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Set 1 -- 10th July 03

See me live on my webcam. View My Webcam
See me live on my webcam.


Best friend


Heya I'm Suzi the owner of this "great" site.
I'm 16 born on May 11th 87.
I live in Dublin ,Ireland with my parents and 18 year old sister o n my pets Bailey , Misty , Sunni n Bobbi.
I like Sport soccer and hockey mainly and I like the color pink , shopping , guys and the usual stuff..
I hav blonde hair and brown eyes and my ears , nose and belly pierced.
When i'm older I wana be famous but then again who doesn't!!
Please sign the guestbook
and to any bitch's reading this IF YOU DON'T LIKE MY STYLE .. LEAVE.


Right Now

Date:July 17th 2003
Time: 12.56am
Wearing:beige combats and pink hoodie
Surfin: big brother site
Listening to: no1!
Talking to: cat
Thinking about: boys!!



NELLY- Number 1
JA RULE- Livin it up
BRITNEY feat Pharell - Boys
DR DRE feat SNOOP DOGG- Next eposoide
JAY Z feat Pharell- Excuse me miss
SNOOP DOGG feat Pharell- Beautiful
NOTORIUS BIG feat PUFF DADDY- Mo money mo problems



1st away!!
2nd away
3rd away
4th away!
5th away
6th away!!
7th away
8th HOME!


JUNE 2002
JULY 2002
MARCH 2003
APRIL 2003
MAY 2003
JUNE 2003



Heya this is my button it shud work on all servers even expages if not tell me! please upload it yourself if you cant mail me!



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Sun 20th July 03.

Hey people i'm back from Wex , it was fun I met up with my skool friend Beccs n I went babysitting with her then she stayed over at mine. It was pissing rain today so we came home early , I did some vanilism on the gazzebo - long story - some lil 10 year old was writing shit on it bout my friends so I went up today and skritched it all out and wrote shit back ah well.

O yeh I dyed my hair red wana see!

well I like it anyway

Not much else to say I think i'll go call for the others now and have a early nite cuz i'm tired for some reason.

cya soon

Suzi blogged out at 6.20pm

Fri 18th July 03.

Heya hows everyone?

Anywho.. went to Wexford and it was fun it always is. We swam it was pretty funny auctaully cuz it was like , me , Collette , my mum , Daniel , his mum , My mum's friend and her 2 kids we all got into the sea when it stated pissing rain everyone was getting out and were looking at us like (cRaZy) ah well maybe we are! Collette and me were sitting down near the tennis courts when these two girls walked by one all fake tan and blonde the other kinda scuffy , the scruffy lookin one was their tryin 2 put on a strong Dublin accent (tryin 2 be mad) but it was obviously fake then her friend comes over and in the biggest bimbo voice goes "Hi sorry do you guys have any blow?" me and Collette were crackin up but we kept a straight face and innocently replied "No sorry"

Collette's birthday was on the 16th so we went to town and went to Pizza Hut (Me , Tori , Roisin , Maire and Co ) I got the same nose stud as Christina Agularia wears a nose ring and red hair dye I wana put streaks in. Then we went to the hideout which is a pool place its kinda cool all dark and smokey with loud music and pool tables. I cant play pool so I requested alot of songs on the jukebox and played some arcade games.. Everyone fancies Johnny the manager? but he scares me he's a bit mad! cuz to go the the toilets ya gotta go downstairs and he keeps turning off the lights when your down! but to be fair he gave Collette lotsa free games of pool for her birthday! her and Maire kept flirting with him!

We went drinking that night (last night) in the park omg it was so cool! R.E.M were playing in a park nearby not the park we were in but close so imagine the atmosphere warm evening starting to get dark , drinkin with friends lotsa teenagers around doing the same , sitting on the grass listening to live consert music blasting! it was really cool! we were talkin 2 a group of lads from our estate last night their real nice one looks like Colin Farell (sexy) some of them are good looking! we'll see alot of them i'd say cuz we hang around the same place.

I'm gonna put semi perminat black dye in my hair after the red is gone!

