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The Cluttered Desk

To Do List:

Some Poems I have written
Come in and check out if you want to.
Short Stories and Such
My Prose Pages
The Inkwell
Links to my favorite writing sites
Favorite Poems
Just started. Features famous dead guys
Random Thought
Just started. My new blog, postings coming soon...

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All writings on these pages, with the execption of those found on my Favorite Poems page © by The Cluttered Desk

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Long, long ago on a server far, far away there sat a small site called The Cluttered Desk. One day the site disappeared into a black hole in the corner of cyberspace never to be heard from again. But like the sphinx it rose from the ashes coming back stronger than before mocking the system that tore it down.

Welcome to The Cluttered Desk


August 20,2002: Added a new poem, The Abyss, to my poetry page #10 Line and updated my joural, Random Thoughts


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