell...

Please feel free to take a few minutes to visit the Guest Book at the bottom of the page and let me know what you think, and of any ideas for improvement or any error corrections. Thank you.

A last note: The pages as you see them (except this page) are not always going to be the final product. The fact that this site was born from a humble word document shows the continual change thats gone on. Application of the CSS web design language (which is responsible for the layout and presentation of this page) will eventually be used on all pages in some way or another. Also content will increase, especially on the "Law Of God" page, as I find, or are informed of, other scriptures regarding the commandments. Also as you can see in the "Upcoming Updates" there is content that I haven't yet added. But Im getting there! All updates, additions and changes can be seen on this page, with earlier changes in the Update Log.