I found out my friends boyfriend might have to do 3 years for drug dealing! or grass up on who gave him the drugs , he had alot on him so he's considered a dealer! stupid fuckin laws! 3 years it's a load of shit!!

Sean Paul is a legend!

not much else happenin around here at the moment! i'm off to Wexford again! and i'm back on Monday as usual! well i'm gonna go so ..

cya soon

Suzi blogged out at 12.57am

Weds 16th July 03.

Hey! big shoutout to my mate COLLLETTE who's birthday is today!!

Tommrow a group of us are goin 2 town to have a meal in Pizza Hut n go to a pool place.. long story don't ask and drink obviously who can forget drink! haha!!

What else nothin much new!! Wex was good fun always is.

well i'll update soon with news I swear

cya soon

Suzi blogged out at 1.09am

Thurs 10th July 03.

Heya! just uploaded a few holiday snaps!

Me and Tori b4 a disco.

Gary,Trev,Joe,Ritchie and me lying across!!

Me gettin pissed!

Ritchie and Joe (pissed)

Mark being mad! and pissed or stoned or whatever!!

Mark 2 , Ritchie , person and Niall (sexy)

Shea and Ritchie's cousin.

I'm uploading my cam pics!!


Suzi blogged out at 6.09pm

Thurs 10th July 03.


Hey!! it's so annoying every time I go to blog I end up busy and put it off .. well this time i'm ready!!

Italy was Fantastic omg unbelivably cool!..

Italy was 40 degrees for awhile we made loadsa Irish , English and Welsh friends about 20 or more mainly lads.. I was with 3 lads but I had 8 bacardi brezzers that nite and was fairly locked! 2 were Dutch , 1 was Irish I liked the Irish one the Dutch scared me seriously they were calling me a slut and stuff I was like what the fuck??!! it's not like i'm fuckin people!! relax!! Drunken Irish guy aww bless him he's from Stab City (thats Limerick to you and me) we were like i'd hate to be from Limerick ya'd get stabbed and he was like hate to be from Dublin you'd get shot! haha aww I miss him!! and Johnny who was always pissed he was like 17 or 18 and was always shouting and being drunk but was sooo nice so many funny Johnny times , Johhny and his condoms were so funny and Niall the ride of the centuary sooo fine but he knew it and was only after 1 thing so stay away haha! Ritchie I was with him he was so nice and good looking and Joe and Gary and Shea and the two Marks and the girls ok.. i'm gonna stop now!! the drinks were only 1 euro 60! it was so good and the legal drinking age is 16 so we were like O YEH! and my parents dont care I drink they drink more than I do so it was so good , we stayed at a campsite so it's so teen infested mainly Irish they had a pool and a disco , bars and restaurnets tennis courts and a gym etc.. much more.. lotsa sun!! I got a tan o yeh!! yano the singer Sting?? his house was just down the road apperntly he grows hash ( :P ) , the lads wanted to go and steal it but they wouldnt get near it!!!! their were so many Irish it was a invasion but it was sooo good the last nite was so sad. I was in Florence cuz it was near by and the shops their are great I got presents and stuff o and I got my nose pierced AGAIN!!

I'm putting up a new cam set as you read this or it's done?! I duno but look at the left menu under cam section (section 5) are the new snaps!!

Sory it's talking me a bit to revamp this and get it up and running its been almost 4 weeks yano!?!

Since I got home Ireland has been very Ireland-ish rain and clouds and traffic! Yesterday me , Maire , Co and Roisin watched Snatch with Brad Pitt and Vinnie Jones it was so funny!! Brad Pitt the Pikey! haha!! ("Do ya like Dags?") it was class. seriously go watch it because it's cool!! and today I had a fight with my mum so I went out and didnt come back til 12.00am not that she cared. I just went out with the others and hung around with another 2 groups so their were about 16 of us some smoking (not me) and talking nothin huge or anything!

big brother is deadly how sexy is Ray??!! I swear to ya Ray all the way he is walking sex.

Aw bless my cat is asleep beside me and it looks like shes smiling shes so cute! I bet she's planning how to kill me!! haha. cya soon

Suzi blogged out at 4.40pm
