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 -Yahoo- ReD_TeKnology
 -AIM- rip teknology
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Monday, July 05, 2003

Hello and welcome to my weblog. This is a new weblog I decided to design on my own. Some of you may know me from Xanga. If you havnt heard of me then go ahead and check out my other weblog. This weblog will be a little different than Xanga. You wont be able to add comments or anything like that. You may however, contact me via email or instant messenger. If its not there yet, all the info will be there on the left under contact me. Some of the links arent clickable. That is because I dont use the email for that particular program. You can click on one of the others to email me. Well im probably going to bed now. I ran out of smokes, so what better time than now. Good noght all.