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welcome you! this is my subprofile ;D

rEALEST iLLEST LADIES -- mataray & moody. you know how we do it ;D we may be the dorkiest of the dorks, the moodiest of the moodies, and the b_tchiest of the b_tches. but we'll always still be the realest of the illest ladies out there. always and forever, just us three. :) we needs to roll deep when we just need each others company. closer then friends, past BEST friends, we are more like sisters from different misters. again.. always & forever, it'll always just be.. us three :)

TH3 USUALs -- it just been a year and already we are like this *crosses fingers* "a memory lasts forever, never does it die, true friends stay together, and never say goodbye" you guys were always like my second family. if you think about the days we all didn't know each other.. it makes you wanna laugh huh? yep, through it all we been there for each other. so much ups and downs along this path called friendship. but through ever down hill we walked.. there was always one of us pushing another up that up hill. i love you guys.

RECOGNIZE -- here are a view people that i've often talk to online. thanks you guys for being there when i'm bored as hell and can't go on [order of buddy list, put in randomly] Martin. r0nn3. kuya keem. scOtt. rOniel. lance. paolo. ara. chad. phi. james. rj. chrissy. matthew. chris. erick. rOcky. mike.

MORE THANKS -- (1) tristan, hMm what can i say? our history is long! i hate you but i love you and that wont change. you annoy the sh_t out of me and sometimes i just want to stab you but yet i keep the knifes in YOUR hands. thanks for everything! you were like a teacher to me teaching me how to act. your the reason I act the way I do with those.. "subjects". We have a bond and understanding that noone can fade. Thanks "forever" best friend for everything. (2) youssef, brother from another mother. it's been years now and i still can tell you everything and anything. even though at fairfax we don't chill all the time except during first period and at times afterschool we are still close and i still love you like whoa. i still do trust you with my heart and funny.. we still fight like siblings. maybe because we are :) wuhahaha aint' that right african boy ;D wuhaha just kidding. (3) marra, i know that i'm not there for you as much as i was back then. i don't know why? maybe because you never hit me up anymore!!! lolz but it's all good. just hit me up when you DO need me or when you DO need someone to lean on and all that other corny stuff ;D you are a great daughter and the best daugther i ever had. keep your kuya tristan in check *whipping noise* wuhaha ;D i know you hate him to be mentioned when your mentioned. yep, i know that feeling. well yeh like i said before: just holla when you need me!!

3xR -- you gotta love these boys. they are unfadeable ;D just felt like giving them a shout out. rOnne, known you since nov or sep of last year? glad that we can still talk after that one incident.. that we never and wil never talk about again. Yep, j01c3&r0nn3 friends forever. LOLz. phillip, hey kuya dOrkster! we don't talk as much as we should.. sorry for always being so busy. Thanks for always listening to me here and there! Good luck with _____. wuhehehe. rOniel, hey omarkion! ;D wuhahahaa thanks for the laughs! And just fck 'em haters. not everyone WILL like you ;P for why? *shrugs* cuz they are gay. wuahhaa. well hope you guys take care of yourself and stay out of trouble. if, when you need me my number is (___) ___-____. wuhaha you should have it. :)

unforgettable -- this is to the people i won't be seeing or already isn't seeing anymore. all because they had to go away =\ (1) kuya keemie! i miss you like mad and you have no idea how boring Fairfax is without you. we don't chill outside of Fairfax but when we do, damn.. we have fun! I'm praying every night that one day our paths will cross and it'll but just like old times. I hope you don't forget about me because I know damn well I won't forget about you. we are oceans away but still we talk, that's really showing some great ass friendship right there ;D nothing else to say but i miss you, i love you, and i hope you return. even if it'll be years from now. (2) ______, you ain't leaving forever so i ain't tripping as much ;D pwuhahaaha! but i still wish you never of left in the first place. we haven't known each other that long [feb nine 2003] but then we did go through things that test friendship to prove that the friendship is strong. i'm missing your sarcastic mean ass every time i pass by the haagen dazs! psssh, only if you could turn back the hands of time.. would you still of done what you did? =\ hope you come back soon, try not to change too much. i'm still missing your sweet ass! ;D "no matter wat u are always goin to be hot in my eyes..even wen u like 50..(all cus ur make sure u smile wen ur 50)" hahah dOrkkkkkkk, gosh i miss you.

WRITINGS: ' alexa ' alexis ' ana ' athy ' ben ' chad ' christie ' david ' erick ' elinor ' jackie ' jeff ' jericho ' jovi ' kevin ' lance ' len ' may ' myra ' paulaphi ' rei ' scOtt ' r0nn3 ' roniel '

in depths: this is my subprofile. i made it myself. i got it to link into that little box because of buddy4u, thanks by the way. but yes, this is my subprofile. and oh yeh, thanks lance ;D


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winter formalmy emokuya keemie!
my boys ;Dmanuel me kim tatianawe are family! ;D
too lazy to add more bbl ;D